Guild Wars

Chapter 660 - Boundless Origins - GS Misery

Chapter 660 - Boundless Origins - GS Misery

Chapter 660 - Boundless Origins - GS Misery

Justin Davis Banks exited Boundless World from his Virtua Helmet deluxe setup. He looked left and right to see the other core members who stayed in the Central Country coming out of their own half-helmet, half-pod setups.

Justin spent some time chatting with the others and rubbed his little sister on their head with a gentle smile, an act which made Sheila Banks blush. Then his face became serious.

"We lost this time because we did not have a versatile enough team. Apart from me, you, and Xela, no one else was there to carry the Central Country team." Justin stated bluntly.

Sheila nodded. "I agree, but what should we do. I thought Draco would join us, but it turns out he's actually Italian. Eva lives here but is technically from Japan. Most of our core members might be powerful fighters, but they come from all around the world."

Justin sighed. "I didn't want to disturb his retirement, but it seems like I have to call on him."

Sheila was startled by this. "Him? W-wait… you can't mean Uncle Mi-"

Justin nodded to silence Sheila, and she covered her mouth with her hands. She then whispered skeptically. "Uncle is the strongest warrior I know for sure, but would he enjoy the game? You know how he hates doing things that he considers to be boring."

Justin's lips twitched. "I know. I've already formulated a trap to capture him."

Sheila still seemed skeptical but gave her brother her best wishes, before heading towards her boyfriend. Justin then left the executive company building that Purgatory - Draco's chain of companies - used as their gaming headquarters for Umbra.

He then took one of the luxury sedan cars that the company bought for their use at any time, and got a driver to take him to the airport. From there, he picked a flight from their current state straight to the southwest…

To Arizona.


Once he landed, Justin Davis rented a car that suited his tastes and drove over to the quieter area where the houses were gated and luxurious. They were all small and extremely neo-modern, yet luxurious enough to allow one person to live like a king.

Checking his GPS, Justin Davis stopped before one of these houses and took a deep breath. He took out the bottle of rum that he had purchased for over ten grand, as well as an envelope, and walked to the door, knocking gently.

There was no sound from the house, but Justin had unlocked Tier 2 Control during the event. His Void of Perfection allowed him to scan the interior of the house and see his target seated right in front of the door, a shotgun trained at him.

He was seated in a comfortable chair while chewing on some nuts and drinking rum, an amused expression on his face as he waited for the person on the other side to give him a reason to press the trigger.

Justin Davis cursed under his breath and spoke with a dangerous glint. "My name is Polikson Jukovic. You killed my father. Prepare to die!"

Using his Body of Godliness, he easily warped his voice to sound like a young and aggrieved slavic man, which made the man seated lazily on the other side almost jump in shock.

Justin chuckled when he saw the panic on his face, but the man on the other side soon showed suspicion, then outright began laughing.

"Wait a moment... there's only one BASTARD who would know that! You dare to play such tricks on me? Take this shot from me as a greeting!"

He then raised the shotgun and aimed at the door, which made Justin's face change. He immediately ducked to the side just as the door was blown open by the slugs of the shotgun.

The man rushed over to the door to check if he scored a hit, but saw the aggrieved Justin Davis gazing at him with complaint. The fellow then wore a sad expression of defeat.

"Take my advice, deputy, never get old. Sigh, my aim isn't what it used to be nowadays…"

The heck?!

Justin was on the verge of beating up his old friend when he remembered why he had come here and slowly rose to his feet. He then dusted himself off and walked over to the fellow with a friendly smile.

"Brother Misery, it's been too long. Not a day has passed that I didn't think about you since we last parted ways, so I decided to visit you for old time's sake."

Misery looked Justin Davis up and down. "You're Justin Davis alright. After all that time, you could have gotten rid of that gay haircut, or at least changed the way you carry yourself like some Victorian-era noble pansy. Tsk, tsk."

