Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2640

Chapter 2640

Chapter 2640: The street of homestay

Translator: 549690339

“Good evening, boss Yuan,”

When Tao Ran saw Yuan Zhou wash his hands and come out of the kitchen after washing the things in his hands, he immediately greeted him.

It wasn’t that she was afraid of Yuan Zhou because he always had a serious face. She didn’t mean it that way. Although Yuan Zhou always had a serious face, didn’t have a kind expression and had a strong aura, Tao Ran had been making a living since she was young. She could still clearly sense the kindness and evil intentions of others. Therefore, she wasn’t afraid of Yuan Zhou at all.

She was very grateful to Yuan Zhou, as if this was the only way to express her gratitude in her heart. She had always been polite.

“Good evening,” she said. Yuan Zhou slightly eased his expression and nodded his head, saying that.

“May I ask if there’s Peach Milk today?” Tao Ran asked in a low voice.

The first time she came to ask, Tao Ran asked about honey whitefungus, but she didn’t have it at that time. She happened to encounter milk peach gum, which she could afford, so she bought it.

Naturally, that day was etched in his memory along with the wonderful taste of the peach gum.

On this day of every month, she would come here to ask about it. If there were any, she would buy them back to have a sumptuous meal. This was a rare opportunity to eat the dishes cooked by Yuan Zhou, the king of Chinese chefs. Tao Ran cherished it very much.

For now, she was quite lucky. At least, every time she came, she would happen to come across a day where there was milk peach gum. Even so, Tao Ran would ask her every time. Otherwise, she would have come to ask for peach gum, and that would have been terrible.

After all, Tao Ran knew that milk peach gum and honey fungus were special offers and couldn’t be available at any time.

“Yes, there is. Do you still want one serving? you know how much it costs. Just transfer the money to me. Pass me the enamel jar, I’ll help you get it.” Yuan Zhou looked at the White enamel jar in her hand and said.

Previously, Tao Ran had also wanted to take the ingredients away. In fact, if Yuan Zhou hadn’t completed the mission and brought the ingredients out of the restaurant, he wouldn’t have been able to sell them even if he wanted to. One had to admit that little Tao Ran was really lucky.


Since it was a dish that needed to be taken away, Tao Ran was extra careful. She knew that the store didn’t have take-out yet, and only a few people had such a privilege.

Tao Ran was both happy and grateful. Naturally, she didn’t want to cause any trouble for Yuan Zhou. This was also the reason why she would count the number of people even if she came very early each time. She wanted to be at the end of the line.

“Thank you,” he said. Tao Ran said sincerely.

Yuan Zhou nodded his head and took the enamel jar from Tao Ran. He turned around and went back to the kitchen. After turning off the engine, he opened the lid of the enamel jar and poured all the bubbling milk peach gelatin into it. The enamel jar was just a finger’s distance away from the edge of the jar. Then, with a ‘pa’ sound, the lid was closed, covering the sweet fragrance that was constantly emitting out.

Although the enamel jar looked a little old, it was tightly covered and almost locked the smell inside, which was very good.

In fact, Yuan Zhou had intended to let Tao Ran carry the food container and leave at the very beginning. However, Tao Ran refused firmly. The dishes were already very cheap and he absolutely couldn’t let Yuan Zhou pay for the utensils. That would be too insensible. Therefore, he refused firmly.

Considering that the peach gum milk was actually a delicious dessert regardless of whether it was hot or cold, with each having its own flavor and wouldn’t lose its taste, Yuan Zhou agreed.

“Boss Yuan, I’ve already finished. Please take a look.”

As soon as he came out with the jar, Tao Ran immediately placed the mobile payment page in front of Yuan Zhou, letting him check it.

The cheapest smartphone could support the mobile payment function. In fact, if it weren’t for the fact that he sometimes needed to use the mobile payment function to settle his wages, Tao Ran wouldn’t have been willing to buy a mobile phone.

She didn’t have anyone she needed to contact. Her mother stayed at home every day. There was a landline at home, so she didn’t need a mobile phone at all. It was a waste of money.

After looking at it carefully, Yuan Zhou nodded to Tao Ran to confirm and then handed the enamel jar back to her, saying,””You’re welcome to come again next time. ”

“Thank you, boss Yuan,”

After thanking Yuan Zhou, Tao Ran turned around and left on his own initiative. He had already delayed Yuan Zhou for a while and couldn’t disturb him any longer. Therefore, he naturally wouldn’t stay any longer.

Yuan Zhou stood by the partition and watched Tao Ran walk out of the restaurant. Only after that did he turn around and go back to the restaurant to cook the next dish.

Tao Ran walked in the shop at a steady pace, but when she walked out of the shop, she immediately quickened her pace. Her house was two streets away from Taoxi road, Osmanthus Street. If she walked fast, she would be there in about ten minutes.

Without a moment’s delay, Tao Ran carried the jar steadily with both hands and quickly walked in the direction of his home.

There were a lot of people on Taoxi road, but Tao Ran had the ability to pass through the gaps nimbly. Not only was his movement dexterous, but the jar in his hand also did not shake at all. Like a fluttering butterfly, he quickly passed through the sea of people on Taoxi road.

After leaving Taoxi road, Tao Ran’s speed obviously increased. It didn’t take long for them to arrive at a slightly quieter Street.

The quietness was actually relative to the noisy Taoxi road. In fact, it was also a very lively Street. Of course, at the beginning, Taoxi road was half dead, not to mention Osmanthus Street, which was a distance away. However, with the rise of Taoxi road and Yuan Zhou’s increasing fame, Osmanthus Street became lively almost visible to the naked eye. josei

There were many kinds of homestay on this Street. Because it was close to Taoxi road, many people who couldn’t book a homestay on Taoxi road would choose Osmanthus Street.

Moreover, Guihua Street was the first street to vigorously develop homestay with Feng Taoxi road and had received strong support from the street administration. As long as travelers wanted to book the homestay on Taoxi road, they could choose Guihua Street as the next location besides the original one on Taoxi road. Compared with Qintai road next to Taoxi road, Guihua Street was obviously more popular.

It was not only because it was the first homestay on Taoxi road to be built, but also because of the unified management. The prices and other things were almost unified. There would not be a situation where the price would increase by four or five times during holidays. It was indeed more expensive during holidays, but there were still regulations.

Everyone affectionately referred to Osmanthus Street as the homestay Street. When this was mentioned, many tourists knew of this place. The street office Director of Osmanthus Street, director Zhang, was really grinning from ear to ear.

When Tao Ran returned to the familiar place, she quickened her pace. Tao Ran’s house was small, with only one bedroom and one living room. Even when she lived with her mother, it was still a little crowded. Her room was built half the living room away, so how could she have space for a homestay? even though they lived on the same street as the homestay, Tao Ran’s family couldn’t rely on it to live a better life. They were helpless.

“Mom, I’m back. Today, I bought the milk peach gum personally made by boss Yuan. I’m so lucky. You can try it again.”

Tao Ran pushed the door open and spoke in the direction of the bedroom in a light tone. Without waiting for the person inside to respond, he walked straight in that direction with an obvious smile on his face.

In the bedroom, a woman with a sallow face was leaning on the bed and trying hard to embroider something. She probably didn’t have much strength. Even though she looked skilled, every time the needle passed through the cloth, it was obvious that she didn’t have the strength to do it.

However, she gritted her teeth and persevered. It was only when she heard Tao Ran’s voice that she put down the needle in her hand and looked at the door with a calm smile on her face.


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