Guild Wars

Chapter 899 Return To Boundless

Chapter 899 Return To Boundless

The moment their hands made contact with the Plane Core, the entire world seemed to tremble. The sands in the desert area, the spoils in the wasteland area, the sparse weeds in the savanna area and the lush grass in the grassland area.

Even the mountain shook, the nearby caldera starting to smoke slightly.

However, none of this meant anything to Draco and Eva who had closed their eyes the moment they touched the Plane Core.

In their view, they could now feel and sense the entire plane like it was a part of their body, and all the information of its denizens was obvious to them. Like the Wyvern, they could even view the history of the plane, only that their view was far reaching and more comprehensive.

Every single 'denizen' of the plane was also within their purview, they could see their power, their existence and even their fates.

Everything was within their sight.

Everything was within their control.

When Draco and Eva opened their eyes, they noticed the subtle fear in them. If the Wyvern had managed to gain control over the Plane Core during their trial here, their only fate would have been to become his playthings.

Luckily, the fellow had been barely competent, with very meager qualifications. In fact, were it not for its Draconic blood and high Eternal Control, the Plane Core wouldn't have even given the Wyvern the time of day.

Finding a better and more perfect option in Draco and Eva, it had long expunged whatever essence the Wyvern had put within, reverting the pseudo-boss into a common floor member of this plane.

Thinking like this, Eva decided not to release it from the Time Loop. It should stay there until Draco and Eva genuinely had enough power to take it down on their own. It wouldn't come out of there for years at least, which was good enough.

Now that Draco and Eva had the Plane Core, they could find this plane even in the lower universe, but getting here might be a different story. Still, with this, it was far better than leaving a spatial beacon which might not even transmit that far.josei

With this in mind, they snapped their finger and brought Alexander to the top of the mountain. The War Bear who had been shocked by the plane's sudden quake was also spooked to see he had been moved faster than he could even realize, but calmed down when he saw the presence of his two bosses.

Draco patted his head and spoke kindly. "We're going to be leaving soon, and until we return, you'll be left in charge. We've given you partial admin rights over the Plane Core, so stay here and cultivate yourself. Make sure to do so diligently so you can continue to be of use to us."

Eva then nodded to Alexander who looked very confused. "There's no need for you to do anything extravagant. Even if this plane ends up invaded, don't fight back too hard and let them occupy. Once we return, everything will be cleansed."

Alexander could only nod and follow orders. He was kinda sad that his bosses were leaving so soon. After all the 'good' memories they had shared, like the physical and mental abuse, the constant state of fear and the trauma of watching his former colleagues be slaughtered like dogs…

Sigh, it just wouldn't be the same.

As for Draco and Eva, they simply faced a random direction and opened a Space tear. Eva then fired a beam of light through the Space tear, setting it to target any life form near where it opened up on the other side.

On the other side, an Eternal monster that was a rat was trying to climb to the surface to avoid all the commotion under the earth. The moment it poked its head out of the ground and breathed in a wad of fresh air, a Space tear opened beside its head and a light beam blasted its cranium into ashes, leaving a headless body that now lay limp, turning into pixels.

At this time, Draco and Eva finally gained enough experience to cross the barrier and enter level 10. Before anything else, allocated their final Eternal point and instead of gaining a new branch, they just gained a more comprehensive control over their current branches.

Well, while it was disappointing, it was also fine in the end.

Immediately, Draco and Eva felt the familiar pressure of the World Will upon them.

「System to Player Announcement

Origin Being Draco and Origin Being Eva, I am the Will of the Eternal World.

You have completed the task set by myself quite quickly and more efficiently than expected. This is commendable, but with this your time in the Eternal World has come to an end and you must return to the digital world you hail from.

Due to the weakness of your original plane, time has not flowed at all despite being here for almost 4 Earth months. Upon your return, everything should be exactly as you had left.

You have gained the right to access partial eternal powers in the digital universe you came from by passing my trial, but you cannot progress further than that without making your digital plane an eternal world fragment.

I have also noticed that you have refined the Plane Core of this fragment, but you simply do not have the power to protect it from those who would seek to claim and plunder.

As such, I shall place a barrier over this fragmented plane until you ascend and naturally have the power to protect the plane. This is the smallest privilege that can be allocated to you as Planelords.

Now, you shall be sent back to your plane within the next minute, so choose your next actions wisely.」

After seeing this, Draco and Eva shared a look and did not move. They waited for the timer to elapse before they felt that familiar pulling force that was like a vortex within a vortex, and suddenly they were back in the Private Room.

