Grand Dad Is The Pervert God

Chapter 130 The Chaos At The Viscount's Birthday Party.

Chapter 130 The Chaos At The Viscount's Birthday Party.

Lightning sparks went out in the air as Eros sent his attacks for Viscount.

However, she was very fast. Her legs moving like she was following in mid air.

However, she did not close the distance between them, rather, she created more gaps.

From this action and her quick steps, Eros instantly knew that she was a long distance fighter.

Just as he had guessed, she waved her hands and a big cross bow appeared from thin air.

The size of which was not something that aa girl of her statue should be waving around.

However, she did.

And she did it so lightly and effectively that it left one Wondering if she was running around with a toy.

She pointed the cross bow at Eros and pressed sharply on the trigger.

*Fop!fop!! Fop!!!*

Arrows whistled through the air as they rushed for Eros.

However, Eros waved his hands and lightning snaked through the air turning the arrows into dust.

Viscount frowned at this.

Those arrows were not normal arrows. After all, he weapon was not a normal one.

This was a Soul weapon. It's aim was true to it's target as her heart was.

There were supposed to be very strong, fast and effective.

But Eros destroyed it with a wave of his hand with his lightning like it was an annoying pest buzzing in the air.

From the moment Eros released his Lightning, she instantly knew his cultivation level. After all, it was very well below her's.

She was at the 12th stage of the Soul Apostle realm. Meanwhile, Eros was at the Sixth stage of the soul Apostle realm.

The difference between their realms was very far. Eros was within the lower ranks of the realm and Viscount was within the higher ranks of the realm.

However, Viscount knew and had heard from Bunny about Ero's Soul energy.

Even now, it was quite obvious that it was of a different kind.

Even within this quick attacks, she could tell that his soul energy was different than the usual. If she was to put a word on it, then it would be that his soul energy was pure.

In fact, it was just too pure.

It was no wonder he was able to see her attacks coming.

She frowned as she readied her cross bow for another attack. This time around, the tip of the arrows glowed in an eerie red light.

"If you will not get out of my way, I will have to force you out!" She stated angrily.

However, Eros had moved.

*Mirror steps!*

He activated his movement technique, closing the distance between both of them as he brought his hand for a heavy punch.

His fist magnified before her face. The surprise of the attack overwhelmed her.

She readied her self for the hit, however...

*Boing! Boing!!

She felt the five fingers of his hand sinking into one of breasts.




Everyone was speechless about this.

*Boing! Boing!!*

He squeezed once more.

In her anger, she gave him a kick that landed right in the chest.

Eros was sent flying a gidd distance. However, he tumbled in the air and landed on the ground in a very heroic stance.

He looked in her direction, "that bra is too tight. You should let it breath a little."

Her cheeks went red, and she stomped her feet in anger.

Eros had just embarrassed her in front of her juniors.

However, for Eros, things were just getting interesting.

The embarrassment Viscount felt made the Divine shard in Eros's chest vibrate fiercely.

This was what he needed. This was him embarrassing a woman in a powerful situation.

Eros fingers danced in the air. He could not wait to have another feel.

Just then, a loud scream came from behind him.

Eros did not even need to look back to know that it was from the auction room.


The crowd gasped, and then an older lady SCREAMED loudly. After all, this was murder in plain sight.josei

The piece of glass in the Auction Master's neck had cut deep.

A jet of blood like the rushing of spring water darted out of his neck in successions. The Auction master staggered a little and then he fell straight to the ground.

His eyes showed his unwillingness to die. However, that was not in his hands but his unfortunate demise was long set in stone.

His hands held his neck in an attempt to hold back his gushing blood, but it was all in vain.

If he could, he would have commanded his blood to still stay within his body, this too was out of his abilities. In this manner, his eyes remained opened as death wrapped her fingers around him and whisked his soul away.

The crowd panicked and many people screamed.

Some immediately ran for the exit, and the guards immediately surrounded the culprit of this unfortunate incident.

