Guild Wars

Chapter 656 - (1/2) Asmodeus 1

Chapter 656 - (1/2) Asmodeus 1

Chapter 656 - (1/2) Asmodeus 1

Errr… Paimon's face reddened from top to bottom at Draco's bluntness towards the matter. It seemed like steam was about to pop from her head, which amused Draco and Eva.

"It's okay, don't worry about it. Anyway, we're heading off. See you later." Draco said as he waved irresponsibly, disappearing with Eva the next second.

Paimon could only sigh and deflate like a ball since Draco had left. But then she touched her stomach again and felt giddy. She already felt that tyrannical semen force her eggs out and inseminate one of them, so she was pregnant.

The idea of carrying the child of the Demon God excited her so much that she rushed into her castle and holed herself up in there, not allowing anything to disturb or endanger her offspring at all.

As for Draco and Eva, they appeared in the 9th and final level of hell, which was a frozen wasteland. It wasn't like the third circle which was snowing and raining at the same time, creating a slush-filled wasteland, but this one was just frozen 24/7.

Skies were clear and the 'sun' was out, but it was still cold because of the nature of the land. Draco looked below and saw that the ice below was clear, looking ready to display something. Hmm…

Before they headed over to the castle, Eva patted Draco and asked. "So, is she the one?"

Draco pondered for a bit and shook his head. "No. My Horned Demon aspect does not react to her at all. She's a subordinate of my bloodline, so how could she be? The kind of reaction I get from Roma, Zaine, and Hikari is that of equals, and I guess that's what's important."

Eva nodded. "Makes sense."

They then appeared before the castle frozen by ice in the center of the level, where Baal stood in all his glory. His aura was magnificent, and Draco still felt like he could only match Baal's raw strength if he took his Horned Demon True Body, which went to show how powerful he was in comparison.josei

"Greetings, Lord Demon God." Baal bowed with respect.

Draco was just about to one his mouth when he paused and gazed at Baal seriously. "You knew?"

Baal nodded then shook his head. "Half knew, half guessed. I was one of the first demons born, so I got to meet Lord Lucifer and Lady Amaterasu. I don't know if you noticed, but the two of you are spitting images of the two, just younger."

Draco and Eva could only share a look and concede on that point.

"Also, you came out of nowhere, the new Demon Supreme appointed by no one, with power beyond what any of us could handle. None of it makes sense, so you could only be Lucifer or the latest progenitor of his bloodline." Baal added with his arms stretched out.

Once again, Draco and Eva could only take the L and admit that Baal was probably the only Demon Lord with above room temperature IQ. Sorry Paimon, you're hot, but you're likely a bimbo.

"Alright then, smart guy. Why not introduce this level of hell for us, and its rules?" Draco prompted with a smile.

"Not a problem, My Lord. This is the 9th level of hell, Treachery. This is the level for those who betray the trust of others with malicious intentions behind it at different scales." Baal began with a light smile.

"The central area is reserved for those who were entrusted with huge responsibility by many men and women, but betrayed that trust for their own gain. You mostly see those who betray their race or people for their own gain. The punishment is to be buried under the ice, having your soul chilled at the lowest temperatures without ever being frozen. That would let you understand the cold feeling in the hearts of those you betrayed."

"The middle area is reserved for those who were entrusted with significant responsibility and betrayed that trust. This can be seen by those who own large corporations or public entities that decide to go against what they believe in. Many board members and CEO are destined for this level. Their punishment is also to be buried under the ice, but theirs is not as cold. They will also relive the scenes of their betrayal occasionally to instill regret."

"The outer level is reserved for those who were entrusted with minor responsibility and betrayed that trust. These are usually those who betray small groups like family, friends, lovers, or the like. Adulterers, sellouts, and the like are brought here. Their punishment is to go under the ice, but its coldness is not that high. However, they are almost always forced to relive their betrayal to instill regret." Baal concluded as he gestured to the frozen tundra that went as far as the eye could see.

