Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 731

Chapter 731: Praises ——2


He paused and then winked at Fang Chi with a deliberate slow bat of his eye, " And in case she is too tired or whatever, I even have some Aphrodisiac. Just a pinch and you know, mhmm——"     

" Oh god, Xiao Hua," Chen Mi dumped the clothes that were in his arms on the bed as he looked at Xiao Hua who was rattling one thing after another before looking at Yu Dong who was slightly blushing while Fang Chi who was on the bed was as red a tomato that has reached its fully ripe stage.      

Though he was a bit potty mouth as well Xiao Hua was simply on another level. He simply had no filter! Chen Mi who thought that he will be able to show Xiao Hua who was the boss felt like the future in front of him was rather dark because he could not compete with this shameless mer!     

" Looks like you have met your match, Mi." Shen Li cleared his throat as he looked at Xiao Hua, though he was not approving of the way Xiao Hua spoke to Fang Chi, he could see that Xiao Hua's way was far better than theirs with Fang Chi's low self-esteem.      

He then turned to look at Fang Chi with a smile on his face and praised, " He is right, if I was a woman, I am afraid that Yu Dong will have to fight with me for you. You are one in a million, Chi."      

Ye Liu who was standing at the door also saw what the others were doing and immediately raised his hand and then said, " You are fascinating, Chi … I am still waiting for you to teach me how to take care of the vegetables in the garden since yours flourish better than mine."      

" And you are one of the best embroider and tailor in the house," remarked Chen Mi as he looked at Fang Chi who was getting redder with each praise. " I still have to ask you to embroider some clothes for a little bun like the one you sewed for your son. I haven't forgotten the promise where you said that you will make a lion-shaped onesie for bun bun."      

" Stop, Stop…" Fang Chi was not used to getting praised, even though Yu Dong praised him and called him beautiful he thought that she only said that because she pitied him who was like a lost child in front of her but he had never expected that his brothers who were supposed to treat him like a rival would say such words to him. " I am not any good, you don't have to lie to me…" his eyes filled with tears as he looked at his belly which was smaller than before and softly said, " I could not even save our daughter. I am useless as a mer and a father and a husband as well. If I was stronger then I could have given this house an heir."      

If he succeeded in giving birth to a daughter, he could have given her to Shen Li or Ye Liu and let them adopt her in their names. That way, he could have saved this house and their businesses yet he failed at the most crucial time!     

" Chi," Yu Dong took his hand that was resting on his belly as she looked at him with a smile that was both sympathetic and encouraging.  " I have said this to Li, Liu and Mi—— and I will say this to you and Hua now as well, you all are much more important to me than just a tool for giving birth to an heir. I have never once thought of you as an animal who will give birth to my daughter when I was marrying you all. I married you because I wanted to and that's it—— it's fine if you can give me a child but if you cannot, your importance will not take a blow in my heart."      

When she saw that Fang Chi was not looking at her and was still blaming her, she sighed and then said sternly, "Let's say, I was the one who got poisoned and lost my ability to get you all pregnant, will you pack your bags and leave me after saying that you want to divorce me?"      

" Of course not! How can I even… you have given me a home and a new life when I gave up on myself!" Fang Chi immediately raised his head and shook it furtively as he looked at Yu Dong and clutched her hands tightly. " I will never divorce you, even if you were the one who got poisoned."      

" That is right," Chen Mi glanced at Yu Dong in disgust and kicked her in the shin. " I am hanging to your back even in the underworld, don't even think about leaving me alone."      

" I will make you kneel," said Shen Li as he pulled out a durian which was handed to him by Ye Liu who glared at Yu Dong. Shen Li smiled at her gently but his eyes were lit with small flames which made Yu Dong turn her head away and smile ruefully. " If you were to mention divorce in front of us again."      

" I haven't even married you and you are mentioning divorce?" Xiao Hua pinched Yu Dong on her cheek as he pulled it with a narrowed pair of eyes. " Way to jinx it, Dong Dong… you really have got some nerve to say that."      

" I wash just saying it hypothetically…" Yu Dong stated as she pulled her cheek out of Xiao Hua's grip as she smiled at Fang Chi and said, " See, just like I am not a machine for you all to make you pregnant, you are not a tool to give birth to my child. I cannot say about others but I will exercise equality in our house, understand?"      

Fang Chi looked at his family who was looking at him with smiles on their faces and not a glimmer of blame and nodded with a grateful look on his face, he was really lucky that he married in this house.     

"En." He said as he curled his lips and smiled with others, he will always carry his daughter in his heart but at the same time, he will try his best to move on.      josei


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