Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Chapter 115

Chapter 115: Instant Mastery of Heavenly Origin Cultivation Methods

Though the meditation chamber was clearly insufficient to house the carcass of the Extreme Wind Splitting Skywolf, the moment the Moondust Ring was activated, the Wordless Heavenly Jade was still able to assimilate its qi and blood energy.


With a mere mental command from Jiang Chen, a rift appeared in the Moondust Ring.

Immediately, a scent drenched in blood filled the environment.

Sensing the surge of qi and blood vitality, the Wordless Heavenly Jade residing within Jiang Chen's heart began to tremble, exuding a unique absorptive force.

Subjected to this gravitational draw, the qi and blood energy of the Extreme Wind Splitting Skywolf contained within the Moondust Ring burst forth, flooding the Wordless Heavenly Jade nestled in Jiang Chen's heart.

The pace at which the Wordless Heavenly Jade absorbed qi and blood was extraordinarily swift.

Despite the incredibly dense qi and blood energy of the Extreme Wind Splitting Skywolf, it was rapidly exhausted.

In a startlingly brief duration, the once formidable body shrank and withered, morphing into a skeletal structure, utterly devoid of energy.

'Such incredible power!'

Jiang Chen could distinctly sense the Wordless Heavenly Jade pulsating with a surging, exceptional energy.

Nonetheless, Jiang Chen held back from immediately commencing the cultivation practices.

Instead, he drew out all the blood-colored creatures, the remnants of the cultivators, and the golden-red inner cores, exhausting their qi and blood one by one.

The qi and blood vitality provided by these cadavers and golden-red inner cores was remarkably substantial, nearly on par with two Extreme Wind Splitting Skywolves.

After all, the Extreme Wind Splitting Skywolf had endured the ravages of time, and its reserves of qi and blood were no longer as vigorous as they once were.

The blood-hued humanoid monsters all lingered at the very least within the Mysterious Platform realm.

The remnants of the cultivators hailing from the six sects were also Mysterious Platform realm adherents, each teeming with abundant qi and blood.

At this point, all of the qi and blood power had been funneled into the Wordless Heavenly Jade, converting into an unidentified, mystical energy.

Having completed the absorption process, Jiang Chen opted for a short break.

He was acutely aware that his impending cultivation would require a period of uninterrupted time.

Hence, he decided to first visit Ning Xian.

Upon leaving the meditation chamber, he was greeted by the sight of Ning Xian gracefully descending the staircase.

Catching sight of Jiang Chen, Ning Xian was caught off guard.

Memories of the previous night infiltrated her thoughts, triggering a warm blush to spread across her countenance.

She managed to divert her gaze, barely mustering a bashful, "Good morning."

"Good morning, wife."

Returning her greeting, Jiang Chen couldn't help but relish the playful nuance of the moment. He queried, his tone teasing, "How are you feeling today?"

Seeing her blush intensify, he added, "I mean regarding your enhanced strength."

Jarred by his question, Ning Xian was wrested from her flustered state.

Recalling the new wave of power that had left her astonished, her shyness swiftly dissolved.

Overflowing with joy and curiosity, she bounded towards Jiang Chen, her eyes sparkling with exhilaration as she bobbed with unbridled joy.

"How did this occur, Jiang... Husband?"

Ning Xian inquired, her voice a blend of modesty and awe.

Jiang Chen couldn't withhold his smile at her spirited response.

"Compose yourself! Compose yourself!"

He counseled, his voice imbued with a soft authority.

As he commenced explaining the events, he observed Ning Xian through his Villain's Eye.

[Name: Ning Xian

Aptitude: Top Grade

Innate Talent: Evergreen Vitality Willow Body (Awakens at the Dao Comprehension realm)

Realm: Half-step Mysterious Platform

Status: Villainessjosei

Cultivation Methods: Starry Abyss Heavenly Scripture, Spirit Heart Flame Control Secrets...

Intimacy: 100

Fate Value: Unknown]

'Now, this is intriguing!'

Jiang Chen's eyebrows arched in curiosity as he surveyed the now enhanced information panel for those who had achieved maximum Intimacy level.

The System upgrade had unquestionably led to an improvement in detail.

Yet, a specific term piqued his interest.

'What does 'Evergreen Vitality Willow Body' denote? And why does it only awaken at the Dao Comprehension realm?'

Jiang Chen reflected inwardly, instigating him to probe further. 'System, elucidate this for me.'

[Ding! Evergreen Vitality Willow Body: A remarkable Wood-based constitution that activates upon comprehending the Wood Element Dao. It embodies limitless vitality and superior recuperative powers. Individuals endowed with this inherent physique naturally resonate with the energies of nature, radiating a calming, serene aura. Their rapid healing abilities and extraordinary endurance make them invaluable companions in battles.]

After comprehending the system's explanation, Jiang Chen opted to withhold this information from Ning Xian.

Her innate constitution carried no immediate implications, and the Dao Comprehension realm was yet a distant goal.

There was no need to burden her with such information prematurely.


"For now, adjust to the surge of your newfound strength and consolidate your realm."

