Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 154

Chapter 154

Early June.

Felix woke up by the sound of rain pouring against the window, outside the window is grey and cloudy, a dazzling lightning streaks above the greenhouse, followed by a continuous low burst of muffled thunder.

The final exams had lasted for three days, but the Ancient Runes exam had been scheduled in the middle and latter part of all the subjects, so for him, today would be the first day of the final exams.

Fortunately, the Ancient rune he taught is an elective course. Excluding the fifth and seventh years, who are preparing for the wizard grading exam, he only needs to invigilate the remaining three classes.josei

The professor of all the compulsory classes had to spend more energy duking it out with the young wizards, and Belby, who is in charge of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, complained to him more than once-

“There are always students who have their minds left behind, can you imagine? I found a dozen cheating quills during the pre-test inspection!”

Felix consulted Professor Flitwick specifically about this issue, and he told Felix, “You could have cheat-proof quill uniformly prepared for the students, and it would save a lot of effort.”

He gladly accepted the suggestion.

In the ancient rune classroom, where long rows of successive tables were replaced with individual desks and chairs, Felix waved his wand and let a large section of test sheets and quill drop precisely on the small desks in front of the fourth-year students.

“I must remind you that the test papers and quills are under anti-cheating enchantment, and the consequences of cheating are very serious.”

The test began, and Felix wandered the aisles between the seats, announcing the time every half hour.

By the time he warned a second time, a student had already finished his test paper.

“Very well, Mr. Andrews, you can choose to remain here or go out for some fresh air.”

Having completed the fourth year invigilation, Felix finished correcting just under a hundred of these papers that day.

“A total of 7 O’s and 22 E’s, which is very good compared to previous years’ results.”

The former represents excellent, the latter is good.

“And with the extra marks for practical work in the area of golems, maybe I’ll win the best record in the ancient rune class in the last ten years or so.” Felix thought with delight, this mood reflected in the rest of the exam as he had a smile on his face.

Finally, at the end of the first week of June, the final exams were over. The other years of students were completely liberated; a few young wizards who were worried about their grades would be anxious for two or three more days, but most of them were already partying to their hearts’ content.

There’s laughter all over the school. Only the fifth and seventh years were still doing their best to prepare for their wizard grading exams.

They were in a very anxious mood, and Felix, as a professor, confiscated all sorts of odd trinkets.

“Miss Shelton, can you tell me where did you get this onion-flavored amulet?”

Peter Shelton cried out, huffing and puffing.

“Well, I won’t deduct any points this time, have some Euphoric Elixir, you’re so down.”

Shelton glowed after drinking the elixir, her whole body brightened up, she thanked the professor happily and left with a light step.

Felix got pleased with himself, but then he noticed that the number of people running to the hospital wing increased, with large numbers of fifth and seventh-year students complaining to Madam Pomfrey that they were depressed and needed a Euphoric Elixir.

“The stock is significantly running low, Professor Hap there’s been a poor quality of Euphoric Elixir all over the school, and I’ve taken in seven to eight students who can’t stop laughing.” Madam Pomfrey said grumblingly.

In addition to the Euphoric Elixir, the Cheering Charm also had a similar effect, and the charm is a third-year content, which is a very simple charm for students preparing for the wizard grading exam.

But at last, the wizard grading exam came chasing the tail of the announcement of the final exam results.

One day in the middle of June, Felix saw some rather old wizards at the school, the inspectors for this year’s wizard grading exams — an ugly man with a bumpy flesh, a round, short witch, a male wizard with thinning hair and glasses, and, of course, the head of the Wizarding Examinations Authority –Griselda Marchbanks

Griselda is a short Yet very well conditioned witch, with a high voice, and she was also the one who invigilated Felix’s exams in both OWLs and NEWTs in Transfiguration and Charms a few years ago, as a chief invigilator.

And incredibly, she had also been an invigilator for Headmaster Dumbledore. This would be the oldest witch Felix had ever met that remained continuously active in the wizarding world.

“Oh, Felix, is that you? I’m glad to see you in the school.” The short Marchbanks spoke loudly from a distance, and she’s accompanied by Professor McGonagall.

“Professor Marchbanks, it’s been a long time.” Felix quietly used his wand on himself, making his voice twice as loud.

“It’s been long, time always flies, and it seems like yesterday that I was invigilating Dumbledore.” Marchbanks, who is somewhat deaf, said aloud. “I’ll never forget it for the rest of my life! It was an honour to invigilate him.”

Marchbanks talking, she looked at Felix: “You are the same, but it is your charms which shocked me. I hear you’re an expert on muggle issues now? Do you teach muggle studies course?”

“Its ancient runes, Professor Marchbanks, that’s my area of research.”

Marchbanks turned her ear sideways, then said in a loud voice, “I hope you don’t fall behind in your study of magic, especially in charms, that incredible power!”

Felix smiled and nodded, and when her attention focused elsewhere, he turned to the thinning-haired male wizard and said, “It’s been a long time, Tofty. I just recently met Ogden …”

“He mentioned to me that it was at one of the Ministry of Magic’s award ceremonies, wasn’t it?” Tofty said.

This was one of Felix’s former examiners, though the two had little contact during his school years. Felix had visited him after graduation – Tofty is an expert in ancient runes, though theory-oriented, nevertheless he gave Felix a lot of help.

“That’s right, he seems to be taking off well.”

“Yeah, that old guy! I didn’t believe him when he told me, but I didn’t think you’d really come back to Hogwarts.”

“I like the atmosphere at school,” Felix said.

“Yeah, that’s one of the reasons I stay at Examinations Authority, the hope of the British wizarding community – although most of the time these youngsters are a headache to be around.” The old man rambled on for half a day, “And old Vera, he gets anxious with me when I mention you to him, but I can clearly see your book on his desk …”

Felix stifled a chuckle and didn’t say anything, Old Vera is the grandfather of one of his students, Clammy Vera, a very stubborn old man.

He is also the vice president of the Ancient Rune Society and has always been quite cynical about Felix’s ‘Practical Ancient Rune’.

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