Of course, it was none other than the Clown.

In his hand was his crushed glass. It was a piece of it, wrapped in his soul energy that he had thrown straight for the Auction master's throat.


Regardless of Viscount Peter's guards that had surrounded him, he did not move. Rather he whistled a tune.

It was as if there did not exist.

Till this moment, his eyes was still on the Emperor's Tablet that remained on the stage.

"You have killed in the house Of Viscount Peter. This is a drastic display of disrespect. If you know what is good for you, drop the glass in your hands and come with us immediately. Or Else, we shall use force!" One of the big beefy guards in front of him warned.

However, Clown did not even panic.

His eyes still on his goal, he rose to his feet.

He took a step forward.

As he did, he waved his hands in all directions. His movement appeared to be slow to the ordinary eyes, but only cultivators knew that what the ordinary man was seeing was the after image of his hands that had long made the moves he wanted.

Shards of glass darted in all directions around him.

This simple attack of his had been precise and accurate.

It went straight for the necks of all the guards that surrounded him.


Blood flowed in all directions.

"AHHHH!!!" the sight of this had once more made the men and women scream for their lives. Even the guards could not stop him. This was definitely not a normal person.

He stepped forward again. Like taking a silent stroll, he walked towards the Stage.

Meanwhile, Viscount Peter had seen everything that had happened so far from the Luxury box.

Surprisingly, he did not look panicked.

He still smoked his pipe like the attack that was happening down was not happening in his own home.

Young master Jan and the girls he was with had immediately taken cover.

However, the scholar remained standing and watching what was happening below with interest in his eyes.

Viscount Peter turned him, "So, are you going to deal with that Clown or what?"

The Scholar raised a brow at him, "I am sorry Viscount peter but I am but a man of the pen and not a man of the..."

"Your acting sucks Young master Jan!" Viscount Peter interrupted him.

The scholar had a straight face for a few seconds, and then he blossomed into a smile, "for how long have you known?"

"Since I walked into this place. Also, I and Earl Jan are never on good terms, but I make it my mission to know when he claimed to send his first and only son abroad to study, but instead sent him to the Monastery of Heaven's Judgement! And Lastly, when did you have a sudden fondness for snakes?" Viscount Peter smiled back at him.

The Scholar chuckled a little, "i knew this trash was worthless," he turned and gave the Fake Young master Jan that was hiding with the girls a kick in the chest. he coughed out blood a little.

The real Young master Jan turned to Viscount Peter, "I see your reputation precedes you. No wonder the Third Prince values you so much. You were even able to see through me!"

"See through you!?" Viscount peter raised a brow at him, "i have seen nothing. From what my sources tell me, that may be you, but that face is certainly not yours."

Young Master Jan chuckled once more, "true! true!! For very personal reasons, I rather keep my identity a secret you see."

Viscount Peter nodded, "I understand. No matter what you look like, I could care less. As long as our interest don't tamper with one another, then I am okay with it. However," Viscount Peter peeped down at the Clown advancing towards the stage. In a little while, the emperor's tablet would be in his hands.

"That idiot down there has crossed the line. Entering into my HOUSE and causing death. if i don't teach him a lesson, people will think I am so easily bullied. However," he turned to Young master Jan, "I do not intend to steal your prey from you. After all, are you not also after the Emperor's Tablet?"

Young master Jan sighed lowly, "So you rather use my hands for your work!"

"Yes! Do you have a problem with it?" Viscount Peter asked as if it was his right that Young master Jan worked for him.

"You owe me one for this!" Young master Jan stated before he waved his hand, jumping down from the Luxury box.

Clown was just about to touch the Tablet when he instantly paused and made a huge leap back.


A blade cutting through air was heard.

It have a light whistle as it struck hard on the ground.

And with it came Young master Jan.

If Clown had persisted on touching the Emperor's Tablet, his hand would have been shaved clean off.

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