Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1731

Chapter 1731: Marquis Lang Gu

Chapter 1731: Marquis Lang Gu

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

A rain of blood fell on District B.

A terrible blast erupted from the purple-haired youth’s hand and rushed toward the army that was charging toward him. Just when all the nobles thought nothing had happened, something horrible unfolded right before their eyes.

In the blink of an eye, the Blood Guards that filled the sky were cut in half with a single slash. Their bodies were cut in half at the waist. Blood kept spurting out from their broken bodies and falling from the sky.

It was a spine-chilling scene. No one thought that this chef could really fight an army by himself!

Even Marchioness Moti was stunned. She had never dreamed of seeing this. Her Blood Guards were invincible and had swept across multiple universes. However, this purple-haired chef cut them all in half with just one slash!

One slash. He used only one slash to cut the mighty Blood Guards in half.

Countless body parts fell from the sky. The soldiers, cut in half, had lost their ability to recover. Their flesh was writhing, and soon their souls flew out of the broken bodies in panic and fled wildly in all directions. Even the ten Saints of the Great Path were slain by the slash!

Now, not only the nobles, but even Bu Fang in his spirit sea was dumbfounded.

‘Qilin is indeed... the boss of the five Artifact Spirits,’ he thought to himself.

“White Tiger, you still have a lot to learn,” Gold Dragon said as he twisted his long body.

White Tiger grunted arrogantly and looked away.

Among all the Artifact Spirits, Qilin’s strength was the strongest, so the strength he could exert after possessing Bu Fang was naturally very exceptional. Of course, when Bu Fang stepped into the realm of the Chaotic Saints, the strength that the other Artifact Spirits could exert would be even stronger. When the time comes, White Tiger could achieve this as well. But not now.

Purple-haired Bu Fang had an evil smile on his lips that sent chills down the backs of all the nobles. If the impression the dark-haired Bu Fang gave them was cold and arrogant, and the white-haired Bu Fang was proud, then the purple-haired Bu Fang was evil. When they looked at him, they felt they were staring at death.

Marchioness Moti’s face became very ugly. ‘Is this the fighting prowess of a duke? How is this even possible... How could this chef possess such strength?!’

In the distance, purple-haired Bu Fang flexed his wrist, then he made the Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife spin in his palm.

“What are you waiting for, little lump of iron? This is a feast for you,” he said with a half-smile.

Holding the spear in its hand, Whitey’s mechanical eyes lit up. The next moment, its abdomen turned into a black vortex. A powerful suction burst out of it as if to suck everything into its belly.

Up in the sky, the souls of the Blood Guards were trying hard to flee, but the force began to pull them toward Whitey’s stomach. None of them could resist it, and they all looked frightened.

“You are too unbridled!”

Marchioness Moti was fuming. If the souls of these Blood Guards were sucked away by that puppet, then her army would be wiped out, and she would become the laughingstock of everyone in Void City. She could not bear such humiliation at all! She was a marquis, and she could not allow a chef to wipe out her army!

Clutching the bloody knife, she lunged frantically toward Whitey. She wanted to destroy this puppet!

All the nobles watching the fight sucked in their breath. They still remembered Bess’s desperate face and her tragic end. To them, this puppet was not the Clothes-Stripping Crazy Demon, but a monster who ate humans without spitting bones!

Out of her anger, Marchioness Moti unleashed her greatest strength. Chaotic energy churned over her head. A closer look would reveal that she had almost hundreds of strands of Chaotic Energy. The numbers were impressive.

Surrounded by Chaotic Energy, the knife went straight at Whitey. However, before it could reach its target, it was blocked by a kitchen knife. The clash of the bloody knife and the golden kitchen knife produced a deafening clang, which shattered the void around them.

“How dare you swing your knife in front of me? Are you looking for death?”

Marchioness Moti’s voice was cold. The next moment, she spun her bloody knife. Thousands of knives shot out of the blade and flew toward Bu Fang to cut him to pieces. This was a fearsome killing move.

However, purple-haired Bu Fang just smiled evilly. Without hesitation, he raised the Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife and began to swing it. With just the kitchen knife, he shattered all the bloody knives that were closing in on him. His movements were so fast that people gasped as they watched.

In a flash, the two of them were fighting each other. The kitchen knife and the bloody knife kept colliding, but each collision sent Marchioness Moti flying backward.

The duke-level pressure emanating from Bu Fang made her face look very ugly. His every move was filled with terrifying power. She felt that not only was she starting to have difficulties in fending off his attacks, but she was also gradually falling into a disadvantageous position.

‘Is he really just a chef? Why would a mere chef who isn’t even a Chaotic Saint give me duke-level pressure? I don’t believe this is real!’

She began to fight with a barbarous knife technique. Every move she made seemed to shatter the stars.

However, purple-haired Bu Fang was still very relaxed. This attitude of his irritated Marchioness Moti again. She felt that he was humiliating her!

In the distance, Whitey was absorbing the souls excitedly, its mechanical eyes flashing.

Foxy and Shrimpy were guarding it. Whenever some of the surviving Blood Guards tried to stop Whitey from absorbing the souls, the little fox would unleash a Soul Demon meatball and blow them apart. The two little fellows were like the fiercest gatekeepers, charged with killing anyone who stood in Whitey’s way.

