Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 837

Chapter 837: Its daughter in law !

Chapter 837: Its daughter in law !

Sun Jie looked at the crumpled-up flowers which were laying in his hands and then turned to look at the carriage which was leaving, his eyes were red but he did not dare to say anything. He stood up from the ground and then very slowly walked towards his house, while he was walking towards his house, he saw a bunch of kids who were playing in the small clearing which was closer to the mountains and when they saw him, they immediately rushed towards Sun Jie and started chattering,

" Ah Jie! Are you going back home? Why don't you come and play with us? We are playing hide and seek, we are lacking one person why don't you come and play with us?" One of the children who was playing on the ground immediately asked Sun Jie who was crying.

"What are you talking about? Can't you see that Ah Jie is crying?" Another kid spoke as he looked at the boy next to him with a white look on his face while hating iron for not being able to turn it into steel. " How can he play when he is crying like that? Are you stupid?" He then turned to look at Sun Jie and with a very tactful expression asked,

" Why are you upset, Ah Jie? Is it because we started playing without you? But you said that you were busy today, if we knew you were coming to play we would not have started playing."

These kids were used to playing with Sun Jie and even took care of him as their own friend.

" I am not upset because you started playing without me, it's just this…I wrote this poem because I wanted to thank someone and then she threw it away, why did she throw it away?" Sun Jie pouted his lips as he looked at the letter and flowers. " She even threw the flowers away, I …I wished she took it with her ."

This was something that was beyond the understanding of the kids, but they still willing tried to coax their friend and then patted him on the back asking him not to think about something like that for so long.

But Sun Jie did not stop feeling bad upon seeing this, one of the kids could only suggest that they go looking for wild berries in the mountains, though most of the berries were poisonous, they did know which one was edible, only then did Sun Jie felt happy and followed after the kids.

On the other hand, Old Master Sun was getting antsy by the minute as he looked at the door of his house while peeking inside the courtyard, but no matter how many times he looked at the courtyard, he could not see even the shadow of his son and that made him worry. Though his son was not that foolish and knew how to come back home to his current state, he was worried that he might end up losing his way.

Just as Old Master Sun was thinking about going outside and looking for his son, he saw his son happily bouncing towards the courtyard of the house, he was even carrying wild berries in his hands, seeing this Old Master Sun was so furious that he wished he could run ahead and kick his son in the bottom but when he saw the silly smile on Sun Jie's face he could not bring himself to say anything.

It was rare for his son to smile like this there was no need for him to hit him and make him upset.

" Where were you?" In the end, he quashed his anger and glared at his son who was strutting inside the house. " Why did I not see you since morning?"

There was another reason why Old Master Sun was worried about his son and that was ——

" I went to see Miss Yu, I wanted to thank her by gifting her a flower wreath and letter but she threw it away," Sun Jie quite honestly answered his father and when he remembered the matter from earlier this morning, he was once again upset as he lowered his head and then said in an upset voice, " She threw it away because she did not like it."

Sure enough, his son went to see Yu Dong, Old Master Sun was both upset and angry with Sun Jie but when he saw the tears in his son's eyes, he also knew that this was the first time Sun Jie liked a woman so much. josei


He sighed and then said, " Jie'er, I am not scolding you but did I not say that you should not go and meet with Miss Yu? She is too busy to care about you why do you follow after her?"

His son was not even normal much less being pretty, it was impossible for Yu Dong who had someone like Xiao Hua by her side to care about his son. Though this was upsetting to listen to and think about but this was the truth and he was not willing to make his son who was a fool became even more of a fool by chasing after Yu Dong.

" You should stop chasing after Yu Dong——"

He did not even finish speaking when Sun Jie threw the berries on the ground and then glared at him angrily.

" Why? Why can't I talk to Miss Yu? I like her too… everyone who likes her can talk to her so why can't I? Is it because I am not good? Does Father thinks that I am a fool too?" As he spoke he stomped towards his bed and with a flump went to lie down on his bed.

Seeing him act like such, Old Master Sun was very helpless, he wished he could tell his son that this was not what he meant by when he asked that his son should stop following Yu Dong but then he stopped himself.

Short pain was better than longer ones, it was better to leave his son alone once he understands that he can not stay with Yu Dong, he will give up.


On the other hand at the town, Yu Dong had no idea that something like this happened when she left the village. If she knew she would have definitely pleaded guilty and asked for an apology from Sun Jie but since she did not, she continued on with her day without bothering Sun Jie or anyone from the Sun family.

As soon as she arrived at the town, she asked the mammy who was driving the carriage to the side and then started to get off the carriage, following her was Village head Gu who was looking at the condition of the main market with her mouth agape.

She thought that with the current situation, no one would be going around buying grains in the market but to her surprise, the market was full of people! It was as if the entire town came out to buy grains!

" What is going on?" Village head Gu could not help but ask as she looked at the crowd which was currently going in and out of the grain shops even those who could not buy the fine grains, were busy buying the coarse ones.

" The market is going through a shortage of grains," Yu Dong answered, she was not surprised, even though the locust plague was yet to start, there might be some places where the condition might have turned truly bad already.

When Village head Gu heard that the market was going through a shortage of grains, she was stumped. She thought that Yu Dong was only exaggerating the situation such that everyone will take it seriously but to think that the situation was truly like this!

" We should go and buy as much grain as possible." Yu Dong looked around and finally settled her gaze on a shop which was clean of coarse grains but still had a stock of fine grains which were being bought by very few people.

Village head Gu had nothing against it, she nodded like a chicken pecking on the rise and then agreed with what Yu Dong said, it was a good thing that she brought all the savings that she had in her house after fighting with her husband, if not—— Village head Gu could not help but gulp in fright in case she was a bit too late then surely she would have left with nothing but regrets.

Thankfully, she listened to Yu Dong and came or else who knows what might have happened!

While the two of them were heading to the grains shops, Yu Dong bumped into an old woman who was rushing from the opposite direction. She turned her head and was going to apologise to the elderly woman since she was the one who crossed the street without looking around carefully but then before she could say even a word, she heard the woman yell loudly,

"It's you, daughter-in-law!"


I am at a funeral please do understand.

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