Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Chapter 282

Chapter 282: The Arrival of Ji Mingxiu's Group

Jiang Chen's inner voice echoed with excitement, 'Another 1000 Heavenly Fate Value points! This is excellent!'

'What's crucial to note is that Gu Ran's cultivation base remained stagnant, while some plots require a certain threshold to move forward!'

'For instance, the ongoing fierce battle inside that mountain peak involves a Dao Palace realm cultivator.'

'In the original storyline, Gu Ran was destined to defeat three Dao Palace powerhouses, including the likes of Xu Yuqi and Ji Junhao. He was also supposed to eliminate other demonic cultivators and demons, paving his path to the Dao Palace realm.'

'But here he is, still lingering in the Inquiring Journey realm!'

'So, Heavenly Fate, what tricks do you have up your sleeve now? How will you adjust the narrative to let Gu Ran emerge victorious?' Jiang Chen mused. As he pondered, a fleeting smile touched his lips, and he shifted his attention towards the majestic mountain peak.

It was now unmistakably clear that a vast inheritance lay within, serving as the catalyst for the intense combat inside.

After all, who would gamble their life without reason?

'Perhaps I can claim the inheritance within. And while I'm at it, gain control over the battling cultivators inside.' Jiang Chen's lips quirked up in anticipation as he geared up to delve into the mountain's depths.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Suddenly, the entire super mountain peak shuddered.

Almost immediately after, a massive formation barrier materialized, sealing the mountain peak in its entirety.

'This is unexpected! What significant event could this be?' Jiang Chen's eyebrows shot up, a steely glint evident in his eyes.

'What's going on!?' Liu Xiong, amidst collecting bodies, was startled. Without a second thought, he soared towards the mountain's exterior.

'What just happened?' Gu Ran raised his eyes, a look of shock overlaying his grief-marked face.

Suddenly, an outburst of collective gasps pierced the air. From the mountain's heart, a potent force repelled a group. It was none other than Bao Xunwu and his comrades from the Golden Proud Cult!

Rustle! Rustle!

Thrown outside by the immense force, the group gazed around, bewilderment etched on their faces. Their eyes widened in sheer amazement at the colossal mountain peak looming ahead.

The ranks of the Golden Proud Cult had noticeably thinned following their internal disputes. Still, while Bao Xunwu and the other two Dao Palace realm experts bore injuries, none among them had been lost.

Jiang Chen's thoughts whirled as he watched the group, 'Bao Xunwu?'

'From their cultivation methods, it's evident they hail from the Golden Proud Cult. Renowned for Body Cultivation and mastery in the Great Dao of Metal.'

'Infighting within the Golden Proud Cult? The inheritance inside this mountain must be exceptionally precious.'

'Considering this unexpected turn, these individuals are undeniably linked to it. However, I suspect the manipulative hand of the Heavenly Fate behind the scenes.' His eyes keenly observed the unfolding drama, mentally piecing together the situation.

The influence of the Heavenly Fate never ceased to amaze him. In the wake of Gu Ran's missed chance, it swiftly intervened, reshaping the circumstances and spawning new opportunities.

Soon enough, the initial shock wore off, and the gathered individuals steadied themselves.

"Damn it!" Bao Xunwu, his face a mask of frustration, surged towards the formation barrier, channeling his Dao Yuan Power into it. "How was I so suddenly and forcibly evicted?"

Yet, a deafening bang echoed as an overpowering force thrust Bao Xunwu back.

"What?! This can't be!" Anger blazed in Bao Xunwu's eyes, his disbelief palpable.

So close to securing the inheritance within, only to be abruptly cast out and sidelined—his situation was nothing short of a cruel twist of fate.

Suddenly, an ethereal voice echoed from the depths of the mountain peak, "Such... disappointment."

"You betray each other for mere inheritance. While I can fathom the thirst for opportunity, ignoring the pressing threat of formidable foes is inexcusable."

"You've all proven unworthy of this inheritance. Depart now, introspect, and contemplate the consequences of your actions." The voice, ancient and otherworldly, imparted a surreal feeling to those who heard it.

"Is someone actually alive inside this mountain?!" exclaimed a cultivator from the Golden Proud Cult, his tone laced with incredulity.

