Guild Wars

Chapter 855

Chapter 855: Core Members Tournament 29

Chapter 855: Core Members Tournament 29


However, Kiran managed to stop himself before he went too far. After all, it was fine to be startled, but it wasn't in his nature to fear anyone except the guild leader and the lady boss!      

However, he had to admit that the current Ghost gave him a feeling of threat no lesser than Essence back then. By mimicking his transformation, he had incidentally discovered a new power tree that was actually suitable for him.      

Ghost flexed his muscles and stretched a bit before facing Kiran once more.      

"Did you feel that too?"      

Kiran gritted his teeth and sighed with lament. "Yes, you freak."      

Ghost grinned. "hey don't blame me, I also had no idea such a thing would happen."      

Kiran wrung his lips but entered a battle stance as his expression became firm. "Let's fight!"      

Ghost also entered a battle stance and focused. The moment the tension between the two reached a peak, they both blasted forward and clashed in a spark of red vs purple, their blows causing both subtle and overt effects.      

At this time, their speed was leagues above what they managed before and their martial force also greatly increased. There were shockwaves that caused the arena to crack and winds to blow, and there were also waves that prevented any special sensory ability from being used.      

As such, the core members were clueless as to what Kiran and Ghost had been talking about before they began fighting like this. Despite their confusion, they quietly watched the duo clash ferociously once more, their positions changing all over the arena.      

Eventually, Kiran was sent flying a few steps back as he coughed blood, while Ghost maintained a casual posture of punching out before relaxing slowly.      

Kiran dug a small grove in the arena floor as he brought himself to a halt and panted heavily, his body bruised all over. He couldn't help but stare at Ghost coldly, a feeling of acceptance and determination on his face.      

Ghost saw this and sighed. "I truly did not expect this. It's almost pointless for us to fight now, because no matter what, you have no chance against me."      

Kiran was silent for a while,m but did not seem to be dismayed.      

"Even so, I will still fight!" He roared as he punched forward, releasing a wave of Qi in the form of a Kiai Cannon.      

The cone-shaped shockwave lasted forward and struck Ghost in the gut, pushing him back a few steps. However, the shockwaves seemed to linger before it grew twice its size and them rushed back towards Kiran.      

Kiran could only cross his arms to block the blow, but was sent flying while crying out in pain. His back hit the arena hard, and he couldn't help but release another mouthful of blood.      

He struggled to push his upper body up as he glared at Ghost while blood trickled down the side of his lips. Kiran rubbed the sport with his robes and removed the stain, forcibly swallowing the rest down as he rose to his feet.      

He then adopted his battle stance once more.      

"Stubborn." Ghost commented lazily as he placed his hands on the back of his waist. His fierce eyes became droopy and his demeanor changed. He had gone from intense and interested to bored and lazy, showing that he had lost interest in the challenge Kiran could bring him.      

Kiran saw this and gritted his teeth. Ghost sighed and pointed to the crowd.      

"They're curious you know. As to what the fuck is happening here. You should explain to them."      

Kiran gazed at the angry core members who were inches away from rebelling and beating the two of them up. With sweat forming on his brow, Kiran felt that it was not a bad idea to pause the fight and explain, lest they get an ass whupping.      

As such, he relaxed and began speaking coldly.      

"The Super Warrior transformation is an ability most of you cannot comprehend and will never achieve without guidance from me and the requisite talent to separate you from the chaff in the universe."          


Kiran folded his arms behind his back and postured on the stage. This made the core members even more furious.      

How arrogant! Was he saying that they, the core members, were untalented compared to him?!      

Sensing killing intent, even Ghost began to sweat slightly as he took a step back. This Kiran fellow was courting death!      

Kiran didn't seem to acknowledge the aggro he collected and continued.      

"However, it involves a complex mix of energies brought into balance through the use of Gate Force, a unique energy produced when you open the hidden gates of the body. Gate Force takes the lead and collects whatever unique energies you possess into its fold, amplifying its power."      

Kiran pointed to himself. "I have three energies, Internal Force, Noble Energy and Knight Energy. This makes me very powerful when I transform, and my Super Warrior 2 form is barely as powerful as one of the God Serpents or Pangu Trio."      

Kiran then pointed to Ghost. "This freak only has two, so he should be weaker even though its God Serpent Energy he's using. It's a simple fact. However, who knew his bloody God Serpent would resonate with the energy and take it over? As such, instead of Gate Force taking the lead, his Serpent God Energy took the lead."      

Kiran then folded his arms unhappily. "What changes does this bring? It simply means that unlike me who has all stats boosted and can only use system skills or techniques I trained myself, this fellow can use all his Serpent God powers as passives, no longer consuming his bloodline energy to do so."      

The core members gasped at this and looked at Ghost in horror.      

"That's right, this freak has all his 12 Orochi powers as passives now, always on and free to use. So whenever I hit him, not only does he suffer no damage thanks to his invincibility, but I take twice damage from the reflection!!" Kiran roared with anger.      