Draco nodded and looked around. "Fitting for traitors. It seems like this might be the first place I populate in reality if things go as planned."

"Anyway, what about you? What's your Demonic Power and Demonic Nature?" Draco then asked Baal.

"Myself? I have all the powers of the other Demon Lords, including the ability to grant invisibility to anyone. However, for some reason, I cannot access that invisibility ability. My Demonic Nature is to provide whatever a mortal asks when summoned, then I take the souls of them and all of their loved ones." Baal replied thoughtfully.

Draco and Eva sucked in a deep breath. Damn, Baal was truly OP. Not only did he have everyone's power, but when making a demonic deal, he would take the contractee's soul as well as everyone they loved.

So tough luck to you if your dumbass son lusted over a girl and summoned Baal to make him hers. Once done, Baal would take his retarded soul, the girls, and you, his parents. Cousins, uncles, and the like are not spared, so enjoy your free time in hell because one idiot in the family couldn't control his hormones.

Sounded scary and unfair? It definitely was. However, did you think Demons or anything connected to them cared about fairness?

Draco then discussed more about the history of the Nine Hells with Baal. Learning that he, Asmodeus, and Paimon were the first, his eyes narrowed. Draco now understood why Baal couldn't access the invisibility ability.

It was clear that Asmodeus retained or hijacked that power even though he had been 'demoted'. This interested Draco, because Baal should also guess this but it seemed he had problems with his memory regarding Asmodeus.

Draco nodded and then left this level of hell right away.

He and Eva climbed upwards, heading straight for the 7th level. This level was quite intricate, with three bands. The outer band was a large pool of blood that was on fire, the middle band was a lush grassland with trees and the central area was a ring of burning hot sand.

At the end of it all, was a castle that was visible from here, one that was quite standard. When Draco and Eva appeared before it, they noticed that a fair form stood there, awaiting them.

Asmodeus stood with his arms behind his back, his eyes lingering on Eva slightly as they narrowed before returning to Draco.

"Greetings, Lord Demon God." Asmodeus spoke in a charmingly masculine voice that wouldn't lose out to Draco when he was in his Horned Demon True Body.

Draco's eyes narrowed. "So, you've done it. You have successfully lured me here through your deliberate acts of mystery. Now, what is it you want?"

Asmodeus smiled. "Me? I don't want much. I just don't believe you are worthy to be the new Demon God. I was the first being Lucifer created, and I was done in his image. My power exceeds anything these other fledgling 'Demons Lords' have."

Asmodeus wagged his finger. "Even that Baal fellow is only so strong because he sits on the throne I once occupied. To me, they are like children, so I do not interact with them."

Two bat-like wings pierced from the back of Asmodeus' body that burned with hellfire. "I am the only True Demon Lord here, and you can see it in the fact that my form is most similar to yours. I am and have always been the hidden Demon Supreme of this world!"

Draco and Eva shared a look before Draco raised an eyebrow.

"…okay? Nice origin story my man, but you still haven't told me what the endgame is."

Asmodeus chuckled. "Shouldn't it be obvious? I want to challenge you for the right to become the Demon God! Why should I be limited to the Nine Hells when I possess so much power?!"

"Uh… huh," Draco responded with a skeptical expression. "That's a bit…? Okay, I'm guessing I'm not the first you challenged?"

Asmodeus nodded. "That's right, I originally challenged Lucifer way back then, but he was far too powerful for me to overcome. However, I saw your fight and noticed that you are whole lightyears weaker than he was."

"Right, right. What did Lucifer say when you challenged him?" Draco asked with a strange smile.

Asmodeus paused as he pondered, then his face darkened. He remained silent for a while but eventually spoke.

"He called me a retard…"

"Dammit! I knew it!" Draco complained as he stomped his foot.

As Asmodeus' eyes narrowed, wondering what the hell Draco was talking about, the fellow continued as he gazed at the self-proclaimed Demon Supreme with regret.

"I wanted to be the one to say it!"

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