Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1769

Chapter 1769: Call for Support

Chapter 1769: Call for Support

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Nethery’s voice was indifferent. At this moment, she was giving off an unusual air. It was completely different from the person she used to be. And not only had her cultivation base skyrocketed, but her mindset had also changed.

Fortune Flatbread was indeed heaven-defying, and its enhanced version was even more incredible. Naturally, Nethery’s cultivation base and mindset in ten thousand years later would be far beyond her present level. After all, a person’s mentality would change after living for a long time and experiencing many things.

Soul remained in a state of stupefaction, and her eyes were glazed.

The outcome of the battle between the three Cursed Goddesses was beyond everyone’s imagination. Soul, who was the most likely to win, lay on the ground in misery, and Nethery, who was the least likely to win, became the real victor.

The cursed snakes flicked their tongues, their terrifying aura spraying at Soul’s face and filling her with a true sense of despair.

In the distance, the pupils of the three Great Soul Overlords narrowed. They could not believe that the girl managed to defeat Soul, who had the Spear of Sin in her hand. Although the spear was only a clone, as the weapon for Soul God, it was a supreme artifact. How did the girl suppress it so easily?!

They moved. Their aura erupted, filling the air with a rumbling sound like the collapse of a great mountain or a sweeping tsunami. For a moment, the sky darkened and the ground trembled. The Soul Demons behind them also threw their heads back and howled.

Duchess Nightmare and Duchess Yunlan exchanged a glance and saw the grave look in each other’s eyes. Then, they spun, stepped up into the air, and faced the army of Soul Demons from afar. Marquis Lang Gu and others followed. Now that the two dukes were here, they were confident to face the enemy.

Like the monkeys that scattered after the tree fell, the nobles who had chosen to stand behind Soul quickly gathered behind the dukes, forming a powerful army. Although this army did not have cohesiveness, no one could question its fighting prowess.

Houtu was overjoyed. She had thought that everything was about to be over for them. It never occurred to her that Nethery would give her such a surprise. ‘I can’t believe the chef’s dish actually had such a magical effect, allowing Nethery to suppress Soul in an almost crushing manner...’

For a moment, Houtu was very curious about the Fortune Flatbread. However, that was not the most important thing now. What mattered was that they had won! The contest for the throne of Void City had become suspense again. Or rather, they went from having no chance at all to having a 50-50 chance of winning against Soul.

Holding the Bow of Bliss, Houtu focused her eyes.

In the distance, a distraught Soul was taken away by the three Great Soul Overlords. She still seemed unable to accept what had just happened. She could not understand why a piece of flatbread could give Nethery, a mere Saint of the Great Path, the power to defeat her.

Duchess Yunlan appeared at Nethery’s side. Her eyes narrowed as she watched her aura gradually subside, then turn from an overbearing female overlord to the close-mouthed Nethery, with whom she was very familiar.

Although she was Nethery’s guardian, Duchess Yunlan did not hold out much hope for her. She never thought that Nethery would give her such a great surprise and earn her such great glory!

Duchess Nightmare, on the other hand, looked at Nethery with a somewhat complicated gaze. Because of a piece of bread, the most useless Cursed Goddess had crushed Soul... In any case, the crisis was considered over. Their biggest problem now was the army of Soul Demons in front of them.

The army from the Soul Demon Universe was the trickiest. Even the two dukes felt quite stressed when facing the three Great Soul Overlords and the remaining half of the army.

Supported by Gluttony Great Soul Overlord, Soul was distraught. “Wake up... You’ve only lost a battle. The throne of Void City is yours! This is the will of the Soul God!” said the Great Soul Overlord.

That brought clarity back to Soul’s mind, and her eyes became livelier. He was right. Her goal was to ascend to the throne of Void City. She wanted to celebrate the awakening and the arrival of the Soul God with the noble identity. So, how could she lose heart because of one defeat?

Soul’s gaze became sharp once again. The three Great Soul Overlords stood behind her, their aura joining as one.

She knew very well that even though she was defeated, the throne of Void City was still hers. Because she was not alone. She had the entire Soul Demon Universe standing behind her! She was supported by the army of Soul Demons and the Great Soul Overlords! These were powers that Nethery, who had won by cunning means, did not have.

Even though the nobles of Void City had returned to those dukes and formed an army, they could never be compared to the forces behind Soul, which included the army of Soul Demons and the army of exiles, whose minds had been manipulated. The difference in their numbers was too huge.

It would be fine if there was only the army of exiles, but the army of Soul Demons... It was the true terror!

“Stop being so indecisive... Crush them and destroy them now!” Envy Great Soul Overlord took a step forward and growled. The mighty power of sin exploded out of him.

Meanwhile, in the camp at the other side of the sky, Lord Dog waved his paw, causing Envy Great Soul Overlord’s aura to stagnate. The paw had left a deep impression on him.

Er Ha also raised his golden spicy strip and gave it a wave. That made the corner of Greed Great Soul Overlord’s mouth twitch uncontrollably.

“Attack!” Gluttony Great Soul Overlord put on a cold face and shouted the order. The army of Soul Demons behind him charged forth once again.

Without the chef’s dark cuisine, who could stop the army of Soul Demons this time? Void City had never expected the Soul Demons to appear with this kind of means. Otherwise, if given enough time, they might be able to construct a line of defense to resist the army.

The moment the battle broke out, the army formed by the nobles of Void City and the army of Soul Demons locked each other in a violent slaughter. War was destined to be bitter. The sky turned dark, the ground shook, and a chilly murderous aura filled the air. Countless buildings were brought down, and the ground cracked.