Justin Davis's expression froze, as Misery turned his back and walked in. "Worst thing, though, you still suck at bootlicking. Come on in, loser, we have a lot of catching up to do."

Justin Davis rolled his eyes and entered the house through the ruined door. He then entered the living room and seated himself on one of the couches, while Misery sat opposite him.

The retired army soldier hadn't changed too much. He was still at a stable height of 5"8, with a well-built body maintained by frequent light training.

He wore a blue Hawaii shirt that was left open in the chest area, with a rosary hung around his neck that touched his heart area, as well as blue beach shorts and flip flops.

His face was angular and well defined, with his light brown hair and intense grey eyes, he would still make women take a good long look at him, even making some nefarious ones see him as prey.

The fellow made a call to someone, putting in a request for 'a bloody new door' before focusing on his visitor.

"Let's cut the bullshit, what brings you to my dungeon?" Misery asked with interest as he poured himself some rum.

Justin Davis twisted his lips. "Must I need something before coming to see you?"

Misery nodded. "Ever since our last operation in Serbia, you have only reached out to me indirectly and very infrequently, and we both know why."

Justin Davis became silent. His eyes glazed over as he couldn't help but recall memories he had sealed in his mind due to trauma and disbelief, now opened because of his sturdier mental faculties.


On the 7th December 2049, World War 3 was still raging around the world. Every able-bodied male above the age of 16 of the then United States of America had been conscripted against their laws due to how dire the situation had become.

China and Russia, paired with Europe, had turned on North America and South America. America was aided by Africa, but apart from providing manpower, there was little else the continent could do for their benefactors.

This day a deployment of elite special forces troops got dispatched into the heart of Serbia to take down a member of the Royal Family by the name of Politar Jukovic.

There were 20 men in this force, all of them trained to the bone and in possession of exemplary military merit. Their files alone made the elite forces of other countries feel shame while their enemies always shuddered when they were rumored to have been dispatched into their area.

It was with this confidence that the team, led by GS Misery - codename "Rum Lord" - was easily able to infiltrate the compound of the Jukovic castle and eliminate the guards one by one.

It was not as cool as in the movies as there was no one to watch. In fact, it was rather brutal and frightening, which was more in line with reality. By the time they entered the castle, the entire outside was silent, littered with blood and bodies.

America wanted to leave a message: "It doesn't matter who you are, we can get you and make you wish you were never born."

Once inside, it didn't matter whether you were a servant, a guest, an inhabitant, or anything else. Apart from children and the underage, all others were forever silenced in their sleep.

Codename Rum Lord and his deputy, Codename Deployed Soldier, stood over the body of a man sleeping with three women beside him, all of them naked, the scent of vaginal discharge and sperm had filled the room.

Unbothered, the two moved quietly and aimed for the man in the middle who was their target, Politar. However, just when Deployed Soldier was about to bring the kukiri down on his throat, Rum Lord suddenly pulled him back.

To the shock of the two, the man who had seemingly been asleep opened his eyes and roared as he jumped out of the bed, knocking the sleeping women aside. The sheer force of his actions killed the three as their bodies bent in unnatural ways.

Rum Lord glared at Politar for killing three exotic beauties for nothing, while Deployed Soldier was shocked, realizing how close to death he had come.

Politar casually jumped down from his bed and rose to his full height of 6'5, his tall body ripped with muscles that were compact.

Politar chuckled as he gazed at Rum Lord and Deployed Soldier. "Two puny ants sent here to kill me? Da li je ovo šala? Is this America's best?"

His accent was heavily Serbian, so the duo could not make out his words at first, but eventually understood that he was mocking them. He then casually walked over to his cupboard, kicking away the corpse of one of the women - ruining it further - then taking out a suitcase.

He lazily opened it up before taking out a circular disk-like object with four prongs. Politar then placed it on his chest, over his heart, and the disk lit up as the prongs pierced into his flesh.

