Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 1169

Chapter 1169


Chapter 1169: Master chef Restaurant

Yuan Zhou scooped up a spoonful of rice directly with the spoon. The rice grains that had been dyed orange by the egg yolk emitted an alluring fragrance less than 15 centimeters away from his mouth. Then, Yuan Zhou stuffed it into his mouth without any hesitation. “Hiss, it’s quite hot.” As soon as the boiling hot rice entered his mouth, Yuan Zhou couldn’t help letting out a sigh. However, what followed was the fragrance of the egg. Perhaps it was just as the system had said, the chicken often ate grass, leaves, and petals, so the egg didn’t have the original fishy smell of the egg. Instead, it had an indescribable fragrance that made people chew it. The egg wrapped with the rice grains was cooked by the boiling rice, so it tasted soft and tender, just like egg custard, but also with the softness of a sweet egg. When the rice grains were chewed, the rice was mixed with the fragrance of the egg, which made it more delicious. “Hua”, Yuan Zhou scooped up another spoonful. It was soft and had the fragrance of the egg. It didn’t taste fishy at all and was very appetizing. “The great Dao is the simplest. The simpler it is, the more delicious it is.” Yuan Zhou ate up the entire bowl of rice quickly and couldn’t help sighing with emotion. “Oh, it’s time to prepare the sauce.” Yuan Zhou checked the time and then started to tidy up the Azure stone countertop. It was time for breakfast when Yuan Zhou prepared the two sauces for the baked egg cake. “Morning, master.” Cheng Han’s energetic voice was heard. “Morning, boss.” Zhou Jia’s voice was heard right after. Because of Cheng Cheng, Zhou Jia came to the restaurant earlier and earlier. The people waiting outside the restaurant hadn’t even arrived yet. “Yes, morning.” Yuan Zhou nodded his head. “Master’s husband, master’s husband, is today’s baked egg cake?” Seeing Yuan Zhou stirring the blueberry jam seriously, Cheng Han couldn’t be bothered to fight with Zhou Jia for work and thus hurriedly went up to ask. “Yes.” Yuan Zhou nodded his head. “This is the first time I’ve seen Grandmaster cook this. It looks delicious.” Cheng Cheng said emotionally as he drooled. “Take the towel.” Yuan Zhou raised his head and took a look at Cheng Han. Then, he decisively pulled out the towel that he usually prepared to dry his customers on rainy days. “Why did Grandmaster give me a towel?” Cheng Han asked innocently with a towel in his hand. “Wipe your saliva. Don’t let it drip on the table. Zhou Jia has just wiped it.” Yuan Zhou said primly. “Master, I’m not drooling.” Cheng Cheng’s pretty face was red, and she couldn’t help but retort. “I know, but I’m so hungry that I’m about to bleed, so I’m taking precautions.” Yuan Zhou said. “Pfft.” Zhou Jia couldn’t help laughing out while cleaning. “Cough, cough. Xiao Ling, you can’t blame me. I’ve been professionally trained not to laugh unless I can’t hold it in, hahahaha.” Zhou Jia first waved her hand to show her innocence and then burst into laughter. “You dare to laugh at me? Hmph, I’ll do all your things tomorrow. No, I’ll do all of them today and leave you with nothing to do.” Cheng Yu immediately threatened. “Cough, cough, cough. I can’t hold it in, really.” Zhou Jia immediately held back her laughter and said that. “This is more like it.” Cheng Cheng put his hands on his hips and looked fierce. “I’m really not laughing anymore. ” Zhou Jia said. Yuan Zhou, however, couldn’t help laughing at the two girls “teasing. Fortunately, he was wearing a face mask, so no one saw him laugh. With a sound of “Hua La La,” Yuan Zhou washed his hands again. “Grandmaster, I’ve calculated. In the time I’ve seen, you have to wash your hands twelve times a day,” Cheng Yu suddenly turned his head and said. “Being clean is the most important.” Yuan Zhou said. “But why haven’t the skin on your hands broken yet?” Cheng Han looked at Yuan Zhou’s hand curiously. Yuan Zhou’s hand was still as slender and long as before. His fingers were round