Guild Wars

Chapter 895 Savannah Area

Chapter 895 Savannah Area

Of course, Draco and Eva could be greedy all they wanted, but it was impossible to act on their desires. After all, was the fragmented Eternal World something they could take away?

Just because the World Will was nice to them because of their high talent didn't mean that it would sit and watch one of its pieces taken away without sufficient compensation.

Besides, even if they took it away, it would be the epitome of foolishness to take a plane from a superior world/universe to a lower one, which was where earth was. Assuming the plane doesn't shatter the lower universe or the plane gets shattered by the lower universe, it would definitely lose a lot of what made it special.

So obviously, the next best thing would be to find a way to connect the lower universe to this plane, allowing them to come and go as they pleased. This was what Draco and Eva were currently working on passively as they continued to hunt.

Don't look at how they were using the space passage to easily deal with foes. It may seem like they were cheaping out, but the fact was that with every enemy Eva froze in time and with every enemy Draco tossed into the void, their grasp over space and time control was growing slightly.

Not in the sense of Eternal Control, though that too was increasing, albeit slowly - but in the sense of a martial or comprehensive grasp of the abilities. The eventual end goal was for them to become so adept that even when they returned to Boundless, Draco and Eva could leave a spatial beacon behind and then tear space to reach there.

For this, having a comprehensive understanding while here was important, along with the Eternal points which would drastically improve their control of their abilities seemingly for free.josei

Like this, 3 months passed.

Draco and Eva appeared at the edge of the wasteland area, seeing a Savannah-like area ahead with sparse grass and a few trees. This was the next 'segment' of the plane, where those with Eternal Control above 20 points existed.

From here, they could even see a panther like beast lying lazily on one of the branches, ignoring Draco and Eva who didn't dare to cross the boundary. As long as those two ants knew their place, the panther wouldn't make a move, or so it thought to itself.

Draco and Eva casually inspected it.

「Name: Liam

Eternal Talent: Fleet Foot

Level: 14

Power level: Elite


Eternal Power: 29

Eternal Control: 24

Eternal Limit: 33


Eternal Skills: Gale Claw - Tier 3

Eternal items: Panther's Tooth - Tier 1.」

Its stats were impressive for those who wanted to compare using numbers, but the reality of it made Draco and Eva;s lips curl upwards into a sneer. After all, they had fully cleared the entire Desert and Wasteland area, so their current power was no joke too.

「Name: Draco (And Eva)

Eternal Talent: Chaotic Eternal Bloodline, Unity of Body and Soul.

Eternal Class: Chaotic Eternal Bloodline

Level: 5

Exp: 44/50 (3 Eternal Points Unallocated)

Power level: Weak


Eternal Power: 100

Eternal Control: 2.97

Eternal Limit: 100


Eternal Skills: None

Eternal items: None」

Before they added one point, they had 0.47 Eternal Control. After adding the point and going on a rampage for the past few months, they had gained over 0.5 points of Eternal Control per month!

As such, they had organically gained over 1.5 Eternal Control through continuous use of space and time. This had further increased their power and control, and Draco and Eva theorized that the quick rise was due to the fact that they solely focused on a new branch rather than focus on the abilities of their previous branches.

It seemed that they had found they way to properly develop their bloodline, Rather than beat on the same abilities all day, they needed to sit down and research on the ones unavailable and comprehend them to increase their overall control.

After all, they wouldn't always have the World Will to donate Eternal Points to make things easier. Besides, even if the tamed the World Will and made it help them, there was no way it could unlock everything on its own.

Right now, it could work because Draco and Eva's eternal control was so low that it took literally no effort for it to raise for the World Will. If it was over, say, 50 points, the World Will would not likely have it as easy.

Whatever the case, Draco and Eva were waiting to balance their Eternal Control at a nice even number before adding the rest. After fighting many Eternal monsters, they had long formed a mental compendium of how they acted, how they lived and the likely types that existed.

As such, even without using Ramshel's stolen knowledge, they could guess where Eternal monsters lived, what kind of power they had and what they would use it for.

The Evil Duo then crossed the border with ease. The moment they did, the panther did not even open its eyes before it disappeared. In the eyes of a layman, it was gone, but to Draco and Eva's honed sense, it had leaped over towards them with claw and fang outstretched.

Eva then raise a finger and pointed it before them. Immediately, the entire space before them froze as time came to a roaring halt.

Liam, who had charged over, was now stuck in mid-air, displaying his fangs and claws in a cruel expression, showing that he was going to maul Draco to death first.

"Heh, what a fast fellow. But you rely on physical abilities plus some wind control to achieve this speed. While this might be impressive, can you beat my babe's ability to control time?" Draco boasted with a laugh.

