Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 156 - Lure Of Beauty

Chapter 156 - Lure Of Beauty

Chapter 156 – Lure Of Beauty

" If you want you can take your time – wait…You do?" Xiao Hua was once again shocked he knew that the amount he was asking for wasn't small, he was even prepared to be rejected and had already thought of a million of explanations beforehand. He was really surprised when he heard Yu Dong say that she was willing to invest in this new business without any objections.

" I'm but let's move the shares to a per cent of seventy thirty, I am the one taking most of the risk here, I see no point in haggling about this thing and" Yu Dong looked at Xiao Hua's shocked expression and smiled. Though the plan was indeed good most of the time and efforts would be hers, she have to come up with a new and unique batch of alcohol that doesn't collide with the ones she was selling at Song Yixu's restaurant and the investment was completely hers. If anything goes south, she will be the one suffering a huge loss.

Xiao Hua puckered his lips, he knew that Yu Dong wasn't asking for much. She was the one who has to cough up the investment money as well as make the other arrangements, so he nodded " all right, Seventy to twenty it is, I will not fight with you on this one. So should I draw the contract?"

Yu Dong shook her head after pondering a little, she fiddled with her hair that was coming undone" no, leave the contract to me, once you are redeemed you can sign it. I will have you and these mers redeemed tomorrow, but you all better not try to pull wool over my eyes. If anyone, I don't care who it is, tried to run away after I buy him from the tavern, I will make everyone's life hell, you understand? I'm the one who is giving you a chance to start a new life if you tried to double-cross me. I don't mind making it your new hell "

Yu Dong had an unearthly face, with her sharp phenoixe eyes, she can be called an out and out beauty. When she smiled her face was like an exquisite piece of art, however when she stopped smiling the effect was instant. Within seconds she can overwhelm the person sitting in front of her, Now Xiao Hua who have never faced such a Yu Dong felt like he was sitting on a hot pan.

Double Cross? Her? He was afraid that if he went to double-cross her, she will hang him on the town's squire by his guts!

" no… Not at all, I never thought about it, and these mers are honest too. They have a bit of a weird personality but they are nice and will never do something to offend you, their lifesaver" Xiao Hua's fair face that was dyed with a thin layer of scarlet rogue paled instantly.

" if that's the case then I have no problem" Yu Dong pulled back her aura once she was assured that Xiao Hua understood her thoroughly. She wasn't a ruthless capitalist but she wasn't someone who was easy to mess with either, Xiao Hua needed to understand this. She knew how much Xiao Hua craved for his freedom, she didn't want him to think in his la-la land that he can fool her.

Once Yu Dong retracted her gaze, Xiao Hua's chicken courage finally returned, he rolled his eyes and said " I am smarter than you think I am, you don't have to tell me something like this "

Yu Dong smiled, her eyes curving in two crescent moons " I just wanted to make sure that the two of us are on the same page, I don't like going through much trouble after all"

Xiao Hua's lips twitched he knew that talking with this woman was like running his head into a wall! When she was crazy, she was so crazy that he couldn't get one word out without her trying to grope him and now that she wasn't crazy, he still couldn't get one word out without her suppressing him. Strength! It was all because of their difference in their strength! ( no you are just plain coward)

Now that they have finished discussing the matter of the contract, neither Xiao Hua nor Yu Dong continued with any formal chats. To Xiao Hua, Yu Dong cold and arrogant, with her indifferent face, she can be terrifyingly cold when she got angry.

And for Yu Dong Xiao Hua was a troublesome fellow, loved egging her husbands, teasing them until they jumped like angry ants on a hot tin can.

Xiao Hua left in a hurry, he came here without notifying anyone and the tavern mistress must have turned the entire tavern upside down searching for him.

Yu Dong didn't stop him from leaving either, she turned around and looked at her three husbands who looked like they wanted to say something but didn't dare to, in the end, their faces were turning purple with the effort of stopping themselves from speaking something rude. josei

" just go ahead and say what you want to say, it's not like I'm not open to criticism" Yu Dong knew that the decision she took was abrupt and her husbands must have a lot to say to her, but because of the teachings they received from their families, they didn't speak without restraint.

" Wife, I agree that the plan Mr Xiao came up with was indeed really good but don't you think you are being too rash?" Ye Liu the finance minister of their home, was the first to speak. He could feel his heart bleed at the thought of losing those hard-earned thirty gold taels, though they were earning a rather good sum, it was indeed a little too risky for them to spend that hard-earned money without any proper planning. What if they encounter trouble in the future? What will they do then? Shouldn't they have little savings for themselves as security?

" Liu is right, Wife. This time you were indeed a bit rash, the plan might be good on paper but it doesn't mean that it will be good in a physical aspect as well " said Shen Li, his tender forehead creased " you should have thought a bit more about it"

" exactly, that Xiao Hua only drew up a stupid plan, and you are the one who is going to take all risks wife, don't you think it's unfair ?" said Chen Mi rocking the angry Little bun who shook his fists and babbled incoherently, though it was clear that whatever he said it was in support of his daddy.

Yu Dong grinned as she looked at the three of them, then she mischievously winked " if that's what you think then you don't understand how the lure of beauty works! "

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