Guild Wars

Chapter 873 The Next Step

Chapter 873 The Next Step

Yes, that's right, bloodline suppression!

Why was it so far-fetched for the pure human bloodline to have such a thing? After all, all the other races had it, so why should humans be left out?

Still, this was limited to certain rules, just like all forms of bloodline suppression. For one, there had to be a systematic bloodline inheritance for the race possessed by both parties. Most races that were young and new did not have bloodline inheritances of their own, such was the case for the current human race of Earth.

Older races had time to dig into the special nature of their genetics and develop them into abilities that worked on command.

For Dragons, this would be the ability to breathe fire and use magic. For Angels, this would be the ability to affect minds and wills. For Humans, it was Control.

The Gerdo Galaxy Humans had been the strongest race, surpassing actual real-life galactic Dragons, Tomegamonns, Angels, Devils and others. It was because of two reasons, Control and their scope of technology which everyone coveted.

Gerdo Galaxy's Humans did not have magic affinity or any bullshit special powers like the other races. All they had was good technology and high intelligence. And so, they naturally decided that they would dig out their complete racial potential, in their case the body and the mind, but both were controlled by the mind which was humanity's strongest point.

This was what formed their bloodline and became an 'inheritance' after enough Humans achieved it and had bred downwards for centuries.

So naturally, Control became a bloodline ability that was unlocked by talented humans if not all of them, but where one could reach depended on the quality of their bloodline and body.

So for bloodline suppression to happen, both parties had to have unlocked the bloodline ability and one party must have a superior version of it.

This was the bloodline suppression among humans in the Gerdo Galaxy.

Someone with Control at Tier 4 might have been a significant person in their society compared to someone with Tier 2. As such, if the Tier 4 person cast his 'aura' down, the Tier 2 person would naturally feel overwhelmed.

How? Through sensory overload.

That was all bloodline suppression was. A bloodline in the end was codified information and instructions on how to use the ability natally without any understanding of it.

Just like how a programmer could code a game for you, the player, to enjoy, you could do so without needing to know how the nitty gritty worked. How to play it had already been codified into the game by the programmer for your ease of use.

Just imagine if to play your favorite game, you had to type code to make changes to the flow of the game?

So a lower bloodline holder would be overwhelmed by the huge information projected by the higher bloodline (passively) and become overloaded. That was why Vampire nobles could glance at normal Vampires and they would fall to their knees, and how Dragons could basically disable any lower ranked Draconic species.

For Humans, this was even worse since their bloodline ability was basically sensory based, so one would feel the effects even more. What Misery did was very common in the Gerdo Galaxy among humans in the early days of control.

Obviously, rules and regulations had been put in place to reduce and prevent this thing, but how would any human on earth know that? Heck, the ability that belonged to all humans was claimed  to be developed by the Pangu Lineage.

Misery could only look at the retarded Ao Jiantian who was shivering on the ground with eyes that were hollow of sensibility. It was as if he had seen something so horrifying that he extinguished his own cognitive abilities just to avoid it.

Misery sighed and shook his hands. The red spear in his right and the purple tome in his left both disappeared into motes of light, re-entering his body. He then walked over casually to grab Ao Jiantian by the scruff and dragged him along to the exit of the realm.

Misery then opened up a flask by his waits and took a swig, his face flushing slightly as he returned to intoxication. Unlocking his bloodline and reaching 7th Order in both had cleansed his system, so the entire time he fought, he was sober.

No wonder his actions and words were so out of character. Once again, Misery could only sigh.

Once he reached the entrance and was about to walk out, he paused thoughtfully. He then spoke to the air without turning:

"Well, that's that, you heard everything. Grandma has been taken by the Pangu lineage and is being tortured by them. I am going to raise a force to raid their home and free grandma among others."

"Are you guys coming or not?" Misery asked without turning his back.

Behind him, the mirage of 8 ghosts manifested and glanced at each other for a split second. They then nodded and dove into Misery's back, making the fellow breathe in deeply.

"At least, its good that nanna made me practice how to resist possession from elite souls and how to make my body a carrier." Misery muttered.

After releasing those frightening words, he stepped put of the portal leading to Avalon and back into the mundane world of earth. Outside, he saw Walter, Hector, Kiran, Sublime, Genevieve, Edward and Sebastian waiting for him.

When they saw him coming out while dragging a retarded Ao Jiantian, their faces wore different expressions. Kiran and sublime felt like their uncle's way of doing thins was eerily similar to the guild master Draco.

Meanwhile, Walter, Hector and Edward wondered just how badly their brother beat up this fellow to make him go stupid. They glanced at him with hints of disdain, feeling like he resorted to trickery. Misery wished he had more than one bottle so he could throw it at them.

Sebastian though, had a grave look.

"I support your actions Nicholas, but you have to take accountability." Sebastian said simply.

Misery nodded. "Sebastian, I have some good news. Lets go in and call up all the trustworthy upper echelon of the lineage so I share it."

