Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Chapter 121

Chapter 121: The Secrets of the Starry Abyss Sect

In an instant, Chu Xingming's legacy statue seemed to stir, its dignified bearing shifting in a mesmerizing fashion.


"To believe that despite the spiritual Qi depletion in the Everflowing Truth Northern Domain, a being capable of reaching the Heavenly Origin realm exists!"

"I'm unaware of your identity, but you must indeed be a prodigious talent of unprecedented caliber! A rare gem seen once in ten millennia, outshining even myself, Chu Xingming. Haha, truly marvelous indeed!"

The statue of Chu Xingming, peering across the limitless sea of clouds, uttered words in an uncanny semblance of life.

Jiang Chen, however, understood the reality.

This was merely a script preordained by Chu Xingming himself before his departure from the world.

A conversation etched in stone, lying in wait for the deserving to hear.

'Everflowing Truth Northern Domain?'

'So, the Mysterious Truth Continent, the Snowy Wind Continent, and others fall under the Everflowing Truth Northern Domain?'

'If this expansive territory comprises only one-fourth of the entire Everflowing Truth Domain, then its scale is truly staggering.'

Jiang Chen contemplated, a wave of satisfaction enveloping him as a broader, more comprehensive map was disclosed before him.

At this critical juncture, the statue resumed speaking.

"Heavenly Origin realm genius."

"If you stand here today, you are either a member of the Starry Abyss Sect, or a formidable being that has succeeded in annihilating it."

"Nevertheless, the specifics are inconsequential!"

"Regardless of who you are, I will disclose the truth about myself, the inception, and the foundational purpose that ignited the establishment of the Starry Abyss Sect."

The statue of Chu Xingming ceased speaking, its proclamation lingering in the atmosphere.


'Does this statue unveil its secrets to anyone who achieves the Heavenly Origin realm?'

'It seems more like a plot device contrived specifically for the chosen ones, perhaps individuals like Lin Feng or Ye Fan…'

Jiang Chen ruminated inwardly, processing this fresh revelation.

In that instant, the statue of Chu Xingming recommenced its tale.

"I won't dally with suspense, I shall speak straightforwardly."

"I was once a disciple of the Purple Heaven Holy Land, located in the Everflowing Truth Central Domain."

"After the spiritual Qi in the Everflowing Truth Northern Domain began to fade, the leading figures of my sect predicted the birth of a supreme treasure within its confines."

"In response, the Purple Heaven Holy Land sent a battalion of disciples to comb through the Everflowing Truth Northern Domain. Matching this effort, two other formidable organizations, the Imperial Extreme Heavenly Palace and the Jade Lake Heavenly Temple, also dispatched their disciples on this quest."

"However, the endeavor was fruitless. We all returned empty-handed..."

The statue of Chu Xingming articulated slowly, sketching the course of history with his words.

Subsequently, having found nothing, the three major forces - Purple Heaven Holy Land, Imperial Extreme Heavenly Palace, and Jade Lake Heavenly Temple - gradually withdrew their disciples.

Despite this setback, their resolve remained unbroken.

Consequently, each of these powers chose to leave a handful of disciples behind, maintaining their vigil over the Everflowing Truth Northern Domain for a more extended period.

In the midst of these developments, Chu Xingming stepped up.

He volunteered to stay behind, forming the foundation of the Starry Abyss Sect.

He was not without a plan; certain leads had led him to believe that he could seize the grand opportunity solely for himself.

However, fate had a different script.

As his life neared its conclusion, marking five hundred years of existence, the treasure he had set his sights on remained hidden.

The entire endeavor was burdened with the gradual depletion of spiritual Qi within the Everflowing Truth Northern Domain.

With the diminishing of spiritual Qi, the quality and worth of the natural treasures steadily declined.

Cultivators with advanced cultivation bases found it unviable to continue their practice and opted to leave, one after another.

The Purple Heaven Holy Land recognized the futility of Chu Xingming's continued pursuit within the Everflowing Truth Northern Domain and suggested recalling him.

However, Chu Xingming, having established the Starry Abyss Sect in these territories, was hesitant to relinquish his groundwork.

After ample consideration, the Purple Heaven Holy Land chose to respect Chu Xingming's decision.

They agreed to let him remain and foster the growth of the sect in the Everflowing Truth Northern Domain.

His duties encompassed the scouting for gifted disciples to be sent to the Holy Land.

