Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 341 Most special.

Chapter 341 Most special.

Chapter 341 Most special.

Yu Dong was really surprised by the sudden cry, wasn't everything alright just a few minutes ago when she left? Why was it that in just a few minutes, her son was crying like the world was going to end soon? What happened in such a short span of time?

Little bun heard the voice of his mother and immediately looked over his daddy's shoulder and hiccuped, he was so angry—— so upset, he was the only baby of this family, wasn't he enough why was there a need of adding more noisy brats in the house? Haven't they seen those ugly, snot covered children running around the village, each one was more noisier than the other, if there was another child added to the mix what will happen to his peace?

And more importantly, his mother's attention would be diverted! How pitiful! He was so pitiful! Not only will he have to give up his peace but also give up on his mother's attention? That was just so unfair! Why was this happening to him? He wanted a refund! Pamper him more!

As he thought about what kind of life he will have to live in the future, his tears didn't stop instead they started to flow down even more furiously and before anyone knew it, he was howling like a lone wolf on the edge of the cliff. josei

' Snow day on a cold cliff

All birds have tucked their wings

No one was in sight

A baby abandoned by his family sits in the corner

Nibbling on a dried cold bun'

" Wahhh!" He didn't want to nibble on a cold bun, he didn't want to give his clothes and toys away to that little brat!

" Oh dear, why are you crying?" Yu Dong's brows scrunched up as she strode towards her son, who took one glimpse of her frown. He hiccuped twice ——- look, his mother was already annoyed by him, his breathing turned ragged as he shook his head. What love? What promises? All women were heartbreakers!

On a very lonely day, Little bun came to an understanding of the cruel reality of life.

Humph, so what if she doesn't care about him? He will not care about her either. Then just as Yu Dong raised her hand to wipe little bun's tears, the latter turned his head and looked away, not allowing her to touch his face.

" What the——" this was the first time little bun has turned his head away from her, confused she looked up at Chen Mi who gave her a sheepish smile as he rocked his son. " It's nothing, he just found out that he is not going to be the only baby of the family, most probably he is upset about it and nothing else."

Yu Dong wasn't surprised after listening to Chen Mi's explanation, she was very well aware of how much of a dramatic queen her son was, she shook her head with a doting smile and raised her hands as she took little bun from Chen Mi's arms. Though she took him in her arms, her son refused to look at her and kept sniffling with his head bowed.

She smiled as she hugged him, softly patting his back, she whispered, "It's true that little bun will no longer be the only child of the family."

The baby in her arms stiffened and just as he was about to cry again, she added. " But he will always be my first child and no one will be able to take that away, the first child that I held was little bun and that's why he has a special place in my heart."

Little bun blinked his eyes, and though he didn't understand the entire thing, he did understand that he was his mother's special child. That was just like him, apart from listening to the things that were of use to him, he didn't care about the rest of the things.

"Aah?" Pulling back little bun looked at his mother with a distrustful gaze.

" Really, you are my most special child," said Yu Dong as she patted him and kissed his nose. Only after listening to his mother's confirmation did little bun stop crying but he refused to let go of his mother, since Yu Dong couldn't take a small child to the kitchen, she could only turn to Chen Mi. " Mi, why don't you bring the porridge that I cooked? It's done you just need to ladle it in the bowl, and nothing else."

Chen Mi nodded but before leaving he smacked the back of his son, as he lightly chided him. " Such a Drama King, really."

Then he crossed the room without looking at his elder brothers, he was worried that he would look at those eyes that were filled with yearning and then show a sympathetic expression—— that will only hurt his brothers.

Shen Li and Ye Liu were indeed looking at Yu Dong with eyes that were filled with desire, they too wanted to see their wife dote on their children. But —— their expression darkened once again and they couldn't help but worry about what was wrong with them.

Yu Dong's gaze fell on their complicated expression while she was rocking little bun, she blinked and then was reminded of the time, Aunt Wang told her that she needed to have her husbands checked. At that time, she didn't suggest it to them because she didn't want to hurt them but now maybe she will take them to a good doctor and have them checked out. What she didn't know was that she wouldn't get a chance to do that, the matter will get so out of her control that she wouldn't be able to rein it back.

Chen Mi returned with the porridge and behind him were Zhu Qian and Lang Ru, Yu Dong saw this and her lips twitched was Chen Mi some kind of human magnet that he always attracted people to him? Every time he left to get the porridge, he returned with someone.

He handed the porridge to Fang Chi who took it gladly unlike the other porridge this one didn't smell that bad to him and it didn't trigger his nausea either and why would it? This was Yu Dong's special porridge with spiritual energy!

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