Politar grunted in pain, but soon grinned as a strange black material manifested over his body from where the disk began until it covered everywhere by his head. It looked like some sort of strange black polymer that was quite durable.

"Two weeks ago, I was approached by some European fools talking about science and making superhumans. I almost had them shot in the head until they gave me this and one other thing. A small vial of purple liquid that I was made to inject into my heart." Politar narrated as he walked over to the duo, who watched him warily, aware that the towering man had his guard up the whole time.

"However, rather than die as I expected due to the pain, I've gained power beyond my wildest dreams!" He roared as he suddenly burst forth like a cheetah, already inf front of the duo before they could react.

He struck Deployed Soldier on the waist, breaking his spine immediately as he was sent crashing through the wall and out onto the snow. Rum Lord was shocked by this and enraged as he avoided Politar's next attack with ease.

"Oh? Unlike the other one, you have some skill. Oh well, it doesn't matter, for all will fall under my power! Umri dla mena!" he roared as he was initially surprised by Rum Lord's dexterity, but felt it might be luck.

Rum Lord dodged out of the building, casually landing in the snow while Politar followed, creating a small ditch when he landed as he chuckled menacingly. He was huge, muscular, and powerful, while the military leader looked like a toothpick he could break with ease.

The sound of a gunshot rang out as Politar's head snapped to the side, smoke appeared at the side of his head from where the bullet had struck him. Rum Lord noticed that his men had cleaned up and were converging on this area after hearing the noise.

However, Rum Lord was not moved by this, rather feeling horror deep down. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HERE!"

His roar shocked his men and they instantly complied. Alas, it was too late. Politar who had been shot in the head without protection on snapped back to normal and frowned.

"That actually hurt. Proklete muye. You seem to care about them, so let kill some distractions first."

He then turned into a blur as he rushed at Rum Lord's men faster than most eyes could follow. Their leader roared and followed him, trying to stop him but his speed and stamina could not match this beast in human clothing.

Rum Lord and a dazed Deployed Soldier who was in mortal agony could only watch as their fellow men were torn apart one by one, their lives ended in the most brutal of ways by Politar as he bathed in their blood while laughing.

Rum Lord stopped as his eyes glazed over, his heart falling to dead ashes.

"Mike, Ramses, Jonathan, Jake, Darvin, Johnny, Blake, Dustin, Kevin, Jackson, Jason, Locke, Grant, Jacob, Gavin, Keith, Erwin, and Thiago. All of my men, my brothers. You killed them." Rum Lord whispered slowly, his eyes radiating an intense glow with each word he spoke.

Politar tossed the last body, that of Thiago, aside nonchalantly. "So? Did you not also kill my guards and their families? My wife was likely slaughtered by you, but I guess I am lucky enough that you spared my children. That is the only reason why I haven't yet killed you in the most brutal way yet."

He then cricked his neck and faced Misery, who removed his helmet and put it aside. "This is war, boy. When you take the life of someone, you'd better be prepared to have your own life taken."

Surprisingly, Misery nodded calmly. "You're right. This is entirely my fault. I could have ended this mission with much more ease if I didn't adhere to that meaningless promise I made years ago."

Misery's gray eyes began to glow with a white light. "This is war, I should not be holding anything back. Screw my family and their values. Because of that, my men died and you crippled the boy. However, I won't make that same mistake again."

Suddenly, the world seemed to tremble as thunderclouds amassed above the castle area, lighting sparkling from within them. Politar looked up with confusion and trepidation, his senses telling him that something beyond his understanding was occurring here.

"No more. I don't care about that foolish pride I kept. It has caused me enough harm. Now, I will show you why you should fear a pissed-off Arizonan with Irish Blood!" Misery roared as he opened both arms outward, a white glow expanding from his body and striking the sky above them.

"By the power of Merlin, I command thee: Lighting Descent!" Misery spoke as lighting bolts coiled from the thunderclouds and gathered up, striking towards Politar.

