Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Chapter 123

Chapter 123: Arrival in the Purple Heaven Holy Land

A resonant whoosh echoed!

Jiang Chen found himself tangled within a tube of vibrant luminescence.

His entire existence was subjected to overwhelming pressure and shearing forces.

Without the exceptional physical resilience conferred by the Heavenly Origin realm, he would unquestionably have been ground to dust.

Inside this radiating passage, Jiang Chen's perception of time became obscured; the passage of moments was nebulous—it could have been an eternity or just a mere blink.

Suddenly, a blast of light far brighter than anything prior erupted from the tunnel's termination!

In the following moment, Jiang Chen felt a subtle tremor course through his body as the reassuring firmness of solid ground materialized beneath his feet.

His surroundings transitioned swiftly from blinding radiance to an ordinary landscape.

He found himself standing within what seemed to be an incredibly ancient courtyard, the corners of the rooftops adorned with suspended cobwebs.

Underfoot, a vast circular teleportation array sprawled out!

A soft luminescence continued to pulse from the teleportation array, but it quickly began to fade.

Adjacent to the teleportation array, a cultivator was staring at Jiang Chen, a look of utter disbelief painted across his face!

'Did I arrive in the Everflowing Truth Central Domain?'

'This teleportation array's location seems so run-down. Could it signify that the Purple Heaven Holy Land is considering severing ties with the Starry Abyss Sect?'

Jiang Chen's gaze swept across his surroundings, finally coming to rest on the visibly shaken cultivator.

He focused the Villain's Eye on the man.

There was no reaction.

This lack of response suggested that the man was likely just a passerby.

Judging by the energy of his cultivation base, he was merely a cultivator in the Soul Refining Realm.

"Are you a disciple of the Purple Heaven Holy Land?"

Jiang Chen addressed the dumbstruck man, his voice laced with nonchalance, "What might your name be?"

"No... No, I'm not..."

"I merely serve as a handyman for the Purple Heaven Holy Land."josei

Under Jiang Chen's formidable presence, the man stammered fearfully, "My name is Zhao Heguang."

"Zhao Heguang, is it?"

"Do you have any knowledge regarding the destination of this teleportation array? Also, why are you present here?"

Jiang Chen's demeanor remained calm as he asked these questions with a casual air.

"I do, I do!"

"This teleportation array is reportedly connected to the Everflowing Truth Northern Domain. There resides a subsidiary sect of ours, the Starry Abyss Sect."

"However, this array has been dormant, neither allowing teleportation to that region nor receiving anyone from there for countless millennia."

"I've been assigned to supervise this site. Never did I imagine someone would actually traverse from the other end."

Astonishment painted Zhao Heguang's face, "In thousands of years, you're the first to emerge. Could it be possible that you hail from the Starry Abyss Sect?"


"I am indeed a member of the Starry Abyss Sect!"

"And it was precisely from there that I was teleported."

"According to the initial pact, those who achieve the Heavenly Origin realm before fifty can be teleported here, directly being inducted into the ranks of the Purple Heaven Holy Land."

A subtle smile graced Jiang Chen's lips, "Now, guide me to your leader."


Zhao Heguang nodded immediately, his features shifting into an ingratiating expression.

At first glance, Jiang Chen looked extraordinarily youthful, but he had already ascended to the Heavenly Origin realm. A true genius!

Even within the esteemed Purple Heaven Holy Land, he was not an ordinary disciple.

Being a humble handyman, if he could attach himself to Jiang Chen's rising star, he might rapidly ascend to the status of an outer disciple!


Jiang Chen gave a subtle nod.

Without any delay, Zhao Heguang took the lead.

However, his pace was excessively slow.

Consequently, Jiang Chen seized his collar and steered him, permitting him to focus solely on charting the course.

Before long, Jiang Chen had navigated through lush mountains, arriving at the base of an immense formation bathed in radiant light.

"This is the foremost grand sect-protecting formation of the Purple Heaven Holy Land."

"Only upon reaching the status of an outer disciple in the Purple Heaven Holy Land does one gain the privilege to set foot on the Holy Land. Only then can one genuinely deem oneself a disciple of the Purple Heaven Holy Land."