"No, that's not the case. It's not a living entity but a particular mechanism. The exact nature of which eludes me."

The moods of the Golden Proud Cult's cultivators shifted visibly, reflecting their internal turmoil.

"It's what's known as a 'Sub-soul'," Nangong Wan's voice whispered into Jiang Chen's consciousness. "A soul fragment, stripped of emotions, designed to endure within specific formations. Its sole purpose is to retain and convey pre-recorded messages, devoid of any other functionality."

Jiang Chen mused, 'So, it's essentially a pre-set 'program'.'

'A million years past, the Prosperous Stone Immortal Star forsook the Immortal Martial Continent, leading to undeniable resentment among the left-behind cultivators.'

'Betraying kin in dire times is almost unforgivable.'

'The Golden Proud Cult's greed clouded their judgment, resulting in internal strife. With the formation outside under siege by demons and demonic cultivators, it's no wonder the 'program' was triggered.'

'This led to the Golden Proud Cult being ousted and their opportunity to acquire the inheritance denied.'

'The inheritance is now primed for Gu Ran's taking.'

'Under typical circumstances, Gu Ran, being only of the Inquiring Journey realm, wouldn't even be in contention. Yet, observing how events have transpired, the workings of the Heavenly Fate are indeed astounding.' Jiang Chen's reflections brimmed with intrigue, yet he harbored no regrets.

With the Heavenly Fate at play, he recognized that the realm of possibilities was boundless.

His caution was meticulous, almost painstaking. He avoided confronting Gu Ran directly. Like slowly boiling a frog in tepid water, Jiang Chen proceeded incrementally with matters concerning Gu Ran. Any abrupt move could invite fierce retaliation from the Heavenly Fate.

At that juncture, the Golden Proud Cult's attention converged on Liu Xiong, who stood slightly apart.

Bao Xunwu's voice seethed with rage, "Old man, what are you doing here?"

"Did you bring about the upheavals within this peak?"

"You wretch! Today, I'll ensure you suffer a fate more harrowing than death itself!" Overwhelmed by festering resentment and seeking an outlet, Bao Xunwu's eyes fixed on Liu Xiong, seeing in him an opportunity to unleash his suppressed fury.

From afar, Gu Ran's gaze locked onto Liu Xiong, a tide of lethal intent rising within him. 'Kill him. End him,' he thought.

Liu Xiong, a member of the Heavenly Gu Society, was the ever-watchful eye and the very obstacle that thwarted his progress. Even though Gu Ran was aware that other adversaries would replace Liu Xiong if he were eliminated, the yearning to witness Liu Xiong's end was undiminished.

Yet, fate had other plans for Gu Ran.

A disdainful snort broke the silence, the voice declaring, "How audacious of an insignificant sect like the Golden Proud Cult to target someone from my esteemed Purple Heaven Holy Land!"

Immediately, a substantial contingent advanced rapidly, casting an expansive shadow over the vicinity.

The fresh arrivals were unmistakably from the Purple Heaven Holy Land.

At the forefront stood Ji Mingxiu, closely flanked by Yao Zong and Si Zhangjian. Accompanying them were seven Dao Comprehension realm elders, along with multiple experts of the Inquiring Journey realm.

A hint of a smile played on Jiang Chen's lips. 'Finally.'

His restraint from intervening on Liu Xiong's behalf was precisely because he had anticipated the imminent arrival of Ji Mingxiu and his entourage.

"Purple Heaven Holy Land?" Bao Xunwu's face drained of color as he fixed a piercing gaze on Ji Mingxiu's group, uncertainty flickering in his eyes.

Just then, a muscular, bald man from the Golden Proud Cult, one of the Dao Palace realm cultivators, barked with disdain, "Heh! Purple Heaven Holy Land, so what?"

"We both boast three Dao Palace cultivators. Why should we quake in your presence?"

"It's due to your meddling that we were ejected just as we neared the inheritance!"

"Ji Mingxiu of the Purple Heaven Holy Land, do you not think you owe us some answers?" His eyes, aflame with raw fury, remained unyieldingly trained on Ji Mingxiu and his entourage.josei

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