Looking around, they felt the same feeling that they had become used to, but they also felt something else. The felt the fragility of the world and the surrounding area, as if they were walking on a bridge that was hanging over a canyon which was aged and weak.

It was different from the Eternal World where Draco and Eva felt like they were walking on an industrial bridge over a calm lake where no matter what they did, they couldn't break it.

Their faces became ugly as they immediately understood what was going on. It was just like an Immortal Emperor who was near the peak of the Immortal world descending into the lower world.

Even a mere fart from him could cause the lower world to fragment in half, and the same was happening to the Evil Duo.

This made them furious and helpless, because they thought that by increasing their Eternal Control, they could avoid this problem. However, it was the exact opposite. The more Eternal Control they had, the more they couldn't fit in the lower world.


It was just like the bridge analogy. With more Eternal Control, you can bring out more of your Eternal Power. Draco and Eva had an Eternal Power of 100 which was the limit, and was mind-boggling powerful.

Even when they had less than 1 point of Eternal Control, they could still whack stronger foes to death. It was only fair that this would be counter balanced.

You want to be OP? Sure, have all the OP you want. Just don't complain when your OPness now becomes a burden.

Life is fair.

If anyone disagrees, they can go to Germany and find a fellow called Devils Advocate and beat him up! (Editor's Note: … )

The same power that could barely shake the Eternal World would probably cause the AI to shut down permanently if they over did it.

Heck, it was likely that Earth would be even worse since the digital world was far sturdier than Earth and had more energies and stronger powers causing havoc, but still stood.

Now Draco and Eva understood why the World Will was sure they wouldn't be coming back until they became Eternals in the truest sense.

Even if they could locate where the Eternal World was, if Draco dared to tear open Space like he had done hundreds of times in the fragmented Eternal World, he might just rip the whole universe apart.

Even just standing here was causing the AI stress. It was like a giant obese person who was standing on a glass table. Even if they didn't move, you could literally FEEL the glass cracking and weakening with every passing second.

Their presence was a pressure on the world itself. It was likely that if they moved too much, the world might shatter lie glass and turn into void.

It would be just like that time in the past when Caelo had been summoned by the AI for Draco's Paragon of Destruction Class Up quest, but his real thoughts descended and he poked the game, forcing the AI to shut down and reset on the spot.

Draco and Eva were in different Private Rooms, but they eventually sighed and made the same decision. They gathered all their powers and compressed them, then sealed them up inside themselves.

As such, their Eternal presence dwindled rapidly until they were roughly at the same exact power level they had been at when they left.

The downsides of this was that they lost that near godly level of power that could defeat anybody, but the upside was that they could bring out everything they had gained without fear of shattering the universe.

So they still had access to all 10+ branches, only that the power they could output would not surpass the maximum limit of reality.

How to explain this?

So basically, any bloodline skill they used would be at 100% power the world could tolerate and could never go higher than that, even if the opposite power was stronger.

However, another upside was that this had nothing to do with efficiency, and could be trained as they went. In fact, due to the constraints and limitations, their 'Eternal Control' would increase far faster in the lower world than above with constant use.

After all, it was like two lads training to learn the sword. One lad had a dojo with full access and no limitations on himself while the other could only train in an old shed where he had to perform the same moves but be conscious of his surroundings, be careful not to overstress his weak wooden sword, etc.

With so much pressure on him, it was obvious that the limited lad - while he may not necessarily learn faster - would display better efficiency and fighting prowess if both lads were to compete.

In other words, this was one of the rare periods in which the almighty Draco and Eva had to take the L.

Sigh, doesn't it feel so refreshing~?

These two cruel blokes always did whatever they wanted, genociding people and tormenting the weak, without a care for consequences or others feelings. It was good for them to suffer a setback every now and then otherwise they might just come out of the pages and start bullying the author! (Editor's Note; Would anyone mind if they bound him to his chair to write from morning to evening, though?)

Whatever the case, they went for a trial and had come out of it, so it was time to reap the rewards. It can't all be punishment and disappointment, otherwise the External Origin Gods watching their journey will be furious!

「System to Player Announcement

Calculating potential stat allocation… 」

「System to Player Announcement

Drafting potential class skills… 」

「System to Player Announcement

Assessing current player physique… 」

「System to Player Announcement

Inspecting class equipment… 」

「System to Player Announcement

Corroborating possible techniques… 」

「System to Player Announcement

Predicting potential class paths… 」

「System to Player Announcement

New class analysis complete. Display?

Y/N 」

Draco and Eva naturally selected yes, wondering what their new Semi-Eternal Classes would be like.

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