Guild Wars

Chapter 486 - Grand Setup 2

Chapter 486 - Grand Setup 2

Chapter 486 - Grand Setup 2

The three ladies were extremely satisfied with their items. Zaine for example, began zipping around the room like some great value Flash, her form blurry thanks to the combination of her movement speed boosts and Draco’s imbued movement techniques.

Roma admired her staff and placed it under her shapely bum, marveling at how comfortable it was despite the material used. Immediately, she too began flying around like she was trying to capture a special gold winged ball. Draco regretted not calling her staff The Firebolt 9000.

As for Hikari, she immediately wore her circlet and fully transformed into her Dragon Form. Draco could tell because she was his Dragobonded mate, but Eva and the other reported that Hikari still looked to be in her human form to them.

Draco was intrigued by the logic of it. Hikari was about the size of a small house right now, but to everyone else, she looked mostly humanoid. So, what would happen if they neared her?

Would they experience a visual-touch dissonance in that they would hit her dragon body while still thinking she was humanoid, or would they pass through and only interact with her ’fake’ form?

Draco watched as Hikari’s dragon body took flight while the others reported her human body remained on the ground, smiling at her three sisters. His eyes flashed with a light of understanding, but he wanted to be sure. josei

"Eva, see if you can touch Hikari." Draco inquired of his soulmate.

Eva directly teleported right beside fake Hikari and pinched her cheeks, making the Dragoness cry out in indignation and try to escape. The Hikari in the air also cried out and rolled around in an amusing curve.

She eventually landed beside Draco with an aggrieved expression, and Eva finally let her human form mirage go with a playful smile. Hikari rubbed her sore cheeks while gazing at Eva with resentment.

Draco smiled. "So, it is like having two bodies, eh?"

Hikari was stunned by this. "How did you know?"

Draco rubbed his chin as Eva came to stand beside him. "It was easy enough to tell by the facts as well as your actions and reaction. Seems like you’ll need more practice with this in order to perfect your camouflage."

Hikari nodded in agreement. As for Zaine and Roma, they approached a little later after they were done playing around with their new toys. With excitement on her face, Zaine made a demand.

"Draco, let’s go and run a dungeon!"

The eyes of the others lit up, including Eva. The Four Beauties had long since been running dungeons by their lonesome and their skills had greatly increased. Since Draco had spent most of his time crafting instead of fighting, this was the best chance to show their skills off to him.

Draco nodded. "We’ll do so right after I finish setting everything up. In fact, I want all of us to go together on my next combat-oriented Unique Quest, the Tower of Babylon."

At first, they were disappointed when he put it off, but an even stronger light burned within them as they thought of clearing a whole Unique Quest with Draco. Draco too was greatly looking forward to it.

Hehe, he had learned from this Refinement God’s Treasury that he alone could not solve everything with his power. But with his outstanding wives by his side, they would never have any difficulty when working together.

"So, what’s next?" Roma asked softly.

"Well... this." Draco replied as he took out the three Divine Chests he had received as a reward for clearing the Refinement God’s Treasury Unique Quest. It was part of the system generated benefits, along with some lovely Tradeskill and combat experience.

Those he would allocate later. For now, he wanted to open the Divine Chests and see what he could get from inside. However, before he could, Eva chuckled and nudged him.

"Aren’t you forgetting something?" She asked playfully.

Draco gazed at her with confusion before thunder struck his mind. "Oh yeah, we need to name your new set. What do you have in mind?"

"Hm, since yours is the Dragon’s Roar set - Dragorugio - I’ll call mine Dragon’s Rage - Dragoira!" Eva decided after a spell of silence and Draco acknowledged her choice.

The system made the usual announcement about how Draco made a new set and that players could buy it for a discount and achieve a slightly higher success rate.

The same thing had played when he made the other items for his babes, so he just gave it a cursory glance before focusing on the Divine Chests again.

In truth, Draco was only curious and not filled with desire after getting these chests like before. After all, he had Origin grade things he could access later and even discovered the cousin of Origin Energy, Aurora Energy.

Divine Energy and Divine related things just seemed so... yesterday.

However, the fellow didn’t dare to dally too much and decisively opened the three chests before him at once.

The grand fanfare of opening Divine Chest was really something. Three gates of heaven opened up and they watched many faceless angels come down while heavenly music played behind them.

A stairway of heaven manifested from the sky down to before the group, three of them in fact. From each stairway, a glowing item fell down to the earth, right into the area before the quintet.

Once the items had been ’delivered’, the fanfare came to an end and the angels returned to their heavenly abode. Draco gazed at them curiously, while Eva had a possessive light, her bloodline telling her to capture them for her own use.

However, she knew this was neither the time nor place, so she controlled herself.

The group then checked out the glowing items. The leftmost one was a shining book that looked to be a skillbook, the one in the center was an airship figurine and the last one was actually a glowing fire!

「Spacetime Regulation – Passive Skill (True Gods only)

Rank: Divine

Effect: Control the elements of Time and Space.

