Grand Dad Is The Pervert God

Chapter 59 Grandad Is Mad!

Chapter 59 Grandad Is Mad!

The Ship made it to the shores of the Tate estate in the early hours of the morning when the sun was just about rising up from its slumber.

Immediately, Eros came down the ship with Commander Half bra and the other women.

He had only taken a few steps into the Jetty when he paused, "Something is not right!" He nodded, "yes, something is definitely not right."

Commander Half raised a brow at him, "you are just being paranoid old man." She frowned as she took a step forward, but he instantly held her back by her arm.

Eros understood the look on Commander Half bra's face. she was currently very angry with him.

She was vexed because of the last two days of constant pounding session that he had with other women.

In way that even she herself could not tell why, she was jealous.

"Listen to me," he talked in a calm tone, "it's too quiet!"

"what do you mean its too quiet? Everyone knows that the Tate Estate is poor. your people are probably still enjoying the comfort of their beds since you don't help with the comfort of their bellies.


She wriggled out of his hold and walked away.

However, there was suddenly a sharp sound as a arrow whistling throw the air came right for her head.

"MOVE!!!" Eros screamed.

*Mirage steps!*

He used his movement technique and appeared right in front of the arrow.


The Arrow imbedded itself on his body.

"Its an AMBUSH!" Eros warned, and soon enough, two other arrows were fired in his direction.

Everybody immediately took cover and hid where they could.

However, Eros did not.

With the Arrows imbedded in his body, he leaped into the air and landed at the first point were the Ambusher laid.

With a swing of his hands, he smacked the bow and arrow away.

The person in a mask backed off in fear, but Eros was not going to let the threat go.

He grabbed the person by the shirt and raised him up with a hand.

"Please don't hurt me! Please don't hurt me! They made me do it!!! PLEASE!!!"

Eros paused and then he removed the mask.

What he saw, was not what he was expecting.

The Ambusher was a child.

It was a boy that looked barely the age of twelve.

What's more, Eros had good memory. Even though he had only passed through the Estate once, and that was before he left, he remembered seeing this face.

Yes! this was one of his people.

Once more, another Arrow came for him.

He did not even look in its direction and let it enter his back.

Commander Half bra immediately rushed in the direction of the new attacker.

once more, she discovered something she was not expecting.

This time around, it was a Pregnant woman.

"Who put you up to this?" Eros asked the boy.

"Its The soldiers my lord. They said who ever brings your head gets a bag of rice to feed them and their family, and one gold Coin."

"Which soldiers?" Eros Asked.

"I don't know them my lord. They just came here some days ago. They took your Manor and declared it their own."

Eros nodded, "and what kind of flags or Insignia were they wearing?"

The boy described it, and Eros frowned.

Without a doubt, he knew who it was that started this. After all, Every Noble with a land to rule had his own Insignia under the Flag of the Kingdom.

He dropped the boy down gently on the ground.

Eros was not angry at the boy. His anger was directed towards the former Eros of this body that could not take care of his own people. And now, Baron Bolos could even so much as buy their loyalty to their own Estate lord with a common bag of rice.josei

Surely, Eros knew that his people did not like him much and this was just a friendly push down for them to show their hate.

But they truly could not be blamed.

It was his fault.

He waved his hand and a gold coin appeared from inside the storage ring carrying all the treasure he had gotten from Commander Tender eye.

he placed the gold coin in the boy's hand. "keep this one for effort." he patted the boy's head.

The boy could not believe what he was seeing. His eyes literally reflected the gold coin.

"Now run along and go get your family something to eat."

The boy nodded gave his thanks and ran away.

Eros did the same thing for the pregnant woman and et her go too.

"Granddad!" Dan called out.

"yes," Eros Replied with a smile on his face.

"Why did you let them go? Even though they tried to kill you, you still let them go?"

Eros giggled a bit, "Don't worry son, those guys are not the enemy. We will soon meet the enemy!"

Dan nodded in understanding.

"Granddad there is still one more thing."

"And what is that?"

Dan pointed to the Arrows that were imbedded in Eros's body.

Eros laughed as he waved his hand and all the arrows fell off.

Surprisingly, once they fell off, the wounds closed on the spot.

As they moved towards the Manor, they were ambushed eight different times. All of whom Eros discovered were actually his own people.

This was really disheartening to know as a leader.

All of them, he gave a coin of gold and let them go.

Finally, they got to the manor.

What Eros saw incited his anger so much.

His flags had been burnt and Baron Bolos flag was put up.

The Manor gates had been destroyed and he could see the heads of two guards and three of his old maids placed on spikes in front of his gate.

All because of some little money that he borrowed.

Even Eros could tell that this was just a little too far.

No! This was going too far.

In his anger, his Soul pressure was released into the environment, and for a moment, everyone could feel the already morning coolness drop several degrees.

Eros took the first the first step forward and the earth under his feet cracked as wide as ten meters around him. It was like a spider web with him in the center.

He took the next step and it was the same thing.

Dan suddenly had a feeling of the forth coming chaos, "Granddad is angry!"

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