Guild Wars

Chapter 912 Boundless Origins - Hunter101Bomber

Chapter 912 Boundless Origins - Hunter101Bomber

"Damned woman, why can't you shake that ass like you did before?!"


A burly man with bronze skin and short-cropped hair slapped a fair-skinned woman with a slender and sexy body down to the ground, his strength causing the air in the room to shake.

Had the woman been average, she would have likely had her entire skull slapped off, but even with just this, she spat out blood and a few teeth as she glared at the man with fear and rage.

"Ao Longtian, I swear on my life and that of my ancestor that I will kill you one day for the humiliation you have dealt upon me!"

The man called Ao Longtian rolled his eyes with boredom and wrapped a towel around his waist, covering his nakedness and getting off the bed.

He only spared a passing glance at the naked woman now on the carpet who was nursing her cheek while white fluid dropped shamefully from between her legs.

"Bitch from the Lucifer Lineage, go and watch a pron video or something. As my plaything, your only use is to make my rod feel good. Learn how to fuck for the love of god!"

The woman, named Kylie, shook with rage and humiliation.

After kidnapping her from her home and lineage during the battle for the prodigies, this man raped her day after day, venting his lust upon her.

And for all that, he didn't even remember her name, calling her 'Lucifer Lineage bitch'.

Waaaah! Waaah! Waah!

The shout of the two adults made the only infant within the room wake up and begin bawling. This pissed off Ao Longtian even more as he stormed out and dragged some servants into the room on his way out.

"Someone shut that half-breed filth up!"

With that, he eventually left the wing of this outskirts manor meant for outer members of the lineage. Some servant girls who were of Asian descent and clearly forced into this job came in to clean the room up.

One tried to help Kylie to her feet, but she shook the girl off with a look of hate in her eyes as she rose to her feet.

"Don't touch me you freaks! You are all part of this horrid Lineage that is full of evil! I don't need your help!"

Saying that, she glared at the servant girls coldly before storming out, not even giving the baby in the room a single look, despite being from her own womb...



A solid slap landed on the cheek of young Austin Wu.

The offender was a slightly older Kyrie who had a cold look on her face as she lay somewhat weakly in her bed. She had used a lot of strength to manage that slap, but she didn't even regret it.

Even when she looked into the gray eyes of her son which were filled with confusion and lack of understanding, she didn't even show a hint of regret or self-reproach.

The only feeling left in her heart all these years was hatred, fear, and humiliation. These emotions spiked whenever she saw either Ao Longtian or this little brat who thought he was her beloved son, not some biological discharge she created unwillingly.

As for young Austin, he just stood there in confusion until a stupid smile came on his face.

"Hehe, it doesn't hurt mummy, I'm a strong boy, remember?"

The young boy thought his mother was simply playing with him, so he displayed the widest smile he knew to reassure her that he wasn't hurt. This act shamed Kylie and this shame became fury as he grabbed him by the hair and pulled him closer.

"Listen to me you little shit, you are NOT my son. You are the spawn of that piece of shit, Ao Longtian, so go and pester him and leave me alone! You are a beast, a monster, and one of them! You have their blood flowing through your veins, so you will always be an evil thing meant to rot in the lowest level of hell!"

Kyrie spewed out her venom, but didn't even have time to enjoy the heartbroken expression on the boy's face as she began hacking and coughing blood.

The nurses rushed into the room and pushed Austin back and eventually out as they began to stabilize Kyrie.

The last thing the heartbroken boy saw was his mother coughing up a storm and her vitals dipping steeply. Remembering what she said, a certain ever-present light in the boy's eyes dimmed forever.

That night, Kyrie passed away to no ceremony or without the care of anyone by the servants who understood, despite her toxic nature. Her corpse was tossed into the labs for use in experimentation while her half-breed son was raised by the Lineage.

Raised is used here very lightly.


"Hahaha, why does this kid never fight back? Bitch, are you scared?" A burly bronze-skinned teen laughed as he stomped the head of a fairer boy into the ground repeatedly.

The teen was surrounded by other youths of both sexes as they laughed, with one particular one standing at the front with his arms folded and his eyes narrowed.

Ao Shangtian!

"Potian, it's enough. The half-breed still had some of our blood in his veins so it's best not to disgrace him too much." Ao Shangtian stated as he shook his head.

He saw himself in Austin, a trash that would have been stepped on just like this had he not been given the progenitor's blood thanks to the efforts of his father. Only in his youth like this did Shangtian ever have a slightly 'good' side.

When the kids were leaving, Shangtian turned to Austin who was still headfirst onto the floor.

