Guild Wars

Chapter 871 Ao Jiantian Digs His Own Grave

Chapter 871 Ao Jiantian Digs His Own Grave

"Impossible!" Ao Jiantian roared, barely able to stay on his feet from the pressure he was feeling.

This kind of power should be impossible for a mere second tier Lineage to muster. So what if Misery was a Dual Inheritance wielder? Only Dual Inheritance wielders of the upper three Lineage could muster such power.

Not to mention that such a person would be the equivalent of Draco, Eva or Shangtian in their Lineage. Because the top three Lineages had three Inheritances, there were a few crazy talents who could have two, but to have three, only a progenitor tier prodigy could do that.

Likewise, Merlin, Zeus and Buddha Lineages never ever had someone who had two Inheritances, or both their Inheritances. Even the top tier prodigies like Juno and Walter were limited to only having access to one Inheritance, albeit their high purity more than made up for that.

​ To have Dual Inheritances and radiate such power, Misery's purity had to be be high! In fact, it was probably even higher than Walter's! This shocked Ao Jiantian as the Pangu Lineage had all the information of these fellows so they could keep them in control.

Could the Merlin Lineage have been hiding this to plot against them?

When Ao Jiantian looked around. He saw that the Councilors were just as confused and flabbergasted by this sudden development, even those close to Misery were shocked stupid.

Seeing this, Ao Jiantian was certain that even they had been kept in the dark! His face became ugly as his brain came up with the only possible explanation for this!

It must have been the doing of that bitch, Scathach!

She must've known that her grandson was carrying a great power within and hidden it from the others or falsified the information to make him look above average at best.

If Ao Jiantian knew that Scathach had trained Misery and never allowed anyone else to tutor him when he was growing up, he would scream in rage. If he further knew that Scathach had weirdly trained him in both the Magus Inheritance and Knight Inheritance despite him 'natrually' only possessing one of them back then, he would spit on her name.

What a conniving sorceress! Truly deserving of the moniker of the Shadowy One!

Right now, there was a bigger problem before him. Ao Jiantian manifested his bloodline and activated his Primal God Inheritance and Undying King Inheritance.

That's right, Ao Jiantian was a Dual Inheritance genius of the Pangu Lineage! Otherwise, they wouldn't have appointed a youngster like him to manage a whole Lineage as powerful as the Merlin Lineage on his own.

Back then, he had been bullied by Scathach due to his young age and the lack of mastery in his Inheritances, but after years had passed, he had been strong enough to make Scathach take him seriously.

While the Primal God Inheritance allowed him to obtain strength proportionate to his purity and talent, the Undying King Inheritance was more straightforward. He obtained physical defense equivalent to his purity and could recover from any injury as long as he could burn the appropriate Bloodline Energy.

For the record, 'proportionate to purity; loosely meant that it didn't require Bloodline Energy to manifest this. It was a passive effect of having such a level of purity as well as possessing this inheritance.

So for a bloke with 6% Pangu Lineage purity, his strength at base would be enough to shatter rocks and split small rivers. At 30%, he would be strong enough to punch a 5-floor building to the ground.

At 60%, he would be able to clap his hands and create shockwaves, also able to punch tanks open and bash helicopters apart. At 90% and above, this was basically Hulk and Superman territory - literally.

This was why Draco always had to use his Horned Demon Inheritance to barely be able to match Shangtian in raw strength

For the Undying King, the rules were similar. 5% meant you could resist bullets, 30% meant you could resist missiles, 60% meant you could resist all forms of poisons, toxins, radiation and the like, 90% meant you could survive a nuke head on.

Of course, this was not total immunity, but the ability to not die right away when receiving damage of that level. One still had to pay the cost in Bloodline Energy to heal from that.

Alongside that, one could also burn Bloodline Energy to augment their strength in the Primal God Inheritance, making themselves temporarily stronger than their base.

That was what Ao Jiantian was doing as he raised his fist coated with dark brown energy and struck at Misery, who was still stationary. Kiran saw this and roared with anger, as he rushed over to intercept the attack while manifesting his Base Warrior form.

He and Jiantian crossed blows, but Kiran's expression changed greatly. It only took one exchange for his arm to end up broken, and his body to be sent flying. Even with both his Knight Energy and Noble Energy, as well as Tier 4 Control, he was no match for Ao Jiantian.

After all, in reality, Kiran lacked the Internal Force that he possessed in the game, so his Base Warrior form was weaker by at least 30%.

Sublime's expression changed greatly as she rushed over to the downed Kiran and began using 3rd Order healing magic. Kiran gritted his teeth with anger and hate as he raised his upper body slowly to glare at Ao Jiantian.

At this time, the entire council room seemed to come alive again. Hector and Edward manifested their auras at the 5th Order, while Walter manifested his 6th Order aura. They rushed to Misery's side and protected their cousin during his awakening, buying him time so he could adapt to his new power.

Meanwhile, Councilors Damien and Meredith rushed to side with Ao Jiantian, making the faces of Councilors David, Adrian and James change greatly. Only Councilor Sebastian remained seated and watched everything happen coldly.

Ao Jiantian watched the separation of the Merlin Lineages upper echelon and smiled slightly. It didn't matter that not all of them had rushed to his side, as he had already converted these two over using forceful means. If he had more time, he would have dragged that Adrian brat over, but who could have known that Misery would ever return, much less at this time.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Councilor David slammed the table and rose to his feet while glaring at Meredith and Damien with killing intent.

