Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1211 - Sweet and Sour Qilin Meat vs. Abyssal Double Cooked Mea

Chapter 1211 - Sweet and Sour Qilin Meat vs. Abyssal Double Cooked Mea

Chapter 1211 Sweet and Sour Qilin Meat vs. Abyssal Double Cooked Mea

Abyssal Double Cooked Meat was this Abyssal Demon’s special dish.A cold smile brushed his lips as his dark golden eyes fixed at Bu Fang, his sharp teeth gleaming.


The bone wok was surrounded by heat and aroma. Those pieces of meat, which had been marinated and placed in the wok, had gradually begun to turn golden, and their skins also became crispy.

The Abyssal Demon couldn’t help but sniff at the aroma with an intoxicating look.

Far off, Bu Fang’s movements were neither too fast nor too slow. He filled the Black Turtle Constellation Wok halfway up with oil. Heated by the white flame, the oil began to boil, sending heat into his nostrils.

This was not an ordinary oil, but a kind of spirit beast oil. Bu Fang didn’t like to use vegetable oil, so he always used spirit beast oil in his cooking. Obtained by boiling the surface fat found in spirit beast meat, this oil contained the unique aroma of the spirit beast, and it could make the dish’s texture and flavor richer and more attractive.

The golden oil in the wok began to boil, and white foams kept rolling across its surface.

Bu Fang’s mind flickered and dumped the marinated meat into the oil. A sizzling sound immediately rang out as the oil enveloped the meat. Not long after, a strong fragrance drifted out of the wok, stirring one’s taste buds.

Using the other hand, Bu Fang prepared the seasonings.

The two competitors in the arena focused on their dishes, not even sparing a glance at their opponent. The most important thing for them now was to complete their dishes as best they could.

The dish Bu Fang wanted to cook this time was... Sweet and Sour Meat. He had some expectations for it, for the ingredient was Qilin meat.

The marinated Qilin meat gradually turned golden in the boiling oil. Bu Fang’s cooking style was different from that of the Abyssal Demon. The demon used his wok’s heat to make the meat’s surface crispy, while Bu Fang achieved the same result by deep-frying them.

Of course, both had their own advantages. Frying allowed the meat’s aroma to be wrapped under the top layer of oil and would only pour forth once the meat was bitten. As for the Abyssal Demon’s method, it relied more on his bone wok. The wok’s material would allow the meat to avoid being charred no matter how long they stayed in the wok. Moreover, meat roasted in this way was golden and gave off a strong fragrance.

It could be said that Bu Fang’s meat was reserved, while the Abyssal Demon’s meat was wanton. The styles were completely different.


Bu Fang scooped the pieces of meat out from the boiling oil. They still sizzled, making popping sounds and letting out steam as the oil boiled over their golden skin.

In the distance, the Abyssal Demon had also prepared the meat he needed. Pieces of golden and crispy meat were placed into a bone bowl. After that, he took out some spirit fruits and ingredients and cut them into thin slices with a sharp bone knife. When these thin slices were placed together, they looked colorful and attractive.

Abyssal Double Cooked Meat had extremely high requirements for meat quality and ingredients. Good ingredients could bring out the flavor of the meat and make it more delicious.

He heated the bone wok, which instantly changed color.


He poured in some oil, and when it reached the desired temperature, he added the sliced ingredients into the wok.

His spatula was made of bone as well. As he used it to stir the ingredients, those thin slices seemed to come to life and kept dancing fiercely in the wok.

It was a long time before they softened and stopped jumping. Once they were cooked, the Abyssal Demon laughed and added the meat.


Flames rose instantly, and he began to toss the wok. All the ingredients jumped up the air and fell back down into the wok repeatedly as wisps of hot steam drifted out of them. As the tossing continued, the ingredients were coated with a layer of glistening oil.


The demon sprinkled a tablespoon of aromatic vinegar into the wok, which caused the aroma in the wok to rush out instantly. A faint sweet and sour aroma permeated the air. Finally, bright rays burst out of the wok and towered into the sky.