"Austin right? Don't always hold back when being abused because you fear the aftermath. If you have the power, explode and rip them apart. In this Lineage, they only respect power, so doing what you're doing will just make everyone hate you more."

Shangtian left that bit of advice, and Austin's grey eyes which had become dull from abuse and emotional trauma lit up slowly. A flash of blue and orange electricity crackled in his eyes, the blue at the top and the organ merging from the bottom to form a lighting vortex.

He pushed himself off the ground as he felt the strange power that had awakened within him course through his veins. His bruised and battered body began to heal rapidly, but not under the effects of this power.

After all, Austin had a big secret!

Everyone thought he was an Inheritor of the Undying King side, but the truth was that he was a dual Lineage inheritor! He also had the Serpent God inheritance belonging to his mother flowing through his veins, and within that ability, an explosive power that he had always been suppressing for the good of the others existed.

However, upon hearing Shangtian's admission, he realized how foolish he was. Why should he hold back and protect this shitty family? All they had ever done was abuse him and spit on him, and that went for his mother too!

Since they only respected power, he would show them!

From within Austin's grey eyes, a black color began to emerge and take over everything as his bloodlust and killing intent soared, becoming almost untamable.

Like this, he grinned strangely and returned to his living area. He knew that he couldn't suddenly go on a rampage and kill everything around, but he didn't need to worry, as a perfect set of victims would bring themselves to him and provide him the perfect excuse to taste their blood.

That evening, a new branch of teens from the other half-breed homes came over to vent their anger on Austin, who was known for not fighting back. This group had far less standing and power than Shangtian's, so any death there would not be missed.

That evening, a brutal slaughter occurred that shook the entire lineage the next day.

Austin was found in the middle of a pool of blood, sitting cross-legged as he floated above it. The blood flowed and coiled around him like a shield as he slowly absorbed it, the orange and blue lighting that crackled off his body slowly turning red.

When Shangtian heard of this, he simply nodded while Potian's showed a frightened expression at being lucky that it wasn't him. The others also seemed a bit scared, because even if that lot were half-breeds, they still had Pangu Linage blood and inheritances in order to stay within the main estate area.

As for Ao Longtian, when he heard, he was ecstatic.

Some random rat he sired from a sexy Lucifer bitch had shown some value. This directly benefited him and if he could use the boy well, he could rise a few positions!

As such, he put on his gentlest smile and went to where Austin was staying. Seeing the run-down single-block building, Ao Longtian frowned.

Shit, even if he told them not to care about the boy, this was too much! How could a brat of his loins stay in such a place? Did they not have any respect for him, Ao Longtian?!

Tsking with dissatisfaction, he entered the place as if it was his own home and prompted the servants to call his son down.

Down came Austin, who had matured from the last time Longtian had seen him... which was when he was a baby.

Now, the brat had grown to about 5"10 despite only being a teen, which was quite good for outside standards, but quite poor for Lineage standards. He had fair skin reminiscent of a full Caucasian, which had been one of the reasons he was picked for ostracization.

However, ever since he started growing, he began to tan slightly and his body, which had been scrawny, was beginning to fill out. He had short brown hair that was only long enough to reach the ridge of his nose, but was flipped to the left side. His brown hair had streaks of natural blonde and silver mixed in, probably from his mother.

He had previously been wearing worn out hand me downs, but after killing those kids, he looted their bodies and bought clothes of his choice, which happened to be black combat pants with pockets and straps, as well as an orange-blue sweater that was turtleneck in style.

Looking him up and down, the kid was actually quite good-looking and handsome. Something he also took from his mother because Ao Longtian was self-aware enough to know he was quite rugged.

"Not bad kid. You have taken after your father pretty well!" Longtian laughed amiably.

Seeing his father, a hint of darkness flashed in Austin's eyes as he felt his bloodlust rising, but it was not enough to explode yet. He did not respond to his father, but rather glared at him coldly.josei

Seeing this reaction, Longtian understood that it would not just be a matter of some few tricks to turn his son into his lackey. This angered him, as the brat would not even be alive if not for his grace!

He felt lazy to work harder and decided to cut the boy off rather. Since when did he, Longtian, need a rat he spawned in order to go far?

"Brat, it seems like you're just like your filthy mother, full of hate, angst, and foolishness. Always remember, I gave you life, so I can take it anytime you waste of sperm!"

Saying these vicious words, Longtian stood up and was about to leave. However, he suddenly felt the aura of death upon him. His heart trembled as he manifested his bloodline power and tried to fight back, but he could only be blasted out of the house in a flurry of red lightning.