Everywhere was turned into a cruel battlefield. Meanwhile, the high-end combat forces were fighting as well. The three Great Soul Overlords gave everything they got. They were strong, not weaker than dukes, so although Nethery’s side had four duke-level experts, they barely held down the three Great Soul Overlords.

Nethery and Houtu landed in front of the restaurant and came up to Bu Fang, who was sitting on the ground. The battle continued to be fought out in the sky.

Whitey was guarding Bu Fang. Any Soul Demon who crossed the line of defense and approached him would have its head crushed by it. As it devoured souls, Whitey’s fighting prowess began to grow. It might not be as good as a duke, but it was no longer vulnerable if it were to fight a duke.

Maybe it was Soul’s order, or maybe it was the hatred of the three Great Soul Overlords on chefs; Soul Demons kept breaking through the defense line and approached Bu Fang, trying to tear him apart! Of course, they were all crushed by Whitey!

The battle turned white-hot in an instant. In fact, the army of Void City was retreating. After all, Soul Demons’ fighting prowess was extremely strong. Besides, they were not easy to kill and were easy to resurrect. These were all the characteristics of Soul Demons.

The best way to kill them was with dark cuisine, just like what Bu Fang had done. However, preparing dark cuisine was a very technical job, so not everyone could cook dark dishes.

There was no cohesion among the nobles of Void City from the beginning. Some people just ran away in the middle of the fight when they found that the situation was not right. So very quickly, the army of Void City was routed.

Except for the top combat forces, which were still fighting, Void City’s army was utterly defeated. The top Soul Overlords who had no more opponents to fight went to join the battle of the high-end forces, bringing even more pressure to the dukes.

Duchess Nightmare’s face was dark. Her gaze swept over the battlefield and found that the army of Soul Demons was wreaking havoc.

She was being attacked by a few top Soul Overlords, and coupled with the pressure brought to her by Gluttony Great Soul Overlord, she was showing signs of losing. It was also because the battle with Duchess Tianlian had made her less fit than before.

The countless Soul Demons made Duchess Nightmare and Duchess Yunlan smash to the ground. They jumped backward and retreated to the restaurant’s boundary.

After forcing back two Great Soul Overlords, Lord Dog and Er Ha retreated to the restaurant as well. Holding the Death Spicy Strip at the corner of his mouth, Er Ha squinted at Bu Fang.

“Bu Fang young man, this is not an easy battle... There are too few of us. Without your dark cuisine, these Soul Demons are not easy to deal with. The more we kill, the more Soul Demons show up...”

Sure enough, chefs were Soul Demons’ nemesis.

All the nobles had fled, and only a few familiar faces landed in front of the restaurant. Bu Fang rose to his feet, patted the dust on him, then led the crowd into the restaurant. The door closed with a crash, isolating the people inside from the din of the battle.

Inside the restaurant, the crowd’s spirits were low. Nethery had defeated Soul, but that changed nothing. Soul’s trump cards and forces were too... formidable. With the entire Soul Demon Universe as her backup, she basically had zero chance of losing.

Marquis Lang Gu and the others were covered with wounds. Viscount Ash’s face was pale, and she had depleted almost all her energy. Master Zhen Yong wore a bitter face, and he had thrown out his entire stock of pills.

The situation had become even more critical now. The Soul Demons had surrounded the restaurant. Suddenly, the Great Soul Overlords’ loud laughter rang out in the sky.

“These guys can only hide under the rock like turtles now! Attack! Flatten this restaurant!”

Gluttony Great Soul Overlord’s bellow echoed throughout the vault of heaven. Then, he took the lead to attack. The power of sin surged around him as he threw out his palm. The next instant, a huge palm fell from the sky and smashed the restaurant, trying to flatten it.

A loud boom rang out, and the ground around the restaurant all burst apart. However, the restaurant itself, which suffered the strongest blow, remained intact. The people inside the restaurant were amazed, and the two dukes were very curious.

“Is the Queen of Curses really not going to do anything? Void City is already plunged into chaos.”

Inside the restaurant, Bu Fang held a cup of hot tea and was slowly sipping it. Nourished by the tea, his spirit sea was gradually recovering.

“The Queen will do something when the time comes...” Duchess Nightmare said with a cold face.

‘Perhaps something really happened to the Queen of Curses...’ Bu Fang thought to himself. He shook his head and looked at Duchess Nightmare, who tried her best to maintain the Queen’s reputation. He said nothing to her. ‘It’s not really a good idea to rely on a queen whose current status is unknown. It seems we have to rely on ourselves...’


The restaurant suffered another heavy blow. This time, the three Great Soul Overlords struck at the same time. The power of their attack was almost enough to turn Void City upside down. However, it still did not break the restaurant.

The defense of the restaurant provided by the System was superior. This was something that Bu fang had known for a long time, but others did not know this. It had resisted the Great Soul Overlords’ attack several times, but what should they do when it could no longer withstand the blow and burst apart?

The crowd was very nervous, but Bu Fang remained cool. He leaned back in a chair, holding the cup, and was sipping the bright green tea while eating an oyster pancake.

When the last sip of tea was finished, Bu Fang rose slowly from his chair.


The restaurant shook again, and the ground around it cracked instantly. Bu Fang exhaled and focused his eyes. Then, he shook his hand and produced a recipe, which glinted goldenly.

“Hmm... It’s time to call for support and launch a counterattack...”josei

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