Grandson of the Holy Emperor is a Necromancer

Chapter 53

Chapter 53


Count Fomor fixed his attire and exited from his suite. Before leaving, he took a look back inside.

There wasn’t a drop of blood, a piece of flesh, or even a scrap of the maid’s clothing in it.

‘I ended up losing my rationale.’

He felt overstuffed having eaten even the girl’s clothing.

“How are you today, sir?”

Maidservants passing by greeted him.

Count Fomor waved his bandaged hand and addressed them, “Ah, by the way. Regarding the maid named Millia.”

The maidservants stopped walking in order to listen properly.

“I had her sent to my territory as my private maid. I’ve been troubled with a shortage of personnel recently, you see. Can you speak to the grand chamberlain and express my apology for arbitrarily making up my mind on this matter?”

The maidservants all looked surprised.

A maid getting noticed by an aristocrat and then being dispatched to his fiefdom happened quite regularly. And the odds of such a girl ending up as a concubine of said aristocrat and turning her life around were very high, too.

The maidservants nodded their heads, looks of envy clearly visible in their faces.

Count Fomor bade them goodbye with a simple, “Do your best!” and watched them walk away until the end. With this, there shouldn’t be any suspicions regarding her disappearance. As long as he had enough time, all evidence could easily be erased.

The real problem right now, though, was the Seventh Imperial Prince. That boy was suspicious of Fomor. No, wait. He was definitely sure of it.

‘Right, he even used divinity on me!’

There wasn’t even any hint of hesitation, either.

While shaking hands, that damn boy used divinity, then even coaxed Fomor into drinking wine laced with more divine energy.

Was that all?

Nope, he even proceeded to slice up the back of Fomor’s hand with a broken wine glass too. Such a barbaric method would’ve been in use around three hundred years ago.

Of course, if such simple methods were enough to unmask him, Fomor wouldn’t have dared and infiltrated the imperial court this deeply in the first place.

‘However, that brat was certain of my true nature. Why? How come?’

How did he even find out?

Fomor was capable of even fooling the eyes of an archbishop, and yet the brat easily saw through his ruse. Could it be that the boy prince discovered a method to distinguish vampires during his banishment?

If so, he was too dangerous to be kept alive.

‘He needs to be eliminated.’

Killing an imperial prince within the Theocratic Empire would not be simple. In that case, the brat had to be sent back to the Land of the Dead Spirits. Having him banished again would make it easier to eliminate him, after all.

What scheme should Fomor resort to, then?

The count pondered his options for a while, and eventually, the ends of his lips curled up. He realised that there was no need for him to personally step up here.

He was a loyal vassal of the Theocratic Empire, while the Seventh Imperial Prince was the mangnani prince.

Wasn’t there already someone who’d willingly stand by his side, someone who also happened to hate that brat down to his bones?

Fomor quickly headed towards the room where the First Imperial Prince Luan resided in.


(TL: in 1st person POV.)

My eyes continued to shift around the vicinity as I walked around. I was busy confirming the status windows of the ones near me, trying to separate the normal folks from the hidden vampires.

The nobles in the banquet were sneakily shuffling away from me, looking clearly anxious.

That made some sense, though.

I was the mangnani Imperial Prince who even harmed Count Fomor, someone supposed to be close to me. If it had been some other noble, the treatment might have been far worse, not better.

These folks who used to sneer and even swear at me were now nervously minding the atmosphere, avoiding meeting my direct gaze and keeping their mouths shut.

This was simpler for me, actually.

Since I didn’t need to talk to anyone, there was no need to worry about my manners anymore.

“Why, hasn’t it been really a long time! Allen Olfolse, my dear little brother!”

I raised my head up and discovered a young man in his early-to-mid twenties smiling at me.

[Name: Ruppel Olfolse.

Age: 24

Traits: deceitful character, excellent spearmanship, ordinary physique, cowardly.

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