"As a handyman, I'm confined to the peripheral areas. The Deacon Hall for handymen is in that direction."

As Zhao Heguang spoke, he indicated a specific direction beneath them.


Jiang Chen offered a slight nod in acknowledgement.

He had earlier hypothesized that the teleportation array wouldn't be located within the precincts of the Purple Sky Holy Land.

Indeed, the reciprocal end of the teleportation array was situated in the Everflowing Truth Northern Domain, making it susceptible to external intrusions.

At this point, Jiang Chen unleashed his divine sense.

Beneath him, he discerned a bustling square, brimming with people, as well as an imposing hall.

The hall exuded an aura of grandeur and majesty.

However, in essence, it served as the administrative center overseeing the Purple Heaven Holy Land's handymen.

Most of the cultivators milling around were akin to Zhao Heguang, mere handymen.

Only a select few were outer disciples garbed in the sect's official uniform.

Whenever an outer disciple sauntered through the crowd, people naturally parted ways, watching with envious glances.

'Purple Heaven Holy Land!'

'Just the name distinguishes it from the places I traversed across the three continents; it's likely a magnet for a protagonist.'

'Let's begin here. Perhaps among these handymen hides a protagonist following a slow, underdog-style progression!'

Engrossed in his contemplations, Jiang Chen began his descent, consistently employing the Villain's Eye to scrutinize the vicinity.

However, the Villain's Eye yielded no feedback.

There was no protagonist, not even a minor character.

'Nothing, huh.'

'No matter. Given my current Black Heavenly Fate Value, I'm bound to cross paths with the protagonist.'

Jiang Chen's thoughts were reflected in his gaze. He then set foot onto the square, with Zhao Heguang trailing behind.


An abrupt release of his aura instantly drew astonished glances from hundreds of handymen and a few outer disciples!

"What an overwhelming aura!"

"That's the aura of a Heavenly Origin Realm expert. I've been privileged enough to sense such an aura once before."

"Good heavens! Such a young Heavenly Origin Realm powerhouse. He's certainly a prodigy."

"He's even holding someone in his hand. Isn't that... Zhao Heguang!?"

"How did that guy wind up in the grip of a Heavenly Origin Realm genius? Did he affront him?"

"It doesn't seem so, based on what we can see."


The crowd whispered among themselves, their voices hushed, as if fearing to rouse Jiang Chen's ire.

At that moment, a group briskly emerged from the Deacon Hall, which supervised the handymen.

Three in total, each was a cultivator of the Spiritual Awakening Realm, their faces etched with years.

Jiang Chen identified them instantly.

These were the overseers of the handymen's Deacon Hall.

'Superior cultivation truly comes with its benefits.'

Jiang Chen pondered, 'Simply stand in place, and people naturally converge to offer their greetings.'

"My name is Bao Zhu."

"Honored to meet you, esteemed senior!"

The trio approached Jiang Chen, their faces etched with respectful smiles. The leading figure respectfully bowed with hands folded in front of him.


"I presume you are aware of who I am."

Jiang Chen responded, his smile unchanging as he gently lowered Zhao Heguang from his grasp.

"Indeed, I am."

Bao Zhu, the leader of the trio, promptly confirmed!

The duties of Zhao Heguang were well known to him!

He was the guardian of the Teleportation Hall!

Given that Jiang Chen and Zhao Heguang had arrived together, their identities were unmistakable. They were clearly from the Starry Abyss sect.

"No need for extraneous words then."

"Can you assist with my entry into the Purple Heaven Holy Land?"

Jiang Chen nodded subtly, voicing his intention.


"As a prodigy from the Starry Abyss sect, you are undoubtedly eligible to join the Purple Heaven Holy Land!"

"However, it's been millennia since a disciple from the Starry Abyss sect has teleported here."

"In fact, among us three, only Zhao Heguang and I are informed of the Starry Abyss sect's existence."

"Consequently, this matter is not inconsequential. You might need to meet with the Holy Lord himself!"

"I'll convey this situation immediately. In the meantime, please feel free to rest inside."

Bao Zhu responded, his face aglow with a welcoming smile.

Accepting his invitation, Jiang Chen entered the Handymen Hall and awaited patiently.

In the interim, Bao Zhu departed to communicate the information.


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