Sebastian was surprised by this but nodded anyway. He then informed Misery that Damien and Meredith had been detained and were currently being sent to the otherworld. Misery then tossed Ao Jiantian over to him and suggested that he be thrown in too and at the core area.

This shocked those who knew him for this was a new level of cruelty from Misery. It was hard enough to withstand the torture at a peripheral area with a clear mind and the various protections of the bloodline, but to be thrown in the core area with a fractured mind?

Death was impossible in there, only endless torment. He would go through the worst form of soul based torment he could possibly go through, and Misery never mentioned a date to pull him out of it.

All those around solemnly swore never to fuck with Scathach, not even joke about her name, anywhere near Misery.

Eventually, Misery was led to a conference room near the top of the Buckingham Palace and members who he recognized and did not recognize trickled in slowly. When he saw Adrian come in, he waved the fellow over.

Adrian was startled and looked around with uncertainty. However, when he saw Sebastian nod, he tentatively walked over to stand by Misery. Misery gently gestured to a seat beside him with a smile.


Adrian hesitated but eventually sat beside Misery while trying to make himself less visible. However, he was soon shocked when he felt Misery's warm hand on his head.

"Brat, your name is Adrian right? Nanna and I had a joke that if I ever had a younger brother, she would name him Adrian because that was the name of one of my best friends who pass ed through England during my youth and left for America a few years back."

"It seems nanna never forgot about my wish to have a brother and created you for me. As such, from henceforth, you are now Adrian Spencley, my younger brother. Nobody can take that away from you, not even nanna, you hear?"

Adrian's eyes shone as he heard Misery and he lowered his head. "Thank you…"

Misery laughed. "Ah-ah, thank you who?"

Adrian paused and finally spoke shyly. "Thank you… elder brother."

Misery patted him on the head. "Great job, lil bro. From now on, you follow me and I will teach you the ways of the world, okay?"

Adrian seemed touched and nodded with excitement. "Yes!"

"Enough with the gayness, tell us the stuff!" Hector shouted from the side.

"Hmph, if left alone, would they start kissing?" Edward scoffed.

"Sigh, I knew something was wrong the moment he looked at poor Adrian." Walter lamented as well.

Misery's eyes flashed as he smiled. "These are my cousins and your uncles. You know them already, but let me also highlight some things."

Misery pointed at Hector. "There's uncle Hector, he acts all tough but he probably dresses up like a dolly and convinced himself that hes a cute little flower."

Misery then pointed at Edward. "Thats uncle Edward, he seems cool and smart, but he actually has a low IQ and is very sensitive about it. He says 9 +10 is 21!"

Misery then pointed at Walter. "Thats Uncle Walter, he lived his whole life thinking he was some super special prodigy only to find out today that is something given him out of pity by yours truly."

Saying this, the faces of the trio in question paled as they rose to their feet, endless killing intent in their hearts. They were ready to fight to the death with Misery for this slight, but Sebastian's aura forced them to sit down.

Still, they made many signs and symbols to Misery stating that after this, he was dead. Misery sneered and couldn't wait to remind these fellows why he was the leader of their group of hooligans back when they were young.

"Nicholas, about what you wanted to say?" Sebastian prompted.

Misery looked around to those who were gathered, almost 30 people of all ages, and nodded. "So here;s the lowdown. If I'm missing anything, the brat and the princess can fill in."

Misery then explained about Boundless, Umbra, their achievements, Draco and Eva, their current power, and their plan to destroy the Pangu Lineage.

By the time he wad done, all the fellows except Kiran and sublime who added more details to recount were breathing like 30 year old faulty tractors. Even Sebastian's eyes were fully bloodshot as he pressed down on the table.

"Nicholas… is everything you've said true?" he asked deeply.

Misery looked him in the eye. "I swear on the souls of the 9 original councilors and especially on my grandmother's name that everything I said is true."

Hearing this, the doubts of the others were significantly assuaged. They had just witnessed this man go against a whole lineage himself for his grandmother, so it was obvious that he wouldn't use her name in vain.

"So what are your plans, Nicholas? Why tell us this? Are we to participate?" Sebastian asked aptly.

All eyes focused on Misery, waiting for his answer. Misery took a sip of his flask and shook his head.

"I don't want to involve any of you in this, I simply told you to let you know that you have nothing to fear from the Pangu Lineage any time soon. From here, I'm going back to organize the assault team to raid that blasted shithole clan."

The members here shared looks of uncertainty. Walter then asked. "Are you sure you don't need any reinforcements?"

Misery seemed to think. "Not… really? The resources I have already are powerful enough to defeat about 35% of our Lineage head-on individually, much less the whole group."

Sublime and Kiran nodded. Kiran himself knew he could solo the entire Lineage except his uncle if he used his Super Warrior 1 form. But using it in reality had permanent backlashes unlike in the game.

Opening the Eight Inner Gates was not a joke.josei

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