Chapter 142 Experiment On The Creation Of Authority.

Chapter 142 Experiment On The Creation Of Authority.

A sovereign of law's strength is dependent on their concept. It is a fact that the more complex the concept is, the more powerful it will be. But there are exceptions to it. A weaker concept can defeat a stronger concept if it counters it. Even more bizarre is that some creatures can shrug off the effects of any concept attacking them. Complexity does not mean absolute strength. That's why the power range of Sovereigns is too wide. A sovereign that you can't beat can be beaten by a sovereign that you can bully.josei

Dragons are the creatures that come to mind in a situation like that. They are incredibly resistant to all types of physical, magical, and spiritual damage. Tandrak's concept will work on a dragon but it will be agonizingly slow especially if that dragon has acquired their special divine body. Dragons always trump drakes. Even if that drake has the power of thunder.

"I have the Godhood you asked for. It is also of the celestial grade in the plant domain." Hadrick told him when it was finally done with its story.

"Wow. That's very good." He was in awe of the power of the Ghastorix family.

He had asked for any Godhood of the plant domain, but they brought out one that belonged to a celestial. Celestials are difficult to kill but it is not a matter of strength. A sovereign won't be able to kill a celestial just like it won't be able to kill a low god. Killing a god requires you to strike down the main body of the god. Gods never leave the divine realm with their main body so one will have to storm the divine plane where all the gods stay. Even if there is no suppression, an Origin god will be hard pressed to face all the gods at once. It has happened before too. Origin gods have very little to fear so attacking the base of gods is something on their bucket list. They have very little that they fear.

He was also surprised that Hadrick was giving it to him. He could have given him a weaker Godhood instead of something this powerful. He hadn't even told them what he wanted to do with it.

"When can I have it?" He asked eagerly. A small portal opened beside him and a golden ball of light came through it. Soverick grabbed it and examined it.

"Hadrick do you know what Godhood is made up of?" Soverick asked.

"Not particularly. My guess is some sort of energy."

Other people might see it as a ball of multicolored light filled with possibilities but he could see what it truly was.

"You are mostly correct. It is made up of divinity, domain, and meaning. Divinity is created when divine energy is transformed by the domain. Divine energy is simply mana and will. A domain is made up of authority and meaning. I have done a lot of research about this and I have something to test but I need your help for it to succeed."

Hadrick was surprised by Soverick's knowledge about the divine and he was already intrigued with listening so he was ready to participate in this experiment whatever it was. Besides, he doesn't much on his hands. An idle hand is the devil's workshop.

"Count me in." Hadrick's ancient voice rumbled with glee.

Soverick just smiled. "Authority is a special thing. It is unlike laws and more like an imitation of concepts. Authority is bestowed by the plane on an individual with sufficient meaning. Meaning is created when there is enough faith. When meaning and authority fuse they become domain. When a domain and divinity fuse we have the core of a true God or what is known as a celestial god. So the entire path of godhood aims to complete this fusion and achieve full Godhood."

"I knew about the aim of gods but I didn't know what it was really about. Do you want to create a path forward after this step?"

"Yes. But first I must understand authority and how to create it. Authority is queer, it may be powerful but it has a glaring weakness. It becomes useless when a god is outside of his domain, literally and figuratively. If a god leaves his divine kingdom his power falls but it is only slightly. What the god loses when it is outside the divine kingdom are sovereignty and absolute control. Since they retain their combat strength, this loss is overlooked. If the god leaves the divine plane and descends to the main plane, then that God will lose its combat prowess. If the god attempts to leave the main plane entirely, then that God will either fall, lose his life, or both. There's almost no difference between falling and dying, each can lead to the other."

Hadrick asked, "Most of what you just mentioned is known. What is your aim?"

"I want that first ability that gods lose. The ability of sovereignty and absolute control. This ability is why you can't win a fight with a god in his divine kingdom without the strength of numbers. It is because the entire world will be against you, just like when facing titans of law. That isn't the end of it. The will of the god becomes sovereign, just like a sovereign of law. The will of the god can be made manifest, just like an Origin god. To top it off, a god can create and do absolutely anything within their divine god as long as they have divine energy. That means they become world gods as long as they are within their divine plane. This power is not limited to the level of the god, all gods have it because all gods have authority."

"Wow. I never thought about it like that. It makes a lot of sense. Where did authority come from? How does the plane bestow it? How does faith find gods? How is it transmitted? What is faith? Now I must participate in this experiment of yours." Hadrick was really enthusiastic.

"I don't have the ability to decipher the make-up of authority. That's where you come in. You have the ability to convert energy from one form to another. I'm not clueless like others so I know the significance of your ability, it is not as simple as diluting Origin essence with mana. Your ability will make world gods even frantic."

"But why? Apart from a little help when I am forging Origin artifacts I don't see what his so special about it."

Soverick shook his head. "You are being limited by your imagination that's why you haven't been able to use it to its maximum potential. The ancestors of the high elves had this same ability and they used it to create life essence. Even that was a result of their desperate attempt to starve off death. Imagine what you can do with your being alive."

"I didn't know that. Hmm, so how should I go about it?"

"Take this Godhood and analyze it like you would any artifact. Break it down to its components and its basest form. Let's start from there and we will see where it takes us." Soverick returned the glowing ball. Hadrick created a portal and a vine came out of it. It snatched up the Godhood and disappeared with it.

"Bye," Hadrick said before it disappeared. It was going to be busy trying to decipher the Godhood.

Soverick grinned. His grin split his face like a predator. He had a lot of things he hadn't mentioned to Hadrick. He didn't speak about his conjectures about the source of authority or his plans for the information that Hadrick will get from the analysis.

His life tree clone is also trying to assimilate Godhood but it can't decipher it because its ability has been fixed into life transformation. It isn't as flexible as Hadrick's untapped potential. But things will change if Legion can get the language or law used in coding Godhood from Hadrick.

While he had been fixing his weakness with close combat his other clones had been making progress. The information he shared is a result of his knowledge and the recent findings of his other clones. The way you view and solve a problem will change when you have 9 different perspectives at your disposal. 9 minds as one, marshaling their forces for the moment when he will burst forth. That moment will come, and when it does, even world gods will tremble. They will tremble at the name of Legion.

"But for now I must pass this obstacle. Nothing will stop legion." He muttered. The experience he gains here not only improves him but the other eight, just like they improve him too. It's just that he can't use the knowledge he got from others for now. The clones that he is really looking forward to haven't been born yet. His dragon clone is slow going in the hatching process.

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