and his nails were neat and a healthy pink color. His hand could even be used as a hand model. It should be said that Yuan Zhou’s hands were the most beautiful part of his body. “Practice your cooking more.” Yuan Zhou considered for a second and then said. “Practicing cooking can make your hands look better?” Cheng Cheng’s face was full of ‘don’t lie to me’. “Yes, I can.” Yuan Zhou thought for a while and then nodded his head. “Then I’ll start practicing tonight.” Cheng Yu immediately said. “Ask Zhao Mei to come to the shop tomorrow. Come earlier.” Yuan Zhou said. “My dad? What’s wrong? Grandmaster, are you dissatisfied with me in any way? I can change. ” Cheng Yu immediately asked nervously. “No, it’s going to be listed tomorrow.” Yuan Zhou said. “It’s good that you’re not. ” Cheng Cheng heaved a sigh of relief and then reacted.””Listing?” “Grand Master, you’re going to hang a signboard?” “Boss, are we going to hang the signboard?” Cheng Cheng and Zhou Jia asked in unison. Ever since Cheng Cheng had arrived, Yuan Zhou could often hear the duet. “I’m hanging up at ten in the morning tomorrow. ” Yuan Zhou nodded his head. “That’s great, we finally have a signboard. ” Zhou Jia was quite happy and was thinking about what kind of gift she could give Yuan Zhou. After all, hanging the signboard was a big deal. “By the way, what’s the name of the shop?” Cheng Yu asked curiously. “Of course it’s master chef Restaurant,” Zhou Jia said immediately. “That’s right, it’s this. ” Yuan Zhou said indifferently. “Okay, I’ll let my dad know. He’ll be very happy.” Cheng Han couldn’t wait to go home and inform her. He picked up his phone and dialed a number as he walked out the door. Cheng Han wanted to give his father more time to see what he should do. After all, this was his Grandmaster’s store, so he had to be careful. “Then, boss, can I tell you?” Zhou Jia looked at Yuan Zhou expectantly and asked. “Sure, but don’t be too flamboyant. Keep a low profile.” Yuan Zhou said. “Okay, boss, I’ll inform a few media outlets.” Zhou Jia immediately nodded her head and said. “Just don’t disturb me when I’m listing the cards.” Yuan Zhou nodded his head. “I definitely won ‘t. Don’t worry, boss.” Zhou Jia patted her chest and guaranteed. It should be known that Zhou Jia also had many ways to contact the media. After all, Yuan Zhou didn’t like news. However, many media wanted to interview Yuan Zhou. Therefore, she could only rely on the people around Yuan Zhou. Both Zhou Jia and Shen Min had received a lot of contact information. However, they were very well-behaved and never talked about Yuan Zhou or the restaurant in front of the reporters unless Yuan Zhou agreed. After that, Zhou Jia also took her phone and walked outside. That’s right. Nobody knew when the restaurant had formed such a tacit understanding. The customers who came to the restaurant and Zhou Jia’s group never made phone calls or played with their phones in the restaurant. Therefore, Yuan Zhou’s restaurant had another name on the internet, the nemesis of the humble people. Even if you were alone and didn’t like to talk, you wouldn’t look at your phone out of boredom. Instead, you would enjoy the atmosphere of the restaurant. Perhaps this was also a kind of charm of Yuan Zhou’s restaurant. After walking out of the restaurant, Zhou Jia naturally sent such a message in the group chat at once. [Boss is going to put up his signboard at 10 O’ clock in the morning tomorrow.] His little sister who worked part-time, Jiajia. As soon as Zhou Jia sent this message to the group, the group immediately became silent for a minute. Then, it was flooded with messages. Some were asking if it was true, some were expressing their shock, and some had already started discussing the gifts. All kinds of news flashed on the screen, and there were more than 99 messages in a minute. Zhou Jia, on the other hand, was busy replying. “A shop still needs to have a signboard.” Looking at the two busy people, Yuan Zhou thought in his heart. ……

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