"So, you have been bought over by the Pangu Lineage. Good." Councilor James remarked coldly as he flexed his claw.

Meredith scoffed at David. "Don't be a fool. The Lineages in the Pangu Alliance serve the Pangu Lineage. I'm simply siding with our alliance leader! Why do you make it sound as if they are the enemy? The enemy are those two damned Lineages!"

Damien's eyes sharpened. "Rather, you're the ones at fault here! How dare you refuse to back Ambassador Ao Jiantian?! Are you intent on betraying the Pangu Alliance?"

After saying this, the expressions of Councilor David and James worsened as they became hesitant. Their accusation was heinous, but their reverse accusation was downright apocalyptic.

No matter how they strung it, the Merlin Lineage was part of the Pangu Alliance and were enemies with the Lucifer and Amaterasu Lineage.

However, Walter sneered. "Rubbish!!! While our ancestors agreed to join the Pangu Alliance, it was also agreed that they would only lead the rest of us in wartime. During times of peace, the ruling was that the Pangu Lineage would not interfere in the matters of the other Lineages!"josei

Edward then smiled. "In fact, the whole Ambassador thing was created so that the Pangu Lineage could maintain friendly relationships with the other Lineages and create a channel of communication in case an emergency occurred."

Hector roared. "So what the fuck is he doing interfering in the business of the Merlin Lineage?! Speak, Ambassador, is your Pangu Lineage trying to enslave us other Lineages?"

Hearing this, the faces of Councilor Damien and Meredith changed slightly. Just as they were about to retort, Councilor David spoke coldly and firmly.

"Councilors Damien and Meredith have defected into serving the Ambassador of the Pangu Lineage personally, aiming to bring the Lineage under their control. I vote that they be stripped of their Councilor title and imprisoned in the Otherworld!"

The moment he mentioned the Otherworld, many women in the council room screamed and fainted. The knights by the side who were not sure which side to join dropped their swords and fell to their knees while shaking.

The children began crying and clutching their nearest adults.

Sublime directly vomited with a horrified expression, while Kiran was dumbfounded. Genevieve fell to her bum in fear while Walter, Hector and Edward's expressions changed greatly as they gazed at Councilor David like it was the first time they were seeing him.

Councilor James and Adrian clutched their seats and paled greatly, while Councilor Sebastian's cold expression became one full of sympathy.

As for the two targets, they direct shuddered severely and lost all of their bluster. They gazed at Ao Jiantian like he was their lifeboat which would prevent them from being drowned to death.

Alas, Ao Jiantian's face had also turned ugly, as he had spent enough time here to know what the Otherworld of the Merlin Lineage was. It was a zone of absolute horror, suffering and terror that inflicted pain on the mind and soul level, leaving the physical body intact.

Everyone was required to stay for a minimum, and in most instances  also a maximum, of 3 minutes in there when they came of age. This was why the reactions were so strong. They suffered through the experience that would make even the toughest man curl into a bawl when they slept, and the mere mention of it brought out those traumas.

Walter and co shared looks and nodded.

"I, Councilor Walter, vote for."

"I, Councilor Hector, vote for."

"I, Councilor Edward, vote for."

"I, Councilor David, vote for."

"I, Councilor James, vote for."

"I, Councilor Sebastian, vote for."

"I… Councilor Adrian… vote for."

Immediately, once Walter began, the other followed with cold expressions except Adrian who wasn't sure if he was qualified to even interject. As for the two in question, the moment they heard so many votes for, they knew that voicing their own vote was pointless.

As it were, they were already no longer Councilors and were to be dragged to the Otherworld.

As it were, the knights how had passed out got to their feet and resolutely walked over to apprehend the two criminals.

Meredith and Damien saw this and practically clung to Ao Jiantian for dear life. Ao Jiantian himself licked his lips as he thought quickly. He was outnumbered, and the words Walter and co spoke earlier were not lies.

He may have used his influence to push things around, but he had only done so rarely and had always made sure to use his Lineage as a deterrent. But now that this matter was brought out, if he still forced it, it would cause another rebellion in the alliance.

As it were, the last one was extremely hard to solve, and the Pangu Lineage couldn't take another one after being beaten up by the Lucifer Lineage and Amaterasu after the events of the birth of the three prodigies.

As such, he needed to find a way to bring his Lineage to bear. Suddenly, Ao Jiantian's eyes fell on Misery and his mind lit up.

"Hahaha, what's up with that guy? Is he still crying because we beat his grandmother up?"

Ao Jiantian sneered. "Such patheticness, it must run in the family blood. I'll have you know that after we managed to subdue her, we tied her up pretty good and gave her a lashing."

Ao Jiantian's eyes seemed to show a hint of regret and desire. "Who would have thought the ropes would highlight those godly curves and the whips would make her release such erotic sounds? As men, we naturally couldn't hold back and spread the love with your beloved Nanna who looked like a 20-year-old woman in her prime."

"However, don't let those youthful looks fool you, she definitely took it like a profession- KUH!"


Before anyone could even blink, Misery had appeared impaled Ao Jiantian on his spear by the throat, lifting him in the air like he was a piece of meat.

Misery's usually lively gray eyes were dead calm, like stilwater.

"You want to provoke me so that you can use that to protect those two idiots behind you, right? Then let me fulfill your wishes."

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