Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 582

Chapter 582: Do our own things



It was better for her to stay from the core of the storm for the time being.      

" I will see what I can," after saying this village head Gu turned to walk back to the group that was still collecting the fish that were left behind while the others were still clamouring about whether they should or should not eat the chicken and pigs that were lying within their reach, Ah Cy's voice the loudest among them.      

" Stop that is enough." When Village head Gu interrupted the fight that was going on between the villagers, they all turned to look at her in silence, women like Ah Cy thought that village head Gu was going to support her, after all the village did not even have enough ration and throwing such a good fortune would be stupid of them but when the Village head Gu opened her mouth, she crashed all the hopes that Ah Cy had in her heart.      

" There is no need for this debate anymore," seeing that Ah Cy still did not want to give up when the majority of the villagers asked her to give up, Village head Gu glared at her and then swiftly added, " There is no need for you to quarrel over this matter, all right? These chickens and pigs have been under the water for so long, do you think that you can still eat them? And even if you can eat them do you think that you will not get sick?"      

Ah Cy was dumbfounded when she saw that the village head Gu was scolding her, she looked at the woman in surprise before she retorted in a sharp voice, " But we don't have enough to eat! You have already seen it village head Gu, Yu Dong was so heartless when we had nowhere to go, forget about giving us decent meals, she did not even give us a place to stay. Now that the flood is gone surely the watery porridge that we used to receive will also be taken away, with such a condition where will we go and what will we eat? Our house doesn't have enough to eat and the livestock that we raised are gone as well, how are we going to survive?"      

Ah Cy's words caused a stir but that stir quickly died down when the village head Gu turned to look at them and they all lowered their heads at once, they dared to think but they did not dare to speak about it, if they were to say something then there was a chance that they will be called out and scolded like Ah Cy.      

" Are your brains filled with water or what?" Village head Gu couldn't help but snap as she looked at Ah Cy, she always knew that the woman was a troublesome little fellow but she did not expect her to be this much of a fool. " I have already talked with Sister Wu and she has told me that if you all eat this livestock then you will get sick and there is a chance that you will catch something contagious causing the entire village to be affected."      

"But if we don't eat them we will die!" Ah Cy roared angrily interrupting village head Gu as she looked at the woman in front of her with an upset expression. " There is nothing to eat, if we don't eat these then we will have to starve ourselves if we starve ourselves then we will die anyway. At least after eating these chickens and pigs there is no guarantee that we will fall sick what if nothing happens? Won't we waste such good resources?"     

Village head Gu was very angry when she saw that Ah Cy was going against her, did she think that she was asking for her opinion?      

" Sun Ah Cy, I am telling you that you are not allowed to eat any chicken and pig that are left behind by the flood, if you want to eat then go ahead and eat it but you better pack your bags and get out of the village, even if you are willing to take the risk I am not!" Then she turned to look at the villagers and said, " If you want to keep this livestock with you then you can but let me tell you, neither of you is allowed to stay in the village, either you throw these away or get lost!"     

When she thought about how she will be able to get a reward from the magistrate for her wonderful work in this hard situation, Village head Gu was not willing to let go of this chance either.      

The village women when they heard that they will have to leave the village, immediately turned silent and started to pick up the dead chicken and pigs to throw them away.     

  When Ah Cy saw that the village head was also supporting Yu Dong, her expression turned even more twisted, when she saw Xiao Lingyun supporting Yu Dong, Ah Cy was already in a bad mood but now that she saw that even the village head was also supporting Yu Dong, she felt even worse.      

She pursed her lips and then looked at the villagers who were carrying the dead chicken and pigs away with a sullen look on her face. This was seriously too much! They all were bullying her because she was not as rich and powerful as Yu Dong were they not?     

Ah Cy wanted to say something more but before she could, she felt her mother tug on her sleeves and stopped her from speaking anymore. " Don't, we are already in enough trouble already and there is no need for you to fight with them right now." Old madam Sun paused and then added, " We just need to care about ourselves and no one else."      

If you like the story please give my book Hot bloodsuckers' Obsession a chance pleasee!     

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