Grand Dad Is The Pervert God

Chapter 67 The People And Their Baron

Chapter 67 The People And Their Baron

Everyone looked on in horror.

Whether it was the Mob or the pirates, none of them could imagine the kind of pain and torture that this man was going through that it had even made him pull out his own manhood, and yet, he was still rolling around on the ground.

It was exactly as Eros had said.

He was suffering the sexual frustration of a hundred people.

His skin became red, and tears rushed down his eyes as he pleaded for release.

"I'll talk! I'll Talk!! Please just make it STOP! Make it STOP!!"

It had only been a few seconds and this man had been brought to the brink of madness.

Eros waved his hand and the dark energy that had gone into the man's body came right out of him.

He lay hands wide open on the ground.

His body was bloody from the mutilation that he had suffered as a result of what he had done to himself.

People watched in contemplation of what to fear more.

Which was truly scarier, Eros that could achieve such torture or the torture itself?

Eros allowed the man a few seconds for him to catch his breath. After all, the level of pain that the man had gone through was a very mentally scarring event.

The sexual frustration of one person had led many people to rape and destruction of property.

It was not easy to imagine what that of a hundred people had done to the man.

"Good! It seems that you are now ready to talk. So let me ask you again. Who sent you to cause problems in my Estate!?"josei

Eros stepped closer.

Subconsciously, the man backed away, "I'll Talk! Please don't hurt me again. I'll Talk!!"

"go on!"

"The person that sent me is the Viscount!"


Everybody gasped at this.

Now, what this guy was saying nearly did not make sense.

If he had even said that it was Baron Bolos, Eros would not have been surprised.

As far back as he could remember, he had never had any problems or encounter with any Viscount.

Eros massaged his chin a bit, and then he turned to the man, "tell me! which Viscount sent you!?"

The man's body shook from time to time on the ground, and he had a staring-into-the-distance look on his face. This was most likely an after-effect of the torture technique that Eros had used on him.

However, the moment he heard Eros's voice, he was snapped back to reality.

"What was the name of the Viscount that sent you?" Eros asked again.

The man stammered, "It.. It... It was Viscount.."


Just when he was about to mention the name, an arrow lodged itself into his head.

The Crowd gasped at this.

"Everyone! take cover!" Eros immediately ordered for everyone to take cover.

Whether it was the mob or the pirate women, everybody hid behind something.

Eros turned in the direction of the Arrow.

Although he was an old man, his eyesight was better than some in their early twenties.

This was due to the quality of his cultivation energy. it was also because his cultivation had increased over time.

Far off in the distance, Eros could see the outline of a person.

the person was able to make a killing shot from so far away.

Surely, he was dealing with an expert.

To make matters worse, the walls of Eros's manor were not high.

In fact, there were more suitable to show demarcation that there were to be used as defence.

This mask man had done an incredible job.

For Eros, this was an insult!

"Lily!" Eros called to commander Half bra, "take care of things here!"

He kicked against the ground...

*Mirage steps*

Just like that, he was out of sight.

Naturally, his direction was for the hill far off in the distance.

However, when he got there, there was no one to be seen.

The only thing he saw, was an artistically made bow on the floor.

It seemed like, in the person's quick escape, they had left the bow.

However, the moment Eros reached for the bow and picked it up...


there was a low explosion.

Dust and smoke went up in the air.

Far off in a distance, a person watched as Eros was blown up.

A smile stained the person's lips.

However, the morning wind blew.

Nothing had happened to Eros. Not even his clothes had been stained with the dust.

This was also true for the bow in his hands.

In other words, he had not only protected himself somehow but also the bait that was supposed to kill him.

Eros looked around the place.

This person had already left.

Even though he used Mirage steps to get here as fast as possible, he was not so fast.

Eros waved his hand and sent the bow to the spatial ring.

With Mirage steps, he was back into the Manor.

The mob were still there. However, no one was screaming for his head anymore.

Eros looked at the state that his own people were in.

There were malnourished.

This was his fault.

Surprising everyone, Eros suddenly bowed to the people.

"I have wronged you all. I am sorry!"

"HUH!?" This move of his shocked everyone.

"For many years now, I have been a terrible leader. You all have suffered because of me! I humbly ask for your forgiveness. I promise that from now on, I will do better."

*ClanK!Clank! CLank*

One after the other, the weapons that the mob carried fell to the ground.

An old man walked up to Eros, and then he bowed also, "no! it is us that wronged you!"

Slowly, all the orders also bowed.

Eros raised his head. He sighed as he waved his hands, "Jimmy!"

"Yes, Master Eros!"

"Empty the Baron's storehouse, and give the people all the food within!"

Jimmy was taken aback by this order, "but master! that would mean that we won't have any more food, and winter is approaching."

"Don't worry! we have gold we can buy more!"

Jimmy shook his head, "Master! you don't understand. Its winter. No merchant will want to trade at this time."

Eros frowned his brows. he had truly not considered this point.

After all, most people preferred to stay in the confines of their homes, with their hot bowls of soup during the winter.

Eros was silent as his mind went into thought for what to do.

Just then, someone rolled over on a wheelchair, "I think I can help with that!"

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