Grandson of the Holy Emperor is a Necromancer

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Liu Bei had to visit Zhuge Liang three times and kneel before the latter’s residence just to reel in the famed tactician to his side.

That’s right, even someone like Liu Bei would no doubt be earnest in his efforts and do his utmost best to convince Zhuge Liang. And such dedication did move the latter so much that he had step out of his residence.


“Your highness.”

When the attempts go beyond the level of sincerity and straight into stubborn persistence, it’d be only normal for you to get pissed off about the whole damn thing.

Honestly, Liu Bei wouldn’t have displayed that legendary patience of his when visiting Zhuge Liang three times just for laughs, now would he?

“His majesty is…”

I shoved Harman outside the monastery’s door after he showed up yet again.

“He’s summo…”

“Charlotte, go and fetch me some salt!”

She went and brought some salt in a small bucket after I shouted out loudly. I couldn’t help but ruefully smack my lips at that. Although salt wasn’t all that expensive, it was still a bit of waste regardless.

But as long as I could stop this damn Paladin from talking, then…!

I emptied the whole bucket of salt on the man.

“…ning you, your highness.”

However, this damn guy still finished what he wanted to say. His eyes staring at me were twitching noticeably.

Initially, I figured this wouldn’t last long. I used the excuse of not feeling well to send him away a few times. But then, he began showing up here not just once, but three times in a day!

During breakfast, lunch, and then supper – just before I’d sit down for my meal, he’d show and start muttering, “…back to the imperial palace.” To make matters worse, he’d always open his mouth in his trademark deadpan face just as I pick up my spoon to dig into my food.

You try listening to that for a month. How would you feel afterwards?!

This sour mood I felt caused the previously-delicious meal to no longer taste as good, and every time I took a bite, it felt like indigestion would hit me in the face again and again.josei

Hell, he’d even stand outside the window near my bed and glare straight through it just as I’m about to hit the sack, too. It was already a small mercy that his Term*nator mug hadn’t shown up to torment me in one of my nightmares so far.

“I’m telling you, he’s a bloody T-800! Seriously!”

“…Did you send him away again?”

As Charlotte placed the plates and cutlery on the table, she asked me this question.

I simply waved my hand dismissively at her. “Forget about it and let’s just eat.”

Despite nodding her head, she still glanced at the door. I figured that this kind-hearted country girl was concerned about Harman outside.

“…Go and give him something to eat, then.”

She nodded again before placing a couple of her handmade sandwiches on a plate. After opening the door, she presented them towards Harman, who was still standing outside like some kind of a log.

“I thank you.” He gladly received the plate and shifted his gaze over to me to open his mouth once more, “His majesty is summo…”

I slammed the door shut right away.

After the ‘Witch Morgana’ incident, as well as the Ronia fortress adventure, I found myself with not much to do in the monastery. Indeed, I was finally enjoying some peace and quiet!

About three months had gone by since the winter’s onset. The passing of time brought the seasonal plague to its close and allowed the warmth of spring to approach us. I wasn’t stupid enough to give up on this peaceful and calm lifestyle.

After finishing my meal, I immersed myself in reading the grimoires until supper time.


I was brushing up on the magic theory of the Imperial Family related to divinity control.

[Author: Raphael Astoria.]

“…This dude, he must be a religious quack or something.”

Written in the book was a theory on divinity control that easily rivalled the Necromancer’s method. My issue with this tome was that it seemed to be filled to the brim with this over the top adulation of the goddess bordering on unhealthy obsession.

Sure, I did manage to make that vampire eat a good one all thanks to this book, but even then, it just left a sour taste in my mouth.

“…However, even this book doesn’t say how I can properly control Amon’s skull.”

I was in a need to find a way to control a far greater amount of divinity in the future, somehow.

I thought about the skull I acquired back in Ronia fiefdom. It was one heck of an ominous-looking mountain goat’s skull, that’s for sure.

For the purpose of testing it, I went to an uninhabited open field, put the skull on, and used my skills. That’s when I learned that I didn’t need to offer up a prayer or even gather extra divinity. Quite literally, I could spam my skills without worrying about cooldown time.

Its option of amplifying divinity indeed proved to be outstanding. But my issue was…

“The hangover is no bloody joke, man.”

The after-effects of using the skull was too severe. It did amplify my divinity, as well as my healing factor for a limited time. However, I ended up collapsing from divinity depletion afterwards.

Every time that happened, the healer who remained behind in Ronia fortress had to hop over here. While doing his best to save my butt, he asked me this.

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