Chapter 539 Meeting The First Sage.

Chapter 539 Meeting The First Sage.

The eye is looking at him but it looks like it is looking down on him because of the difference in size. He is very small compared to the size of the giant eye. The eye must be more than 100 meters wide. He just stared wide-eyed at the eye and his surroundings.

"Welcome Child of the Plane. It is time we meet. I am the first sage, the first of my kind, the first battle sage monkey."

Soverick's eyes widened in realization. Now he knows who made the sheets of paper and gave them to Salvini. It is also the person who trapped him. The first sage is the maelstrom that he sensed within the world of intent.

"Where are we now?" He asked calmly.

He is not calm. He is nowhere near calm. A world god is a world god, not an Origin god. Legion-1 still has to run from some Origin gods and here he is, facing a world god. He might be in big trouble and it is all because he was too curious for his own good.

The eye answered, "You have to be specific with your question. If you mean our current location in time, then we are in the past. This is not happening now. It is happening in the past. So it has happened. If you mean our location in space, then you're beside your forge in the main city of Ghastorix and I am somewhere on the dark side of the universe."

His tense mind reeled. That answer contains a lot more information than he expected. It also contains some information that is not doing anything to assure him of his safety. He above everyone else understands what it means to be in the past. What he finds mind-boggling is that the past of the first sage has become his present and it was done forcefully without his consent.

He has a lot of questions. They are too much and they want to overwhelm his mind. The questions with the highest priority on his mind are two. He couldn't answer or pay attention to every question in his mind so he indulged himself with those two questions. The two questions can also be summarised with a single question so he asked himself, 'What is taking precedence here?'

Is the past the dominant one where he has had this meeting before but he didn't know about it and he is just realizing that he had this meeting because he looked into the past of the sheets of paper? Or is the present the dominant one where he pulled the past of the world god into his present to have this meeting by looking into the past of the sheets of paper? He doesn't know and he doesn't even know how to ask. He tried his best in asking though.

Soverick nodded calmly before asking. "Did you predict that I will look into the sheets of paper and set up this meeting?"

"I couldn't predict it so I didn't. I am not a charlatan as you've called my daughter. I created the sheets you used and left my will within them. Since the sheets are of my will then my order reigns supreme pertaining to it. So you would have met me one way or the other. This method is pretty much more convenient. There is no need to predict when the end is inevitable."

"I see. Am I talking to you or your will within the sheets?"

The eye chuckled. It asked him, "What does it matter?"

Soverick shook his head. It matters to him but it changes nothing at the end of the. His situation is set. This entity set up a meeting with his future self in the past. The fact that it happened at all means he is out of his depths.

It does answer some of his questions though. This meeting is both the past and the present. It is a fusion of the world god's past and Soverick's present. It is responsive because of the will of the world god in the sheets of paper but since there is no difference between the world god's will and the world god, Soverick might as well be talking to the first sage right now.

"If they are all the same then you must know about the ability of my eyes. What else do you know?" He asked the eye.

He hasn't informed anyone of the abilities of his eyes. Not even Hadrick. The only ones that might have an inkling are the realm lord and mother high heaven. But he is currently in the presence of a world god. His secrets are not safe at all.josei

The eye gleamed. "So you're concerned about your secrets. Yes, I know about the ability of your eyes to see mana and I know it has more potential than that. I also know that your soul has a fragment of eternity but you're just a king of law that reached that level of power in less than a thousand years. Which do you think is the biggest secret?"

Soverick turned silent. He didn't put it past such a powerful entity to know about his strangeness but that doesn't mean the entity knows everything. He chose not to be caught up in a trap by remaining silent. He realized that this might not be a cordial meeting but an interrogation.

He has heard a lot about the first sage but he has never met the great hero of the race of battle sage monkeys. It wouldn't have mattered that he has never met the first sage were he an ordinary battle sage monkey but he is not ordinary. He is far from ordinary and he is also the child of the plane.

So it matters a lot that he has not met the first sage. It is also important to know that the first sage is the head of the racial council and also the former child of the plane of the Virut plane. The two of them are important extraordinary people so this meeting cannot be ordinary.

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