Draco floated over and slapped Liam in the face with his full Horned Demon power, which caused a latent shockwave that froze the moment it started due to stopped time. Draco then slapped the other side of the panther's face, causing another shockwave that froze in time.

Now, Liam's proud and majestic face looks like a squashed potato because of the effects of great force against flesh. It was quite comical and if a picture could be taken, it would definitely become a tier 4 meme.

Draco then stood back and opened a slit into the folds of space. This time, he made it slightly smaller and fit to Liam's shape.

This was a result of his continuous use of the new branch, where he could now add some refined control to its various uses. However, Draco's eyes narrowed when he looked at Liam's stupid cat face. It felt like he could see that bastard Qiong Qi in Liam, which caused Draco to feel hateful.

As such, Draco edited the space tear and made it slightly smaller. When Eva saw what he did, her lips twitched, and she gazed at Liam with pity. She then flicked her finger and resumed time, which allowed Liam to feel the two slaps in paused time at the same time, squashing his face terribly as the panther screamed in agony.

However, this was only the beginning as Liam's speed sent it straight into the space tear that Draco created. However, because it was one size too small, about 3 inches of Liam's skin on all sides of his body were shaved off by the sharp edges of the tear.

This included soft and sensitive organs likes eyes, nipples and balls. The scream Liam released as he entered the portal would cause all organic beings to shudder in fear. Draco cruelly closed the portal and let the panther danced in the folds of space with its bloody body which lacked even an inch of flesh.

In just a second, they got a notification that Liam was dead and gone. They had gained 5 experience this time as they were still in the 'Weak' category and Liam was in 'Elite' category.

They also got a Tier 3 skill Gale Claw, but to summarize its use, the cooldown was now 1.5 minutes and it dealt 9 points of Eternal Power damage. Once again, this was useless if one was fighting one like Liam who had a while 24 points.

As for the new item they got, it wasn't the first thing they got. The Panther's Tooth they got could be used as a makeshift weapon or crafted into something better.

That's right, crafting was possible in this realm. Apparently there should theoretically be Eternal Talents related to crafting, though Draco and Eva did not have that yet. Draco and Eva surmised that Draco could likely have a branch for crafting given his and Lucifer's talents for crafting, but they didn't know where it was.

Whatever the case, these items were useless to the Evil Duo. They did not have Eternal crafting talents and trying to use the crafting methods form Boundless on Eternal materials would just get them laughed at.

So close to the next level, Draco and Eva once again opened a space tear and rushed through to their next target. Their expressions were calm and filled with security knowing that there was likely nothing they couldn't kill in this plane.

When they came of out their travel, they noticed a giant pterodactyl like monster that was perched on a relatively large tree with sparse leaves. Its blood red eyes were focused on Draco and Eva who came out of the space tear.

This surprised Draco and Eva because it meant that the pterodactyl could track then within the folds of space!

「Name: Wunian

Eternal Talent: Keen Perception

Level: 19

Power level: Elite


Eternal Power: 48

Eternal Control: 28

Eternal Limit: 50


Eternal Skills: Keen Eyes - Tier 3.

Eternal items: None.」

Draco and Eva were intrigued. This was a monster that cultivated its perception until it became an Eternal talent. Not only that, this perception was so keen that it could even noticed them moving through folded space.

Eva then snapped her fingers and stopped time. She and Draco flew close to Wunian, and they moved to the left and right.

Just as they thought, Wunian's eyes followed them slowly within stopped time. It was less of a movement of eyeballs and more of a movement of focus and perception. They could feel that Wunian's eyes were on them despite the eyeballs not moving.

To further prove this, Draco and Eva appeared behind Wunian and resumed time. Immediately, they found that the giant pterodactyl had turned its head slightly to gaze at them with its sharp eyes.

This caused Draco and Eva to be amazed, but it wouldn't really change anything. Even if previously, Draco and Eva had relied on the lack of perception of their victims to toss them into folded space, it didn't matter if Wunian could see it coming.

Because after practicing this much and gaining another Eternal Point in Eternal Control, they had access to more abilities on the branch.

Eva smirked and snapped her finger, stopping time. Wunian flapped his wings and tried to flee, because he could tell from Draco and Eva's expressions that this time, they were not going to be playing around or probing.

Why hadn't he moved before? Because like how a mouse would anxiously watch a cat that had it cornered without making any moves, it felt that Eva and Draco were a superior form of life and could easily hunt it.

But now that they possessed killing intent, would it be stupid enough to stay there?

However, it was futile as time was stopped. Even knowing where they were in stopped time would not help, as Draco appeared beside it and waved a hand.

Rather than opened a portal, he used one of his new abilities.

With a wave of his hand a crescent moon like wave manifested that was purple colored. This pseudo-ethereal blade passed through the body of Wunian, splitting him perfectly in half from beak to talon.

Space Blade!

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