“Perfect!” The Abyssal Demon looked excited as he grinned and showed his sharp teeth.

The Abyssal Double Cooked Meat was done!


He jerked the bone wok, and the dish in it immediately flew out and fell on a plate he had taken out just now.

Pieces of golden meat glistened on the plate with grease, while silk-like slices of ingredients lay twisting over them.

The Abyssal Demon shook his leathern wings, leaned over the dish, and gave it a deep sniff. As the delicious aroma entered his nostrils, an intoxicated look emerged on his face.

Far off, Bu Fang’s cooking had reached its final stage as well. The Sweet and Sour Meat was about to be completed.

He had crushed the Vermilion Fruit into a red puree with a wooden pestle and cut the golden Ananas Fruit into triangular pieces. The ingredients were ready.

After heating the Black Turtle Constellation Wok, he added the ingredients and fried them until they gave off a mouthwatering aroma. Then, he poured the Vermilion Fruit puree into the wok and continued stirring.


As the red puree mixed with the meat, they gave off a sweet and sour smell. However, it was not yet done. Bu Fang didn’t stop stirring. When the sauce in the wok thickened to the desired consistency, he added the fried Qilin meat and the triangular pieces of Ananas Fruit and stirred some more. After the Vermilion Fruit puree completely coated all the pieces of meat and Ananas Fruit, the dish was ready.

He produced a clean blue-and-white porcelain plate, placed it next to the wok, and poured the food onto it.

Hot steam rose from the dish. The Vermilion Fruit puree gave the Qilin meat and the Ananas Fruit an orange-red color that looked gorgeous, making it look very appetizing.

Bu Fang wiped the edge of the plate with a clean piece of cloth. Then, he took a step back, signaling that the dish, Sweet and Sour Meat, was done.

Wisps of immortal energy swirled over the dish. The rich immortal energy mixed with the aroma and hot steam, rising into the sky. Although the fragrance was strong, Bu Fang was surprised to find that he didn’t have to face a lightning punishment this time.

This was somewhat interesting.

Could it be that the lightning punishment of the dish was blocked in the inheritance?

This saved him a great deal of trouble.

In the distance, the Abyssal Demon had been squinting at him for a long time. Clearly, he was curious about Bu Fang’s dish.

The color of the Sweet and Sour Meat was very vibrant. Bu Fang’s way of exhibiting the dish was delicate, and the flavor of the dish was at its fullest.

While Bu Fang fought the Abyssal Demon in the Chef’s Challenge, there were similar challenges in the other arenas as well, and their opponents were all Abyssal Demons. Those demons looked different, and some were females. However, all Abyssal Demons were ugly, even when they were females.

Realm Lord Di Tai’s golden hair waved in the air as his hands moved constantly. His kitchen knife was spinning, and his ingredients were flying. He was very focused on his dish.

The Chef’s Challenge was not a joke. It was a life-or-death challenge, and the loser would end up as the winner’s food. Therefore, the Abyssal Demons, Bu Fang, and the others had done their best to cook.

Besides, because they could not sense the lightning punishment, they couldn’t tell how good their dishes were and whether they could suppress their opponents.

Naturally, their hearts would be filled with a sense of uneasiness.

Even Bu Fang, who was extremely confident of himself, felt slightly nervous at this moment. Holding his dish, he slowly walked to the center of the arena, where the Qilin meat was placed. The rack had changed into a table, which would be used to place their dishes. josei

Bu Fang’s dish was Sweet and Sour Qilin Meat, while the Abyssal Demon’s dish was Abyssal Double Cooked Meat. The two dishes looked somewhat similar in appearance, but they should be very different in taste.


A shaft of light descended from the sky and enveloped the table, surrounding both dishes.


Waves of air kept rushing down from it.

Bu Fang fixed his eyes at the table. The Abyssal Demon looked somewhat nervous too, and his nostrils were constantly breathing puffs of white air.

The outcome would decide their fate. How could they not be nervous?

