Grand Dad Is The Pervert God

Chapter 56 Trouble From Old Debts

Chapter 56 Trouble From Old Debts

Both of them reached climax. However, Eros suddenly felt something ignite inside her.

xena's eyes became white and shone in bright white.

And then she turned to him. Her skin also shone in different runic symbols.

She suddenly spoke as if many voices were talking through her.

Without anyone telling him, Eros knew this was a Prophecy..."The time is upon us! The God of war yearns to take this world for himself," Eros Paused his pounding as he listened to her.

"When the Stars form his War Hammer, and the Stones become one. He shall Anchor his soul to this plane and his descend shall rain blood on the earth. Kingdoms shall fall, and the waters dry into deserts. Mother's shall deny sons and daughters father's, all for survival. And the..."

*Slap!* Eros Slapped his dick into her ass.

His forceful entry made any other word she was going to stay get stuck inside her throat.

And the grabbed her hair and pulled her neck back.

Once more, he continued pounding into her.

Like hammer hitting nail, his waist slammed at her behind.

She still wanted to talk. But Eros could really care less about the prophecy.

Once again, he gave her a hard pound and her glowing white eyes suddenly became normal again.


Some where in another Realm, a particular god was reading out the prophecy into the mind of the mortal he had chosen through a divine mirror.

He had only gone a few sentences when the mirror suddenly cracked and fell on the ground.

This particular god was young looking but still had a well chiseled body. He had a hammer in one hand and a surprise on his face.

"What happened!?" a voice asked from behind him.

"I... I don't know! The connection just broke," he responded.

"BROKE!?" The voice asked from behind him, "But that's not possible. Only a god can break a prophecy connection to a mortal. Or did another god choose this one before you?"

The God in front of the mirror frowned as he waved his hammer and smashed it into the Mirror before him in anger.

"Get me another mirror!" he ordered loudly.


Meanwhile, Eros continued his pounding.

Prophecy!? What Prophecy!?

As much as Eros did not mind the affairs of the gods of this world.

He really did not like being interrupted because of their stupid games with the mortals of this world.

He had his own plans in his mind.

A prophecy was just another god announcing the start of another game out of boredom.

He really could not give two cares about such a thing.

Especially not when he was in the middle of slamming into such a well rounded behind.

Eros grabbed Xena by her breasts, pulled her closer, and then slammed into her.

"Ahhh!!! lord Eros..." She moaned from the prophecy echo like voice back into her usual voice.

"yes! Yes!! Fuck me. Take it. take my ass."

To Xena, nothing had changed.

She was not aware that only a moment ago, she was about to be used as the vessel of a prophecy.

Then again, Eros did not feel like telling her.

"Let's make it a bit more Exciting shall we?"

He grabbed her waist, and then she felt something strange in her.

To be precise, she felt as Eros member suddenly grew in size. No it was not just that.

She suddenly felt another penetration in her pussy.

Yes! Eros was penetrating both her pussy and her ass at the same time.

Xena was too high on the pleasure to look. But if she had looked, then she would have noticed that it was not one dick inside her, bit two.

Gods were the creators of mortal bodies. No one knew how they worked more than them.

However, no one knew how sexual organs worked like Eros.

Creating an Extra one as a result of the goals at hand was an easy task for him.

Especially because he had primordial energy, which was the source of everything created in the cosmos.

Eros used both dicks. Enjoying the mixed flavor of both her asshole and her Virgina.

After a few more pumping, he emptied his passionate load into her.

"Ahhh!!!" she also reached her climax and then slumbered on the bed.

Eros had both women turn by turn through out the rest of the day, and as one would expect, he cultivated with the yin energy from their bodies.

Expecially the one he had gotten from Xena. Her's was very unique because of the presence of primordial energy in her body and he enjoyed it.

Eros stepped out of the Captains room the next day with the two women.

Captain Blind Eyes was absolutely speechless. Truly one could not judge a book by its cover.

Eros had taken both women by himself and came out a day later with out sleep bags under his eyes.

In fact, he looked far more refreshed than normal.

Captain Blind Eyes did not want to believe it, but he could also sense that Eros's soul energy had gotten stronger.

"No! it can't be. He must have been hiding it from me!" Captain Blind Eyes convinced himself.

However, another question suddenly popped up in his head, "How is it possible that Eros who was of a lower cultivation level than him able to hide his soul cultivation from him?"

However, such a question would forever remain as a question in his head.

"Thank you!" Eros nodded at Captain Blind Eyes.

"Oh don't worry about it! this is small compared to what you did for me." Both men shaked hands and laughed together as Captain Blind Eyes escorted him back to his ship.

Xena and Caren followed behind Eros.

This was another thing Captain Blind Eyes noticed. For some reason, these women seemed to look far prettier than they did the last time he saw them.

She shook his head at it. After all,he was using his crows eyes. Maybe it was just the reflection of the sun.

The moment Eros came on board the ship, Commanders Half bra and Full bra ran up to him.

Everyone was curious as to what had happened.josei

However Eros only waved his hands at them, "don't worry. it was nothing. I and Captain Blind Eyes just had a lot to catch up on."

The Black guards left commander Half bra's ship and Captain Blind Eyes even gifted Commander Tender Eye's ship to Eros.

However before captain Blind Eyes stepped on the gangway, he passed Eros a scroll.

"If you Ever need anything, you can contact me with that scroll. it's directly connected to my soul Energy."

"Huh!?" All that heard that gasped in shock.

They all wandered how close Eros who was an ordinary baron was to the Captain.

Eros was even handed a soul Scroll.

Soul scrolls were used for communication purposes.

They connected right into the soul of the person.

Usually, those in power never liked such a thing.

After all, one might be deep in cultivation and on the verge of a break through. But a call from a Soul scroll could interrupt such.

This was why many people preferred sending messages with crows or Soul beasts in general.

However, Eros was being given such an access.

This showed his worth in the eyes of this pirate.

"And before I forget. Diana!" Captain Blind Eyes called commander full bra by her name.

"Captain Red Big Mama is still fighting off the Beast man Kingdom at sea. I remember she gave notice to all of her crew. Are you not going?"

"Notice!?" Commander Full bra frowned. She didn't remember getting any notice.

However Commander full bra stepped forward, "Yes sir. I'm aware of this. But I had to hurry and first help my sister."

Commander Half bra was aware of this, but she had engaged with a small ship she was trying to rob. The exchange was not a nice one and that was why her ship was not in the best of shape.

And therefore she made attempts at repairs as Eros's Estate where she also stole metal she could melt into her lacking weapons and canon balls.

That was when she had gotten the cry for help from Commander full bra.

"Hmmm!" Captain Blind Eyes nodded and went aboard his ship.

immediately, he gave the signal for them to set sail.

Eros watched as the Dead Eyes sailed away. Without a doubt, he knew that Captain Blind Eyes was not going back to that fight anytime soon.

He was going to enter into close door cultivation because of the technique Eros had gifted him.

"Pls! prepare a place for these women besides my cabin."

Eros gave out instructions. Even though he was not the commander of this ship, the crew on board immediately hurried around to do what he asked them to do.

While they talked, Jimmy suddenly ran up to Eros in a panic.

What is it Eros asked in worry.

"Master Eros. there is trouble at home!"

"Trouble!?" Eros frowned.

"Yes! it's Baron Bolo's. He came to the Estate for his Money. He has taken Lady Penny!"

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