Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 1406 - attracted by its reputation

Chapter 1406 - attracted by its reputation

Chapter 1406: Chapter 1406-attracted by its reputation

The door of the lounge was a single-door glass door, so it didn’t make a sound when it was pushed open. Inside, five beauticians in pink coats were still talking.

“Didn’t you say that Deng Xueli is 35 years old this year? why isn’t she married yet? she doesn’t even have a boyfriend.”

“Who knows? maybe she’s a lesbian. There are only a few men in our beauty salon, even in the head office.”

“You can’t say that. I think she’s just a little too strict and does things methodically. But other than that, she’s fine.”

The beauticians were all talking about manager Deng, Deng Xueli, but they didn’t know that she was standing behind them.

The young lady who had led them in wished she could pass out right now. After all, this matter was too embarrassing.

She was so embarrassed and angry that she did not dare to look at manager Deng’s expression.

It’s now 9:25:50. It’s been 55 minutes and 50 seconds since the break time. So, why are you still in the break room? Deng Xueli’s cold voice was heard.

When she said this, Deng Xueli, also known as manager Deng, was looking at the watch on her hand. The expression on her face was the same as when she had just entered the door, as if she had not heard these hurtful and even malicious words. There was no change in her expression, only a serious business-like expression.

“Hua Hua Hua” a series of sounds could be heard, all of which were the sound of the beauticians quickly getting up from their chairs.

These beauticians were not young. They all looked to be in their late twenties. They were all wearing pink coats and had their hair tied up in a bun. They had light makeup on their faces and looked very good. They also looked bright and beautiful.

However, when they looked at Deng Xueli now, their faces were pale and their eyes were evasive. They did not dare to speak at all.

“I’m asking you why you’re still in the lounge at this time instead of greeting guests at the front desk or preparing for the beauty treatment.” Deng Xueli looked up at the five people and asked.

“I, I ...”

“That ...”

“This, is ...”

They were speechless. Looking at Deng Xueli’s face, they were embarrassed and ashamed, unable to say a word.

“If you don’t come to work during the first time, the five of you will copy the rules three times according to the employee handbook. You are responsible for collecting them and handing them in by this week.” Xueli Deng said directly when she saw them stammering and not saying anything.

“Ah? Oh, sure, manager Deng. ” The young girl who led the way was stunned at first, and then quickly nodded.

After that, Xueli Deng walked out of the lounge and continued to patrol the store. She carefully checked the cleanliness of each beauty bed, the placement and storage of beauty products.

The whole process took about thirty minutes, and the five beauticians were as quiet as chickens doing their own things. They didn’t even dare to reply to the other beauticians who had finished their work.

It was not until Deng Xueli had finished the examination and left in her high heels that the five of them felt relieved as if they had been pardoned.

“I didn’t expect you to not be fined. Good, good.”

“Yeah, Deng Xueli didn’t get fined, but I don’t know if she’ll make things difficult for us in the future.”

“Actually, I heard that although manager Deng is strict, he rarely fined us. He did it according to the rules and regulations.”

“You’re so naive. You don’t care if we live or die when you’re sitting in that position. I guess it’s not good to directly fine you. Who knows what will happen in the future?”

Some of the five people were worried, some didn’t care, but some felt that since they didn’t argue at that time, it meant that the matter had passed.

Deng Xueli, who was being talked about, drove to the next beauty salon.

As a Senior Manager, and just like the gossip, she was only 35 years old and had an annual salary of over 500000 Yuan, but she did not get this for nothing.

Not only did she stay up all night, but she also started to patrol the shops in the morning. This was Deng Xueli’s normal life. Today, as usual, she didn’t finish patrolling the shops near Taoxi road until 11:30 pm.

“Hiss.” Deng Xueli, who had just gotten into the car, suddenly covered her stomach and leaned on the steering wheel.

About five minutes later, Deng Xueli’s face was pale. She stood up and picked up the tissue in front of the car to wipe the sweat on her forehead, then started the car and left the garage.

As she drove out of the garage, Deng Xueli nodded to the shop assistant outside the window and quickly left.

When the beauty salon was out of sight, Deng Xueli relaxed her back and said with a bitter smile,””I almost forgot that I haven’t eaten anything for the entire night and morning.”

“Let’s find a place to eat first. We’ll continue in the afternoon. ” Deng Xueli looked at her watch, which had just reached 11:35.

Just as Deng Xueli was searching for a restaurant near Taoxi road in her mind, the discussion of several people in the morning inadvertently came to her mind again.

It wasn’t that Deng Xueli cared about what those people said. She had heard even worse words, and they came from her closest family. These were just words from insignificant people, so Deng Xueli wouldn’t take them to heart. josei

She recalled the saying that boss Yuan served authentic Guizhou cuisine.

Just like those gossipmongers, Deng Xueli was indeed from Guizhou Province. She had been living in Chengdu for eight years, but she still missed the taste of her hometown from time to time.

The intense stomachache just now made Deng Xueli miss a dish she had cooked when she was a child.

“I heard that boss Yuan’s restaurant business is a rising business in Chengdu in the recent two years. His culinary skills are very good. Let’s go and try it out nearby.” Deng Xueli thought about it and drove straight to Taoxi road.

It really wasn’t far away. When Deng Xueli parked the car and arrived at the entrance of Yuan Zhou’s restaurant on Taoxi road, it was just 11:49 A. M. Lunchtime hadn’t started yet, but there were already a lot of people.

Deng Xueli was not a person who gave up easily, so she went straight to the line.

“It’s indeed a well-known shop. There are so many people. ” Deng Xueli pressed her stomach again and frowned.

“It’s a good thing I brought my computer. ” With this thought in mind, Deng Xueli took out her handheld computer and began to process documents such as reports.

This Deng Xueli was not eye-catching in the crowd, because many white-collar elites in the queue were also dealing with things on their mobile phones or handheld computers while waiting in line.

Deng Xueli was very lucky. In a short while, Zhou Jia announced the start of lunch time.

“Lunchtime starts now. The first 16 customers, please get your number first and wait to enter the restaurant for your meal. The rest of you can also get your number now,” Zhou Jia announced loudly.

The top 16 had always been regular customers. Of course, there were occasionally some new faces, but these people all had one thing in common-they were very rule-abiding.

After all, the queuing Committee had been watching them covetously.

When it was Deng Xueli’s turn, she had drawn the second number.

“Although it’s a little late, I didn’t waste my time waiting.” Deng Xueli took the number second to last and continued to wait.


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