He pointed at Ghost again. "When we first clashed, he was in a daze and new to this form, so he could only muster a pitiful amount of power! In reality, that strike should have blasted him off the stage and been my win."      

"If my power at the time was a 10, his was like 0.6! However, because of that bloody damage reflection, I was sent flying compared to him. And in our clash since then, he has been adapting to the power, which means he deals more and more damage on top of what I already suffer from the reflection."      

Kiran sighed and looked to the sky, tears almost in his eyes. "Why do I even fight? To what end? Why is the world so unfair?"      

Ghost rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.      

Hey there, I didn't ask to be the best! I worked for it!      

Still, seeing Kiran point at him in such an accusatory manner while his voice was almost breaking up made Ghost feel like he was bullying the weak. As such, he could only turn his head away and not look for now.      

Kiran gathered himself and turned to Ghost. "No matter what, I will finish our fight. Get ready!"      


Kiran entered Super Warrior 2 and his upper body garment exploded, revealing his bulging muscles. His expression became even more ferocious and his power grew exponentially.      

He then charged towards Ghost fearlessly who met his assault head-on. As such, Ghost was easily sent flying like a ragdoll, almost being sent out of the stage until he stopped his retreat by activating Orochi's flight ability.      

Ghost coughed out blood and wiped his lips. He was shocked and slightly thrilled, for this was the first time he had experienced this.      

Yes, Orochi promised invincibility, but that was not true invincibility. It was pseudo-invincibility that lasted as long as one of two conditions were not met.      

First, the damage must not consume all the bloodline energy at once. Second, it must not surpass a certain damage threshold.      

Obviously, Ghost did not lack bloodline energy now that he had it mixed with Gate Force. So obviously, Kiran's simple punch dealt so much damage that it broke through his damage threshold to harm him!      

It was no wonder, Kiran in Super Warrior 2 could defeat Krona! No wonder he could punch Kun Peng in the face and send it flying, as well as use the Kaioken- *cough* Realm King Fist to pierce through the bodies of those behemoths and one-shot them!          josei


Before Ghost could pass a comment, Kiran roared as his red aura exploded.      

"'Uuurrrraggghh!!!" He roared as the aura spiked and raged around him, his skin boiling as if his blood was on fire.      

He then punched forward, releasing a blood-colored Kiai Cannon that struck Ghost in the gut and sent him flying. But in a burst of insane speed, Kiran soared through the air in an upper arc and landed behind Ghost, he then kicked Ghost forward.      

Suddenly, Kiran's speed spiked again as he made another arc over Ghost and then kicked from the other side. He repeated this action three more times, making Ghost seem like a ball being knocked between two players on a field.      

Suddenly, Kiran roared and kicked Ghost upwards, sending him flying high into the sky. Using his recently acquired warp ability, he appeared above Ghost in the air, right in his flight trajectory.      

Kiran then crashed into Ghost while flying downward at maximum speed. Both of them created a large crater in the arena due to the force of their physical might when they crashed, causing dust to surge.      

Suddenly, Kiran appeared in the center of the arena, and his hands were pulled behind him. Charging up there was a huge energy wave like nothing he had ever created before, this one containing every bit of energy within him and all that he could greedily suck from the atmosphere.      

"Haaaaahahhhh!!!" He bellowed as he released the energy wave towards Ghost, who was caught within and made obscure from the view of onlookers.      

After Kiran released the wave, which traveled into the horizon, he was forcibly knocked out of his Super Warrior 2 state. His entire body was smoking as if someone lit him on fire and his skin was bleeding all over.      

The number of bruises and lacerations on his body were scary, and he could barely remain standing as he panted like a locomotive. His legs were bent and his upper body was lowered, his arms almost touching the floor as they trembled due to intense damage.      

While the dust began to clear, Kiran raised his head weakly with a smile.      

"Take that… you overpowered… bastard… Blergh!"      

Kiran coughed out a mouthful of blood again. However, it couldn't diminish his satisfaction at using his ultimate move against this bloody Ghostpro fellow who was blessed with the combat power that even god would dream of.      

However, when the dust settled, Kiran's eyes widened to see Ghostpro walked out with his usual lazy expression, his aura billowing around him as powerfully as Kiran's once did.      

"Thanks for that massage homeboy. Because of it, I was finally able to break through the threshold and reached Super Warrior 2 as you call it." Ghost explained with a smirk.      

Kiran's eyes bulged as his lips trembled.      

Impossible, even a powerhouse like Essence would lose half his life after being subjected to that! How could Ghost possibly be fine?!      

"Also, your little combo is directly ripping off DBZ. Since you can do it, I can too."      

Ghost then spread his hands to either side of his body. Energy surged from around the arena world into the center of both hands, his own mixture of unique energies mixing with it as purple lightning flashed around his body.      

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