The Serbian man had long been shocked and overwhelmed by the supernatural display, feeling his legs shake as the heavens themselves emptied their wrath upon him.

He could only gaze at Misery one last time and utter: "So those scientists were right. This world truly is full of hidden powers."

Then, he was turned to ash instantly when the powerful lightning bolt struck him, frying the snow in an area of 200 meters around Politar and turning that place into a small pool of water.

Misery panted as he brought his hands down, gazing at his arms, which were glowing with a white light still. He closed his eyes and sighed before turning over to Justin who had been watching everything with a dazed expression, still delirious from the pain.

He was only semi-conscious, so everything played out like a bad dream to him. His brothers in arms dying, then Misery summoning lighting like he was some… some magician.

Misery walked over to Justin and pressed a hand over his waist. The white light around his arms churned as he chanted.josei

"By the power of Merlin, I command thee: High Cure!"

Immediately, a green light surrounded Justin's waist area as his bone cracked and re-arranged themselves. Justin himself groaned in agony as he passed out from the resulting pain, his last sight being the concerned look of his good friend.


Misery downed his rum as he asked Justin seated before him. "So, have you finally come to terms with what you think you saw?"

Justin smiled as he came to from his recollection. "Yeah, although I still don't get why you didn't simply admit to being an exiled freak from the Merlin Lineage who can use magic."


Misery spat out his entire mouthful of rum towards Justin who dodged it with ease. Misery then gazed at Justin with shock and horror.

"Who told you about that Lineage?"

Justin snickered. "Oh, I know about a lot of things now. Anyway, you asked why I came here right? Well, I've come here to recruit you."

Misery suddenly became serious. "You have a mission? I'm retired, though I'm down to help you if you need me."

Justin's face became awkward. "Err, it's not exactly a mission. I need you to join me in playing the latest FIVR game."

Misery blinked.

Justin blinked.

Misery blinked again.

Justin blinked again.

Misery chuckled.

Justin chuckled.

Misery attacked.

Justin fled.

"Wait, I can explain!" Justin roared as he dove behind a couch, three shotgun slugs tearing into it the next second.

"Don't worry, dear brother, you can explain it to me in hell." Misery stated coolly as he began reloading.

"The game is hyper-realistic and no different from real life. You can do anything you want and be anything you want, as long as you have the power!" Justin hurriedly explained.

Misery paused. "Hmm, sounds good. But I still think you need a chest full of slugs to correct your life values."

Misery fired again and Justin could only scramble to dodge.

"In the game, there is magic and stuff, so you'll feel right at home! You can become the world's strongest wizard!" Justin squeezed out.

Misery paused again. "That... is actually tempting… okay, I will only give you one shot. Quickly come out and receive it."

Misery fired and Justin used his VoP to curve the bullets away enough that he could avoid them as cover was getting scarce.

"There are magical reagents and stuff, you can taste rum that's better than any we have on Earth! Great enough to make even Odin himself beg you for a taste!"

This time, Misery paused for far longer, but had a complicated expression on his face. "That is enough for me to hear you out. Fine, just one shot in the leg then."

Justin was exasperated, realizing he could only use his shameless trump card. "Check the folder I brought, there are photos inside! The game world has girls of all races, and I don't just mean human ones. Some of them have booties big enough to crush you to death, and believe me when I say that it feels even better than the real thing!"

Justin realized that the room went silent for a long while, then he was suddenly lifted with ease as he came face to face with a bloodshot Misery who looked more serious than he had ever been in life.

"Is this true?" he asked with a hoarse voice.

Justin knew he had succeeded, so he spoke arrogantly. "Check the pictures I brought."

Misery opened the folder and saw some pictures Justin had taken as Deployed Soldier of the various big booty women that Draco had once kept and given away to RamButt, as well as others he had met.

Misery looked at them one by one, and then breathed out deeply.

"What's the name of the game?"

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