Jiang Chen counseled Ning Xian, concluding his guidance with a word of warning. "I'm about to embark on an extended period of cultivation, which could span several days."

"Don't worry, I understand. You can cultivate with peace of mind."

Ning Xian, her cheeks still faintly rosy but eyes brimming with resolve, nodded in understanding.

With her assurance, Jiang Chen's mind found tranquility.

He spun around, marching towards the meditation chamber.

'It's time to delve into cultivation methods!'

A wave of anticipation pulsed within him, inducing a smirk to play upon his lips.

Jiang Chen's mind flickered back to when Ye Fan, in an exceptional achievement, had mastered the perfect-level of the Heavenly Origin realm cultivation method within mere instants.

Now, it was his moment to make a similar attempt.

"No hurry, let's begin from the basics, starting with the Heavenly Origin realm!"

He halted, releasing a light-hearted chuckle.

Decision made, Jiang Chen chose to practice the 'Dormant Spirit Stirring Divine Secrets', a scarce method renowned for boosting one's divine sense.

It was a method he had memorized while observing Ye Fan reconstruct it in the underground palace.

At that moment, Jiang Chen stilled his senses, shutting his eyes and aligning his breath.

His mind, akin to the calm surface of a serene lake, began to resonate with the mnemonic fragments of the 'Dormant Spirit Stirring Divine Secrets'.

Simultaneously, a subtle fusion was silently occurring between his divine sense and the Wordless Heavenly Jade.

Then, a rush of distinct energy sparked to life within the Wordless Heavenly Jade, precisely as Jiang Chen concluded the reconstruction of the cultivation method in his mind.

This power braided with his divine sense, weaving seamlessly into his soul and physique.

An enigmatic transformation ensued.

Jiang Chen's understanding of the 'Dormant Spirit Stirring Divine Secrets' was now imprinted, not merely in his consciousness but within the very essence of his being.

It felt as though he had meticulously practiced this method for countless epochs.

His soul expanded drastically, the range of his divine sense detection extending by a tenth, achieving a formidable reach of 11,000 meters.

He had also fully understood the divine sense attack method, the 'Spirit Stirring Sting'.

And this entire process, this profound enlightenment, transpired even more swiftly than when Ye Fan employed the Wordless Heavenly Jade.

It was nearly a blink, and the comprehension was total!


Jiang Chen couldn't hold back his exhilaration.

To grasp a Heavenly Origin cultivation method to the perfect-level within a single moment was an astonishing sensation.

'The Wordless Heavenly Jade appears to exhibit even more potency under my command than in Ye Fan's grasp. Perhaps, he had not yet uncovered its most effective usage.'


He paused momentarily, a spark of realization illuminating his eyes, 'And my system, the Heaven-Defying Fate Changer, it's undoubtedly amplifying the potential of the Wordless Heavenly Jade.'

As tranquility enveloped the room, Jiang Chen gently opened his eyes, the flicker of exhilaration swiftly fading.

After a moment of reflection, he started to revisit another cultivation method, the 'Seven Extremes Body Refinement'!

A Heavenly Origin body-cultivation technique purposed to vastly boost physical prowess, and rejuvenate qi and blood.

Moreover, it possessed a unique feature, enabling the cultivator to selectively reinforce seven distinct sections of the body.

Before long, the whole of the 'Seven Extremes Body Refinement' was imprinted impeccably in Jiang Chen's consciousness.

Once again, a surge of unique energy burst forth from the Wordless Heavenly Jade, effortlessly integrating into Jiang Chen's physical structure and soul.

This time, a large portion of the energy flooded directly into his body, strengthening it in an extraordinary manner.

Jiang Chen could practically sense each cellular framework within him trembling, constantly evolving and reinforcing from the core!

The initial wave of improvement subsided, leaving Jiang Chen in a state of utter amazement.

His physical strength had directly skyrocketed to three times its original capacity!

This enhancement paralleled the bodily might of a typical cultivator at the Late-stage Heavenly Origin realm.

At this moment, another wave of energy was ready, patiently waiting for Jiang Chen to actively designate the body parts for its reinforcement.

"What parts should I fortify?"

Jiang Chen mused, his fingers lightly brushing his chin.

His gaze lowered, subtly nodding, his decision taking form.

The dantian was undeniably the part most in need of strengthening.

His gaze fixed on the area of the dantian, his lower abdomen.

Of course, Jiang Chen 'junior', although endowed with substantial vigor, remained one of the body's most vulnerable regions.

In no time, Jiang Chen's choices for the seven additional enhancements were determined!

The selected areas were the dantian, the five visceral organs, and Jiang Chen 'junior'.

"Let's begin!"

With a resolute thought, Jiang Chen guided the seven clusters of distinctive energy that dwelled in his body, directing them towards their assigned locations for fortification.

In the ensuing moment, a sensation of warmth radiated across the seven chosen parts.

Upon deeper examination, Jiang Chen recognized that the strengthening process had achieved completion.

Further scrutiny verified his senses.

The subsequent seven-fold enhancement might not have been as notable as the initial bodily fortification, yet it had substantially improved his physique.

This result was quite pleasing to Jiang Chen.

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