Countless souls struggled as they were being absorbed by Whitey. The more souls it absorbed, the stronger its aura became. The scene sent chills down the backs of the nobles.

“What kind of monster did this chef bring with him? Is District B going to be turned upside down now? Who else could stop him? The other marquises?”

Some nobles thought of that possibility, but they also felt that this idea was somewhat impractical. The three marquises striking together just to defeat a chef? This was just... too much, wasn’t it?

While many people were in a daze, Marchioness Moti kept growling and swinging her knife. One after another, streaks of knife energy swept out in all directions, hitting many buildings and reducing them to ruins. However, none of the terrible knife energy could get close to purple-haired Bu Fang.

“You’re a grumpy woman.” Purple-haired Bu Fang smiled evilly and shook his head.

“I... I will kill you!”

Marchioness Moti had never been so humiliated. She swung her bloody knife again, but this time, it was blocked by the golden kitchen knife.

Bu Fang looked at her, his eyes shining with a purple glow. The next moment, their eyes met.

Marchioness Moti’s heart gave a jerk, and she suddenly felt a tremendous pressure weighing down on her. Her spirit sea began to boil, trying to resist the pressure.

“I forgot to tell you something. My strongest ability is not wielding a kitchen knife but using mental force.” Purple-haired Bu Fang chuckled.

That gave Marchioness Moti pause. The next moment, her face became completely blank. The clattering of hooves rang out in her spirit sea as a Qilin glowing with purple light descended. Her mental force surged to fight against the Qilin, but it was ripped to pieces!

She coughed up a mouthful of blood.

The nobles who were watching nearby felt chills run through them.

“Is Her Excellency... no match for this chef?!”

“Why is this chef so strong? Does he really possess the strength of a duke? How else could he suppress a marquis?”

Now, no one thought Bu Fang’s claim that he would fight against an army alone was a joke. It seemed that only dukes could defeat him now, since even Marchioness Moti had failed to stop him.

“What should we do? Is District B really going to be defeated by a chef?”

As all the nobles were getting anxious, they heard drum beats. It was not loud and seemed a little scattered. The next moment, however, it suddenly became very loud as if it was the evening drum in a monastery, ringing in everyone’s ears and shaking their eardrums.

Soon, a figure could be seen striding from the depths of District B. It was not a woman this time, but a rather coquettish man. In his hand, he held a pellet drum, which he was turning from side to side.

With the appearance of this man, the nobles were all in an uproar!

“It’s Marquis Lang Gu! A second marquis at last!”

Many people were filled with joy. Since a marquis could not defeat the chef, what about two? It had been hundreds of thousands of years since two marquises joined forces!

The sound of the rattle swept out in all directions like waves over an ocean. Marchioness Moti coughed up another mouthful of blood. With the help of the drumbeats, she finally escaped the gaze of purple-haired Bu fang. Leaning against her knife, she landed on a building, gasping fiercely.

“There’s something odd about this chef!” she said.

Marquis Lang Gu slowly descended from the sky and walked up to Marchioness Moti, twisting his waist with every step. His face was covered with a thick layer of powder, which made him look... weird.

“Oh, little Moti, who bullied you? Come, let this sister avenge you...”

He chuckled, covering his mouth with one hand. At that moment, he felt that he was the most beautiful person in the whole Void City. He glanced at purple-haired Bu Fang, then lifted the rattle and gave it a gentle twist.

Dong! Dong!

The rattle seemed to beat at the same rate as Bu Fang’s heart. It gave him a very uncomfortable feeling. Many nobles could not stand the rhythm either. Their faces turned deathly pale as they opened their mouths and coughed up blood.

Meanwhile, Whitey had almost finished absorbing all the souls. Marchioness Moti could not save her army even if she went up to stop it now. She immediately vented all her anger and killing intent on purple-haired Bu Fang.

“What is this trick?” In Bu Fang’s spirit sea, he clutched his chest with one hand and frowned.

“That is the Soul Crushing Rattle. Don’t be fooled by its appearance. It’s not just a rattle, but a very famous weapon in Void City!” said the Black Turtle. As the Artifact Spirit who had lived the longest, he was the most knowledgeable.

“Then how am I going to resist it?” Bu Fang asked. He felt his blood boil and his heart almost explode.

“It’s easy to resist it... Qilin knows what to do,” the Black Turtle said. Then, he quieted down and said no more. josei

Purple-haired Bu Fang narrowed his eyes. The sound of the rattle was so piercing that it was useless to cover his ears. Looking at the coquettish Marquis Lang Gu, who held his little finger up like a woman, purple-haired Bu Fang slightly lifted the corners of his mouth, revealing an evil smile.

Sonic attacks? Who did not know something about music these days?

He put away the Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife and took out the Qilin Transmigration Ladle. Then, he took out the normal-sized Black Turtle Constellation Wok. With the ladle in one hand and the black wok in the other, Bu Fang grinned. Then, he hit the bottom of the wok vigorously with the ladle.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

Purple-haired Bu Fang beat the wok rhythmically. Marquis Lang Gu, who was twisting his rattle in the distance, was stunned, and his face stiffened. The harsh noise had interrupted his rhythm.

The corner of Marchioness Moti’s mouth twitched, and the nobles were speechless. They never knew that woks and ladles could be used in this way!

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