Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 1469

Chapter 1469

Chapter 1469: Ordinary ingredients

Just as Zhou Shijie and the others were discussing the ranking of the dishes after Yuan Zhou’s name, Yuan Zhou was busy in the kitchen provided by the China Grand Hotel with his people.

It should be said that Yuan Zhou wasn’t busy at the moment. Instead, he was starting to patrol to see if there was anything that needed his help to dispatch.

As Yuan Zhou had already prepared all the ingredients in the early stage, it was time for him to fulfill his responsibility as the head chef.

“Head chef Yuan, I didn’t expect the ingredients provided by Huaxia hotel to be so good.” Qiu Ji picked up a potato and weighed it in his hand.

“The ingredients here are really good.” Cui Hang also nodded.

The Sichuan chef at the side also said,””This is also a state banquet. Of course, we have to provide the best ingredients.”

“I heard that the ingredients for the state banquet are specially supplied. They are planted and transported by professionals to ensure the safety, freshness, and perfection of the ingredients at every stage.” The Sichuan chef said.

However, when Yuan Zhou looked at the ingredients that they praised, he slightly knitted his brows and then said,””These ingredients aren’t bad, but they aren’t top-grade.”

“Um ...” The eight head chefs and the other assistant chefs were all stunned when they saw Yuan Zhou’s serious expression.

After all, Yuan Zhou was quite serious when he said that. And according to the prestige that Yuan Zhou had built up these days, he didn’t seem to be joking or a person who talked big.

In other words, Yuan Zhou really didn’t think these ingredients were top-grade.

The eight head chefs couldn’t help but have the same thought in their hearts at the same time: “Head chef Yuan, this isn’t even considered a top-grade ingredient. Don’t tell me that you usually use Dragon liver and Phoenix gall?”

The system appeared without any warning: “This system is the master chef system. It will help you learn both Chinese and Western cuisine to become the master chef!”


“What are you doing out of the blue?” Yuan Zhou said in his heart.

However, the system didn’t say anything else. Yuan Zhou collected his thoughts and put down the twitching system for the time being.

“If you have time to talk about ingredients, why don’t you think about how to display your skills?” Yuan Zhou continued.

“Yes.” The eight head chefs responded one by one.

Meanwhile, the assistant chef at the side began to prepare the ingredients in an even lower voice.

It was because Yuan Zhou really looked very strict.

After making a round of inspection according to the original plan, Yuan Zhou returned to his own kitchen range and continued cooking.

Time always flew by when one was busy. Soon, it was time for dinner, and everyone stopped working.

“Let’s go to the banquet hall now. ” After everyone had changed their clothes, Yuan Zhou said.

“Yes, head chef Yuan,” The eight head chefs responded one by one.

After changing his clothes, Yuan Zhou’s style didn’t change. He was still wearing clothes, but the color had changed into the opposite red on the top and black on the bottom. The belt had also become pure black.

He looked more relaxed than he did in the morning.

The other chefs had also changed into full suits and were ready to attend the banquet.

The few of them were here to exchange cooking skills, not to be chefs. Now that it was time for the banquet, they naturally began to head to the banquet hall. josei

Even Zhong Lili put down her hair that she usually tied up and walked beside Yuan Zhou in a dark blue evening dress. The two of them followed him at a distance of half an arm, not too far, not too close, which was quite appropriate.

As for the dishes they had prepared, they had already been sent to the banquet hall for people to taste.

The banquet started at 7:30 sharp. When Yuan Zhou and the others arrived, there were already quite a lot of people in the hall.

They were basically gathered in groups of two or three and talking to each other.

The banquet this time was in the form of a buffet. The surrounding area was filled with exquisite dishes, and in the middle was a large round table placed from the podium.

The format was also very simple. Everyone would take whatever they liked to eat and go back to their seats.

However, the dishes cooked by Yuan Zhou and the other head chefs were different. They were placed on a separate table in the middle.

These were naturally for the important political figures and chefs who were exchanging cooking skills.

This time, it was hosted by China, so China was naturally the host. As the person in charge of the event, he Zhenghong was accompanying the Thailand royal family, a middle-aged man wearing Thai-style clothing, and a foreign diplomat of Russia, as well as representatives from Korea and Japan.

He Zhenghong was introducing the dishes for tonight’s dinner to everyone.

Yuan Zhou entered the restaurant at this time. However, as soon as he and his people entered the banquet hall, a young man, who was he Zhenghong’s assistant, walked to Yuan Zhou.

“Hello, head chef Yuan. Mr. He has invited you over.” The young man approached Yuan Zhou and said softly.

“Alright,” he said. Yuan Zhou nodded his head.

“It’s like this. Right now, the Prince of the current King of Thailand and the foreign dignitaries of Russia are with Mr. He ...” The young man walked beside Yuan Zhou and introduced the people he was going to meet to Yuan Zhou quickly and clearly.

“Yes.” Yuan Zhou nodded his head.

“That’s all. Later, Mr. He will probably ask you to tell us the main course you prepared today. The other head chefs who are here for the cooking exchange will also explain one by one.” The young man said.

“But don’t worry, you can just explain it in Chinese. Everyone has brought a translator with them. Is yours properly equipped?” While saying that, the young man took a look at Yuan Zhou’s ear.

“Yes.” Yuan Zhou continued to nod.

“Okay. Then I’ll have to trouble you, head chef Yuan. We’re already here.” After the young man said that to Yuan Zhou, he quickly walked to he Zhenghong and whispered something into her ear.

At that time, Yuan Zhou was standing outside the circle. He Zhenghong, who had heard the whispers, smiled and looked at him with a gentle expression,””What I’m saying is the layman’s stuff. It’s better for the head chefs in the industry to say it.”

“This is the youngest head chef in the history of the Asia-Pacific Exchange, head chef Yuan Zhou.” He Zhenghong signaled Yuan Zhou to walk into the circle.

Yuan Zhou slightly nodded his head to greet him and then walked towards he Zhenghong.

Looking at Yuan Zhou’s neither servile nor overbearing manner, steady steps, and calm expression, he Zhenghong was quite satisfied.

After all, one’s external image was very important in Foreign Affairs.

“Where’s the Japanese representative, Mr. Nakagu?” He Zhenghong looked at Yuan Zhou walking to her side and then asked.

“Dashi-san, please step forward.” Mr. Nakagu was a kind-looking old man. He called dashi xiujie with a smile on his face when he heard that.

“Hi,” he said. Dashi xiujie lowered his head and answered yes. Then, he walked forward quickly.

He Zhenghong was also a person who knew how to deal with people. After a while, he even called the cooking representatives from Russia, Thailand, Korea, and India to come forward.

Now, the circle here was even bigger.

It was worth mentioning that apart from Yuan Zhou who was wearing the Han Chinese clothing, the Thailand royal family and the Japanese representatives were all wearing their own clothes.

The others were all in men’s suits, while the ladies were in evening gowns.

Even dashi xiujie was also wearing a suit.

“As the host of this event, we won’t stand on ceremony. I’ll ask head chef Yuan to introduce the dishes he has prepared today to everyone.” When he Zhenghong saw that everyone was here, he didn’t decline modestly and directly said.

That’s right, as China’s national power grew, China’s external official representatives became tougher in international exchanges like this. They were no longer modest.

As for the rest of the foreign representatives who heard he Zhenghong’s words, they didn’t know what they were thinking, but they still smiled.


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