Grand Dad Is The Pervert God

Chapter 152 The Meeting Point

Chapter 152 The Meeting Point

The carriages continued onwards on their journey.

Ngozi had long gone to take care of those tracking them.

Caren rested on her sword as her eyes were closed in a sleep state.

However, she suddenly shot them open. "stop the carriage!"

Victoria had heard her well, and with the tone and manner at which Caren had said it, it seemed like something was wrong.

Victoria ordered the driver to stop the truck and he immediately did.

Like a gust of wind, Caren moved. One minute, she was there and the next, she wasn't.

After a few seconds turned to minutes, Victoria was getting worried and out of curiosity, she propped her head outside.

All of a sudden, a head popped through the carriage window, "are you also one of my king's wives?"

The question had come so suddenly scaring her back.

Shade smiled at Victoria. Her long forked tongue hissed through the air a bit as if she was trying to catch a particular scent.

"I can't smell his essence in you. But I can tell he has touched you before. Hi there, I am Shade. Princess of the Snake tribe."



Victoria was left speechless and tongue tied. However, she did remember in the Letter that came mentioning this Medusa Princess coming to guide them to Eros's location.

Shade continued, "I will guide you to our nest." She had barely finished talking when the carriage started moving.

"Wait!" Victoria cried out, "what of Sisters Caren and Ngozi?"

"Don't worry, Amanda is taking care of that."


Ngozi materialized at another point from the shadow pool.

Behind her were the echoes of loud laughter belonging to Annie.

She struggled a bit as she straightened out on the tree.

She looked a bit to her side, it was just as she feared. She was bleeding and it was not good.

"Shit!" she cursed in a low tone.

She placed her hand on it as her soul energy was activated to heal the wound.

Because of how Eros had touched her in the past, her meridians had been morphed to accommodate the acceptance of Primordial energy.

Surprising as it might have been, she now used Celestial energy.

Even though her technique was of the shadows, at the core of it all, it was still Celestial energy.

She used her celestial energy on the wound, however, the healing was just too slow.

This was evidence that the wound was poisoned by something most terrible.

After all, Celestial energy was very special if she could not heal even with this, then it meant that the poison was either of Primordial grade or the cultivation difference between her and her opponent was just too large.

Considering how Primordial energy was rare, then it was probably the latter.

She tore a piece of her robes and made an emergency first aid on the injury.

Her time as a pirate had thought her a lot of things.

Amongst which was treatment for an injury.I think you should take a look at josei

However, she was barely done when she felt a blade at back.

"Got you!" Annie whispered.

However, she managed to move over to the side, bare dodging the attack.

She opt to slip into the shadows again, but Annie threw more of her devices that brightened the place up.

"Where do you think you are going to, you slut?" Annie Screamed at her as she rushed at her with her blades.

This was a fight between a Tracker and an assassin. Both of them used blades when fighting, but unfortunately, Ngozi was at a disadvantage.

The reason was a simple one.

As an Assassin, being in the open was a death sentence.

As a Tracker, a target in the open was as good as caught.

These were just basic principles.

To add fuel to fire, Annie's cultivation was higher than Ngozi's.

While Ngozi was at the fourth level of the Soul disciple realm, Annie was at the eighth.

She was a very formidable enemy.

In fact, If not for her superior technique from Eros added with her celestial energy, she would have been a goner from the very first attack.

It was usually in cases like this that the quality of Soul Energy played a significant role.

Even though there was a difference of four levels between them, Annie was not able to get a swift kill.

And this was on top the other advantage that she had forced Ngozi out into the open.

To be sincere, it actually frustrated her. After all, she could tell that the opponent was weaker than her. But every strike and hit she gave, Ngozi seemed to elude her like an apparition she couldn't reach.

However, it did not stop her from trying harder.

She attacked again and again and again.

Annie could tell that Ngozi was at her wits end. Sooner or later, she was going to get her.

And so she persisted.

However, Ngozi suddenly stopped moving.

She raised her head to Annie, as if to welcome the death she was to be delivered into.

Annie gave a cocky smile. Everyone had when they had had enough and willing to let it just go.

However, as she dove in with her blades, she suddenly felt the kiss of a blade about to reach her neck.

Those that dabbled with the blade at the edge could sense when there was trouble. The only difference between most was the reaction timing to the danger at hand.

Annie turned just in time to raise her hands against a big broad sword sweeping down on her like a whirling storm.

However, the force of it was too much for her blades to handle, Sweeping her away like Trash.

She could not hold her own to the force that blew her away.

She had barely even registered the sight of the opponent before she felt yet again, another danger from behind.

Because of her trade, she was quite flexible.

She turned in mid air as she tried to balance herself.

However, before her vision was the whip of a tail heading right for her face...

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