Even the confident Abyssal Demon felt the pressure. He wanted to win the challenge. It was not easy for him to have an opportunity to come out for a breath, and he would be extremely aggrieved if he were defeated and became his opponent’s ingredient.

“This is the divine light that will judge the dishes. It will judge from various aspects,” said the Abyssal Demon, baring his gleaming sharp teeth. “Are you prepared to die? My Double Cooked Meat will taste even better if the main ingredient is tender human flesh...”

The demon’s laughter echoed through the whole arena.

Meanwhile, shafts of light fell onto the other arenas as well, enveloping the dishes cooked by the others.

Ying Ya and the others rubbed their palms and fixed their eyes at the light.

Ye Yun, as the genius of the Nether Chef Clan, was very confident in his skills. He would not be defeated by a bunch of savage beasts!


Suddenly, the light beam in Bu Fang’s arena began to flicker. Both Bu Fang and the Abyssal Demon’s pupils constricted at the same time.

The results were about to be revealed.

Even the people in the other arenas threw their glances over.


When the light beam disappeared, the whole arena fell silent, leaving only the Abyssal Demon’s rapid breathing.

Suddenly, Bu Fang and the Abyssal Demon twitched their ears, and their eyes focused. The next moment, the Abyssal Demon’s expression changed drastically. He found that sharp bones began to rise from under his feet.

“No! No!” The Abyssal Demon’s pupils constricted. He felt as if his body had been plunged in icy-cold water.

He was defeated?! How could he have lost?


The ground around the Abyssal Demon crumbled, from which bone spears thrust out. They transformed into a large palm and slapped toward him.

At this moment, his confidence completely turned into fear. Even then, the leathern wings on his back spread, and he turned and tried to crawl out of the bone arena.

However, as soon as he moved, he was pierced by numerous bone spears, and his blood spilled across the floor.

A look of unwillingness crept up his face...

He lost?!

Without question, the divine light had judged that his dish was not as good as Bu Fang’s. He lost the challenge. He had to pay the price now, and that was becoming Bu Fang’s ingredient.

The large palm came crashing down, while the bone spears kept devouring the Abyssal Demon.

Bu Fang’s pupils constricted as he watched the terrible scene in the distance.

A long time later, pale demon bones rose from the spears and gradually piled up in the arena, becoming part of the materials that made it.

It turned out that this was how the arena was built.

A bone rack emerged at where the Abyssal Demon had disappeared, on top of which was a chunk of meat. It was about the size of a basin, and without question, it was the Abyssal Demon’s flesh.

Abyssal Demons were Nether Chefs’ favorite ingredients, and they were best at cooking their meat.

Bu Fang clasped his hands behind his back and sighed softly.

This Chef’s Challenge was arguably the most brutal one he had ever faced. The price of failure was too great. The loser would not only die, but he would also become his opponent’s ingredient.

Bu Fang felt a lingering fear.

He put away the Abyssal Demon meat, then walked to the table in the center of the arena. There were two dishes on the table. One was his Sweet and Sour Qilin Meat, and the other was the Abyssal Demon’s Double Cooked Meat. Bu Fang took out a pair of bamboo chopsticks and began to try his dish and the demon’s dish.

Although he had won the challenge, he wanted to know what brought him victory.


Far off, the light beams in the other arenas began to flicker as well. It meant that their outcomes were about to be revealed soon.

Bu Fang turned his gaze to Realm Lord Di Tai’s arena and narrowed his eyes.

That arena’s light beam had disappeared. The fates of Realm Lord Di Tai and his opponent were about to be decided.

Bu Fang shoved an orange Sweet and Sour Meat into his mouth while staring ahead with a serious expression.

Realm Lord Di Tai’s arena began to shake.

“No! How could I lose the challenge?!”

However, before the outcome in Realm Lord Di Tai’s arena was revealed, Bu Fang heard an incredulous growl. He turned around and saw the arena where Ye Yun was in. Under the genius’s feet, bone spears began to rise.

The death caused by failure seemed to be slowly pressing upon him.

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