Behind him, Austin's gray eyes had gone from their natural color to a light black similar to rain clouds during a storm, with the usual blue and orange lighting shifting to red and green.

Even more fearsome was his sweater which had ruptured and turned into ash as lighting flickered and crackled all over his body. His hair stood up and glowed with a green and white color, and his aura become pervasive, causing everyone within the Pangu Lineage to change expression greatly.

His sheer killing intent and aura were terrifying to behold for someone his age and clearly did not belong to someone his age.

Longtian crawled into a pit, barely managing to push his bloodline to heal himself as he too had the Undying King Inheritance. However, the blood lightning that Austin used was too pervasive and did not allow him to heal at all, not with his meager purity.

Not to mention that blood lightning was the feared Blood Burning Lightning, able to sear off all forms of flesh-based defenses.

Yet Ao Longtian should think himself lucky that Austin had yet to fully master his lightning control for if he acquired purple lighting, which was Soul Extinguishing Lightning, he would not even have a chance to try and recover.

Austin's face was twisted with hatred and rage, unable to control himself as he clawed as his head and roared with madness and anger, the electricity around him becoming volatile and chaotic.

Ao Longtian saw his son's power and felt fear for the first time. Even as he was being passively ravaged, he tried to crawl away, believing that if he got away and sought help, he might be saved.

However, Austin noticed his movement and roared coldly, firing a beam of lighting at his pitiful father.

"WAIT SON, I WANT TO- ARRGGHH!!!" Ao Longtian could only scream in agony as he was slowly fried into ash on the spot.

Despite this, Austin felt no remorse, only glee. He then set his eyes on the rushing members of the lineage who were coming here to see what the fuss was about.

A cruel and crazy smile manifested on his face as he concentrated his red lighting within and blasted forward like a bolt, instantly arriving before the group who were shocked at his sudden appearance.

But before they could even squeak, they had all been connected by a chain of red lightning that caused them insane agony as they screamed in horror and pain.

By the time Austin had already bolted off towards his next target, this group had fallen to the ground and had turned into corpses that still crackled with electricity occasionally.

Just like that, Austin went on a rampage around the estate, only stopped by Shangtian later on as the two dueled. Shangtian at this time only had 95% purity, but it was more than enough to gain an advantage over Austin.

Unfortunately, Shangtian was only a teen at this time and did not have the necessary experience and skill with controlling his bloodline that he would have as an adult, so the battle with Austin was harrowing for him.

However, this battle was also what helped him grow rapidly, and turned out to be why he could suppress Eva throughout their young life until Boundless came around.

Austin was forced down to the lowest level of the underground estate and chained up in a room right beside one other. On this level, they were the only two rooms, and the wall between them was almost nonexistent.

Austin spent his days, chained like a beast and acted like one too, continually harming himself by roaring and struggling. The chains often had to be changed and updated because they were not meant to hold one with God Serpent level power.

During the changing, many weaker Pangu members would be killed by Austin as they could barely restrain him, and Shangtian always had to be around to deal the final blow. Through the accumulation of blood, Austin strengthened himself.

He eventually planned to break out and then kill Shangtian before destroying the entire lineage, but on the day they would change his chains, something changed.

For the first time since Austin was locked here, a soft voice spoke out to him.

"Big brother, don't do it. It's not worth your life."

Austin was so startled that he almost left his berserk state, but then became enraged at his own fear and began to glare at the speaker, releasing the full weight of his killing intent. However, to his shock, it barely seemed to even faze them as they rather giggled lightly.

"Big brother, you're quite cute. If you want to scare me with that, you're dealing with the wrong person."

After saying that Austin was suddenly blasted with a wave of hatred and killing intent so potent that it crushed his and blew him out of his berserk state completely, his eyes returning to their gray color as sense came back into his mind.

He spat out a mouthful of blood in fear and shock, wondering how there could be anyone with greater killing intent than himself. After all, he more than anyone else knew where he got his from.

Eventually, the wave receded and the soft voice spoke again.

"I know what it feels like to be caged and hated by your own family. I'm curious, can you tell me your name and your story, big brother?"

Austin calmed himself down and pondered for a while before speaking in a surprisingly intelligent and clear voice despite his usual disposition, like a learned person.

He shared his story with the person on the other side who listened closely and attentively, only asking questions at key parts.

After that, Austin naturally asked them for their name and story.

"My name? It should be Ao Shuangtian, though I don't really like it. As for my story..."

When Austin heard what came next, his face changed slowly until he almost became berserk again.

From that day onward, he swore to never let anyone harm himself or the soft voice in the other room, becoming a crazy bloodthirsty berserker who had something to protect.

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