Note: Max Time and Space Mastery required.」

「Airforce One – Airship

Rank: Divine

Durability: MAX


Passive 1 – Size Augmentation: The item’s size can be changed at will by the recognized owner.

Passive 2 – Power Pack: The item is able to generate its own power from ambient energy to use as fuel, as well as other misc functions.

Active 1 – Nyoom: Activate this skill to put the airship in hyperspeed mode, increasing its movement speed by 1,000% but also increasing its power consumption to Aether only. Duration: 3 hours. Cooldown: 1 day.

Active 2 – 25-kill Streak: Fire a barrage of magic missiles that bombard an Area Zone with random damage. Duration: 10 Minutes. Cooldown: 1 day.

Description: This airship was the flagship of the great Murica Empire of the old era, said to be built with the idea of freedom and prosperity. It was lost during the old war when it was sieged by sh.i.p.s belonging to Commie Red Empire and The Yaroslav Empire.」

「Divinefire – Fusion item

Rank: Divine


Passive 1 – Holy Flames: The user is able to channel the holiest flames freely. Depending on their race and class, the holy flames may manifest different uses.

Passive 2 – Divine Privilege: The user is exempt from all forms of arbitration, questioning, and interference by parties mortal or divine.

Active 1 – Purify: Using the Divine Flame, cleanse any target or item of any and all impurities, bringing it to its perfect state. Cooldown: 30 minutes.

Active 2 – Law: With the Divine Flame, forcefully comprehend a Divine Law permanently. Cooldown: 3 months.

Description: This is a flame that was birthed due to the presence of Divinity, a legendary mystic flame born from the power of the Gods. Ranked number 1 out of the Great Ten Mystic Flames.」

Without even thinking about it, Eva grabbed the Divine skillbook and learned it. Draco tossed the Divinefire over to Hikari for her use and the Airforce One quickly became their new family airship.

Satisfied with their new acquisitions, Draco and Eva assisted Hikari in absorbing the Divinefire before they all exited the Anomaly Realm. Vitae appeared before Draco just then, making the fellow smile.

"You’ve come at the perfect time, Vitae. How much space do we have in the core area now?" Draco asked the Aether Apparition as he headed outside the building, his women following him.

Vitae pondered for a bit before answering, "Hm, about enough space to fit in a small city."

Draco nodded. He knew that the measurement of a small city in Boundless was equivalent to a small country in the real world, so it should be enough. Still though...

"Please capture that Clarent fellow and have him expand the borders 24/7," Draco ordered cruelly.

Even though the fellow had been sent to the underworld by Qiong Qi, it was a simple matter his for sister to revive him using her resurrection spell. Of course, Clarent came back extremely traumatized and had to be tied up with a Dragon-sized straitjacket the entire time.

Vitae acknowledged his master’s order, sealing Clarent’s fate of torment and slavery. In Draco’s opinion, hard work could cure insanity! Put an insane fellow to work and he would want to run away, which would bring him clarity of mind!

Draco took to the air to measure the amount of free land there was in the core section. As Vitae described it was slightly bigger than a small city in Boundless, but Draco wasn’t sure if it was enough for the 99 villages.

While they were far smaller than a city, they were still quite sizable. Not to mention that he had to distribute them sequentially and linearly, otherwise they could easily become cramped here.

As such, Draco returned to the Aether Hall himself and entered the Anomaly Realm. Placing his hand on the Aether Conversion Orb, he focused his Control, State of Being, and psychic abilities into it.

Like a whale that was swallowing endless seawater, Draco’s reach extended even far beyond the limits of the Paradise Lands, greedily stealing all the Worldly Energy he could gather until he could hold no more.

Then, it was all brought back to the orb for conversion to Aetheric Energy for expansion, which turned out to be quite a sizable amount. Draco focused the expansion on the core area, almost tripling the size once the converted energy got to work pushing the borders and magically extending the land.

Draco wasn’t done though. In case he encountered new citizens he could also place them here without having to struggle for more land. Who knew what interesting things he would find in the Tower of Babylon soon?

Draco spent the next three hours expanding the core section only, almost doubling its size, even that of the outer section where the land was yet to be fully developed upon.

Many were curious about the ongoing expansion of the core section, but few were actually allowed to see what was there. As for Draco, after he was done expanding, he brought the party out once again and took to the air.

Activating Species Shift, he emulated Norma’s Source Origin and slashed Fragarach at the empty air. Immediately, a tear in space appeared that grew larger and larger.

On the other side, one could see the endless beauty of the Treasury, a sight which Eva and co marveled at as the tear grew bigger. Finally, once the tear became big enough, Draco channeled Norma’s Source Origin to the max and made a single command.


The world on the other side shook and trembled. The 99 villages as well as the core palace all broke away from the ground and rose up into the air, slowly moving from within the small world and out in the real one through the portal.

Despite the size disparity, the villages were able to pass through the portal and hover in the air above the empty land in the core area. Onlookers from afar marveled and stood rooted to the spot at this scene, their minds blown.

Draco waited until all the villages were brought out before executing another predetermined command.


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