Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 105

Chapter 105


The lion let out a roar and the little wizards, in the front, felt their hair rose up.

Luna blinked, and several young witches around her took two steps back in fear.

The next second, the lion began to run wildly around the ring, sometimes morphing into a leopard, sometimes into a one-horned rhinoceros, a wild boar, a boa …

The young wizards looked at Professor McGonagall dumbstruck, during class time, why are you not doing this?

From the beginning to the end, Professor McGonagall only waved her wand a few times and did not utter a single incantation.josei

Dean Thomas couldn’t help but ask, “Is this a single spell, or multiple spells? Why I couldn’t figure it out a bit.”

If they were to describe Professor McGonagall’s performance, the impression of the young wizards would be, it is too fluid.

The form morphed naturally as they ran around.

Professor McGonagall’s ‘show-off’ lasted almost two to three minutes, and when a giant eagle hovered over the great hall, the students raised their heads and stretched their necks to look closely.

Finally, the giant eagle landed in the ring, rolled its body, and transformed once again into a black cat.

“In theory, any young wizard in the sixth or seventh year could do this.” Professor McGonagall said from the stage as she addressed the crowd.

“Wood, how about you?.” Fred asked the captain of his house team.

“Ahem …” Wood looked a little embarrassed.

Not very far away, Percy, who is responsible for keeping order, walked next to a Ravenclaw girl: “I think I can do it, Penelope, maybe not as smoothly as Professor McGonagall can do it …”

“I can’t do it, I’m not very good at Transfiguration.” That girl said, she also wore a Head badge on her chest.

“I can teach you,” Percy said.

” Really?” The girl shot him a blank look.

On the stage, Professor McGonagall motioned for the black cat to stand in front of her.

“I need an assistant, Abbott Blake, you’ve always worked hard to be Auror right?, let’s give it a try.” Professor McGonagall selected a student from her house.

Abbott Blake stepped forward timidly, he pretty much had a whole new perception of the professors’ strength from the last dueling lesson.

The young wizards offstage stared with rapt attention. It became obvious that Professor McGonagall isn’t going to cast any other kind of magic spell, but rather going to use Transfiguration throughout, which made the duel between them fascinating to behold.

The two were separated from each other by eight or nine meters.

Felix acted as the referee, “Bow to each other … one, two, the duel begins.”

Blake agilely jumped to the side and raised his hand to cast a disarming charm.

The black cat in front of Professor McGonagall leaped up and blocked the disarming charm.

The black cat in the middle of the air lost its footing and one of its legs turned into a bench leg, but in the next second, it rolled on the ground and turned into an agile panther.

Another spell from Blake got blocked more easily this time.

” Blake, you need to speed up your spell casting.”

Professor McGonagall said, and in the interval, she waved her wand and three more chairs flew over, which likewise took the form of panthers.

At this moment, three black-spotted panthers stood in front of Professor McGonagall, guarding her safety.

Blake gritted his teeth, no longer having scruples, and one spell after another was cast out.

If it comes to dueling alone, he does rank top among the students of Hogwarts, thanks to his uncle who is an Auror in the Ministry of Magic and trained him for two years in low intensity.

But Professor McGonagall blocked it with extreme ease, “One of the characteristics of Transfiguration is that it kinda restrains individual spells, but of course, to do that, you need to have an outstanding sense of perception.”

The three panthers cooperated with each other and handled it with ease.

“Incendio!” Blake’s spell hit a panther, and its body suddenly burst into flames.

In the blazing fire, the transfiguration spell lost its effect, and it reverted to a burning chair.

Professor McGonagall said, ” Transfiguration works equally well on water and fire, so you only need to change your spell slightly–”

The burning chair rose with a leap and turned into a blazing lion, its mane pulsing with bright flames.

Blake couldn’t help but take two steps back, but fortunately, Professor McGonagall had no idea of attacking.

Blake quickly thought of a good idea, “Diffindo!” A red light flashed, and the spell hit the other panther precisely, causing it to split into a dozen pieces in midair.

But it only worsened as each of the pieces turned into palm-sized kittens, which nimbly circled behind Blake and stared at him from a distance.

“At short range, or within the range of the transfiguration’s manipulation, it’s tougher to deal with than you think, Blake.” Professor McGonagall said, her mood thoroughly jovial and no longer wearing a stern expression.

Hearing Professor McGonagall’s comments, Blake panicked a bit, suddenly realizing that the more he attacked, the more he fell into an unfavourable situation.

After a few seconds of stalemate, a kitten ran to his feet, Blake couldn’t resist kicking it, but the kitten morphed into a cane and wrapped his legs tightly around it.

Good thing, Professor McGonagall didn’t take it seriously, she simply released his body, the cane didn’t continue to grow, and Balk’s arms were free.

In a great panic, he cast a spell on the kitten next to him, “Diffindo! Diffindo! Diffindo!”

The kitten didn’t dodge it, and to Balk’s eyes, its body split apart in an instant, with various pieces rising up in the air and morphing into tiny finger-sized birds with long, pointed beaks.

They remained in midair and formed a network, their sharp beaks aiming at Blake in unison as if they would pounce in the next second.

In the eyes of the young wizards, Blake is completely surrounded, looking up there is a phalanx of flying birds, behind him is a group of palm-sized black cats, and a little further, blazing lion and panther watching intently.

Blake’s scalp tingled, he hurriedly cried: “I admit defeat, Professor McGonagall, I admit defeat.”

Professor McGonagall paused with some regret, she still had much to show.

She turned the transfigured creature back into a chair and repaired it with a Mending Charm as it should have been. She looked at the young wizard offstage and said, “For most wizards, they don’t guard against transfiguration in a duel. If you can master a few proficiently, it can be completely useful as a surprise.”

Felix couldn’t help but clap his hands in praise, which was exactly the same mindset he used to defeat Lockhart.

The second person who appeared on stage is Professor Flitwick, who showed everyone a kind of dueling concept, the matching between charms.

Professor Flitwick is short, yet he easily gathered the eyes of the young wizards, just like he did in class.

“If you have mastered a lot of Charms, the question must arise, can I really use them all?”

“Perhaps it is better to specialize in one charm?”

“These are two different kinds of options, and what I want to show you today is how different charms fit with each other.”

“It’s a simple charm altogether, let’s see-” Professor Flitwick shouted, “Avis!”

His wand made a loud bang, like a pistol shot, and a flock of small red-feathered birds fluttered their wings out of it.

A Hufflepuff muttered, “This charm isn’t easy, that’s the NEWTs content.”

“Shut up.” His friend said.

Flitwick looked at the flying birds: “You can certainly use it to launch an assault with good effectiveness. But if you add a Doubling Charm -” he waved his wand, and the birds split rapidly apart with a “thump, thump, thump”.

“And then add an Enlarging Charm–”

The palm-sized bird quickly enlarged.

Flitwick looked up and surveyed the hundreds of owl-sized birds that surrounded the gilded ring, almost overshadowing his figure.

In front of Flitwick’s tiny size, many of the young wizards couldn’t help feel a sense of awe.


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