Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Chapter 96

Chapter 96: The Secret Chamber of Cultivation Methods, The Extreme Wind Splitting Skywolf

'Seven Extremes Body Refinement!'

'This technique not only has the fundamental body tempering effect of the Heavenly Origin realm but also grants seven additional enhancements for body tempering.'

'These supplementary enhancements should be precisely deployed on the most susceptible parts, such as...'

A faint smile played around the edges of Jiang Chen's mouth as he silently committed the 'Seven Extremes Body Refinement' method to memory.

Not long after.

No time was wasted.

The cultivation method behind the third door was successfully deciphered by Ye Fan.

It bore the title, 'Heavenly Spring Coalescing Sea Records'.

This cultivation method specialized in refining Yuan Power.

When mastered, it could substantially bolster the reserves of Yuan Power and dramatically enhance the quality of the said power.

'This appears to be yet another cultivation method tailored for Ye Fan!'

'Ye Fan's deficiencies lie in his divine sense, physical prowess, and the quality as well as reserves of his Yuan Power.'

'Given these three cultivation methods, he could potentially rival an Early-stage Heavenly Origin realm cultivator.'

'I should count myself fortunate for having seized his monsters' inner cores; otherwise, he would have undoubtedly mastered these three cultivation methods by now.'

As Jiang Chen internalized the Heavenly Spring Coalescing Sea Records, a hint of inner grumbling surfaced.

In the present moment.

Ye Fan, standing before the three doors, fell into deep contemplation, and then proceeded to scramble the cultivation methods presented on the two side doors.

Boom, boom, boom.

Slowly, the two doors sealed themselves, leaving only the central door unbarred.

Without delay.

Ye Fan stepped through the middle door.

'What audacity.'

'He leaves no scraps for those trailing in his wake. If he weren't required to leave one door accessible, Ye Fan would probably begrudge even the merest of remnants.'

A glint sparked in Jiang Chen's eyes as he promptly followed in Ye Fan's footsteps.


"We've finally broken through!"

Surveying the dozen or so lifeless bodies littering the expansive passage, Duan Ziming and his companions were riddled with unease.

They commenced cautious exploration.

There was no response in the passage.

However, upon entry, they were struck by the realization that they had been ensnared by an illusion from the very start!

A series of formation traps had been concealed within the seemingly vacant passage.

Luckily, the passage wasn't extensive.

Upon detecting the peril, everyone put forth their utmost effort, frantically scrambling out of the hazardous zone.

Nonetheless, the lives of thirteen cultivators were claimed within.

Each sect and school suffered the loss of two or three disciples with relatively weaker cultivation bases.


"Having navigated such treacherous challenges, we must be on the brink of reaching the final stage and securing the opportunities!"

Duan Ziming rallied his surrounding companions with these words.

Their spirits were immediately rejuvenated.

The friction among the major sects also escalated further.

But no one faltered; they relentlessly pressed onward.

Before long.

A bare stone stele materialized before them.


Upon scrutinizing the stele with their divine senses, they were able to perceive a wealth of information.

At that moment.

Everyone projected their divine senses, examining its contents. Their expressions transformed rapidly, brimming with astonishment and delight.

The stele's contents did not hold any clandestine clues or similar elements.

Rather, it bore the words bequeathed by the master of the secret realm.

As it transpired.

This Cave Heaven secret realm was the very site where the master of the secret realm had met his end.

Prior to his demise, he had left behind three great inheritances within the confines of the Cave Heaven secret realm!

Only those possessing extraordinary determination, remarkable combat prowess, outstanding aptitude, and a fate that defied the heavens could claim them.

This underground palace housed two great inheritances: the secret chamber of cultivation methods and the bloodline inheritance.

A third opportunity awaited at another location.

Furthermore, it was suggested that acquiring all three great inheritances could potentially transform one into a force surpassing even the secret realm's master!

Only the younger generation who embodied determination, combat strength, talent, and fate, all in one, could possibly seize these three great inheritances.


"There are, in fact, two great inheritances nestled within this underground palace!"

"Cultivation methods inheritance and bloodline inheritance, each is extraordinary in its own right!"

"Considering the power required to create a Cave Heaven secret realm, I cannot begin to imagine how much more formidable this senior is compared to those in the Heavenly Origin realm. If one could seize even one of these opportunities, wouldn't they ascend to the peak of the three continents?"


The crowd was ecstatic, engaging in excited discussions, their eyes ablaze with anticipation.

Just then.

The stone tablet abruptly started to quiver.

Almost instantaneously.

A subtle tremor rippled through the entire underground palace!

Shortly after.

The solid mountain wall ahead gradually parted, revealing an even more expansive passageway.