The selected disciples, however, had to fulfill one condition - they must ascend to the Heavenly Origin realm before reaching the age of fifty.

During the initial years, Chu Xingming succeeded in propelling dozens of disciples forward.

However, as time progressed, the count of those attaining the Heavenly Origin realm began to wane.

Eventually, the breakthroughs came to a complete halt.

For the three thousand years that ensued, the entire Everflowing Truth Northern Domain, not merely the Starry Abyss Sect, experienced a chilling scarcity in the number of cultivators reaching the Heavenly Origin realm.

The once promising discourse of promoting disciples had become a mere echo, a distant reminiscence of a time long gone.

'Sending disciples, huh?'

'This could be my opportunity to venture into the Everflowing Truth Central Domain. The place is undoubtedly a sanctuary for cultivators, teeming with seasoned experts from the Northern Domain. It must assuredly be superior to other regions.'

'Also, what could have caused the depletion of spiritual Qi in the Everflowing Truth Northern Domain? Could it have been the Cave Heaven secret realm of Immortal Tian Cui?'

'No, no. If it were the Cave Heaven secret realm, it would surely have been discovered by now. Besides, the Cave Heaven secret realm lacks the potency to drain the spiritual Qi from the entirety of the Everflowing Truth Northern Domain.'

'Never mind, it's fruitless to speculate. Let's concentrate on the ongoing narrative.'

Casting aside his speculations, Jiang Chen decided to halt his needless conjectures.

Chu Xingming's legacy statue continued its tale.

"You now understand my origins and the motives that underpinned the establishment of the Starry Abyss Sect."

"Now, if you desire to join the ranks of the Purple Heaven Holy Land, this legacy statue of mine can serve as your conduit. It can teleport you directly to the Purple Heaven Holy Land, nestled at the core of the Everflowing Truth Central Domain."

"The authority and prestige of the Purple Heaven Holy Land outshine anything you've ever experienced. It's a treasure trove overflowing with countless cultivation techniques, secret arts, and abundant cultivation resources."

"Consider, for instance, the 'Starry Abyss Heavenly Scripture'. It is a principal cultivation method, capable of being advanced to the Third Step of the Cultivation Path!"

"The 'Starry Abyss Heavenly Scripture' available here is merely a condensed version, confined to cultivation up to the Heavenly Origin realm."

"If you opt for the path of the Purple Heaven Holy Land, regret will never tarnish your journey!"

As these words echoed around him, Jiang Chen found himself scratching his head.

A comical notion surfaced in his mind, one that sparked a smirk on the corners of his mouth. 'Isn't Chu Xingming starting to sound rather like a recruitment officer I once encountered?'

Nonetheless, the proposition of enrolling in the Purple Heaven Holy Land carried an undeniable appeal for Jiang Chen.

The allure of the Starry Abyss Heavenly Scripture alone was potent enough to influence his decision.

After all, this was a cultivation method that promised a journey up to the Third Step of the Cultivation Path.

This feat was unquestionably more powerful than what the 'Four Knows Nine Royals True Canon' could possibly provide.

Jiang Chen found himself grateful for his earlier caution, for not impulsively delving into the practice of the Four Knows Nine Royals True Canon.

At this juncture.

"This is the energy infusion socket of the teleportation array."

"By supplying a significant amount of spirit stones into this socket and then channeling your Heavenly Yuan Power into it, the teleportation gateway leading to the Everflowing Truth Central Domain can be activated."

"Take heed, only those who have reached the Heavenly Origin realm can traverse this gateway. Those of inferior power will encounter only their demise."josei

With these words, Chu Xingming's legacy statue stepped aside, revealing a small square recess at its base.

'So, this is the energy portal, the nucleus of the teleportation array.'

'Everflowing Truth Central Domain, I am fated to set foot on your terrain, but before that...'

Jiang Chen contemplated inwardly, then turned to observe Feng Jun, who was evidently stirred, his frame subtly quivering with anticipation.

It was a universal truth that cultivators residing within the Mysterious Platform realm were granted approximately two centuries of life.

Feng Jun, having already lived over a century and a half, was no exception.

However, he had already navigated the journey to the late stage of the Mysterious Platform realm.

Now, enriched with a wealth of Heavenly Origin spiritual plants, his chances of breaking through - given he could transmute these boons into pill form - were far from gloomy.

In view of this, Feng Jun's eyes sparkled with an unmistakable glint of hope.

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