A roar, resonating with immense majesty yet tinged with ferocity and madness, echoed through the passageway!

Compared to the howl of the humanoid blood-colored monster, this seemed more like a dog's bark!

Immediately following.

A towering blood-red giant wolf, standing over thirty meters tall but as gaunt as a skeleton, manifested within everyone's divine sense!

"What is this creature!"

"Could this terrifying presence belong to a demonic beast from the Heavenly Origin realm!?"

"It bears a striking resemblance to the 'Extreme Wind Splitting Skywolf' described in ancient texts!"

"Something's off, this demonic beast appears lifeless, devoid of a soul. It's just its body that radiates such potent qi and blood!"

"Regardless, only by uniting our strengths do we stand a chance of slaying this demonic beast!"

Everyone gazed at the Extreme Wind Splitting Skywolf, fear creeping into their expressions.

The aura emanating from this colossal wolf was on par with the Half-step Heavenly Origin realm!

Had it not been for its significant age, it could well have been a true Heavenly Origin realm demonic beast!

At that moment.

A shocked gasp echoed from among the crowd.


"There's a concealed chamber beyond the passage!"

"Within the chamber, there's a small-scale formation. Sealed within it is a bottle of transparent golden liquid!"

"That must be the bloodline the master of the secret realm mentioned!"

"While it might not guarantee a safe fusion, once successful, it would undoubtedly catapult the individual to among the mightiest across the three continents!"

"We must vanquish this Extreme Wind Splitting Skywolf!"


The enigmatic bloodline inheritance was within their grasp.

The intense allure swiftly overshadowed their previous fear!

Facing a Half-step Heavenly Origin realm demonic beast, especially one with vacant eyes and seemingly devoid of a soul, seemed a far less daunting task!

Just then.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

The Extreme Wind Splitting Skywolf released a thunderous growl, its gargantuan form charging towards the crowd with an overwhelming force!


"Gradually wear it down!"

Duan Ziming's command reverberated loudly.

Despite being competitors, the various major sects had formed an unspoken understanding through multiple cooperative encounters.

Immediately, everyone scattered.

In swift succession, they unleashed potent attacks, drawing the demonic beast's attention!

"Void Rainbow Seventh Sword Style! Strike!"

Duan Ziming's eyes glinted with intense focus as he crafted his hand seals.

The Mysterious Platform rank Sword Artifacts encircling him morphed into seven illusory trails, striking the body of the Extreme Wind Splitting Skywolf in a blink.

The other disciples from the Starry Abyss Sect also released their attacks, one after the other!


In a fit of fury, the Extreme Wind Splitting Skywolf charged directly at Duan Ziming.

However, Duan Ziming's group, well-prepared as they were, opted not to confront the giant wolf head-on. They abandoned their attacks and swiftly retreated, employing the Clear Sky Flash technique.

"Formless Blade! Engage!"

Trailing closely behind, Mu Tao's group launched their own attacks, aiming to draw the giant wolf's attention.

The Extreme Wind Splitting Skywolf, devoid of any consciousness, simply reacted to the threats around it.josei

With Duan Ziming's group having swiftly escaped and facing relentless attacks from behind, the Extreme Wind Splitting Skywolf immediately wheeled around to confront Mu Tao's group.

And then, in a similar fashion, Mu Tao's group dispersed.

The responsibility of distracting the giant wolf fell onto the shoulders of the Ice Heart School members.

In this manner, the five major sects split into three factions, each taking turns to draw the Extreme Wind Splitting Skywolf's attention.

Simultaneously, the others capitalized on the opportunity to unleash less potent attacks, gradually wearing down the massive wolf.

However, it wasn't long before they all made a sobering discovery.

The speed of the Extreme Wind Splitting Skywolf was simply too great!

Although the chief disciples of the five major sects could, for a time, muster bursts of high speed to evade the wolf's onslaught, their stamina was quickly waning.

"This isn't good!"

"It appears we have no choice but to band together and face it directly!"

Recognizing the imminent failure of their strategy, Duan Ziming promptly called out a warning.

"Establish the formation!"

Without a moment's hesitation, Miao Xiaorui issued the command.


Simultaneously, within a modestly-sized secret chamber, a remarkable sight unveiled itself.

On three sides of this room, niches were carved into the walls, each one cradling a vibrant, luminous jade slips - repositories of cultivation methods!

"Cultivation methods!"

"Scores of cultivation methods!"

"This must be the place where the master of the Cave Heaven secret realm stashed his collection of cultivation methods!"

"This is phenomenal! With these cultivation methods at my disposal, I can certainly propel my combat power to the Heavenly Origin realm!"

Gazing upon the abundant trove of cultivation methods encircling him, Ye Fan couldn't suppress the glimmer of elation in his eyes.

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