Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 173

Chapter 173

Professor Flitwick waved his hand repeatedly, “I’m very sorry, Minerva, a moment of excitement … as you know, I’ve been studying that magic for years.”

Professor McGonagall’s anger calmed down a bit, and she asked with wonder, “How Effective is it?”

“It’s great, thanks to Felix. We agreed that this ancient magic has great potential to be tapped, and it might even work on creatures like fire dragons. We called it ‘Great Zooming Charm’, a fusion of the Shrinking Charm and Enlargement Charm, but with a much stronger effect.”

“Is it, truly, that exaggerated?”

“Yes, Minerva, it’s that exaggerated. Of course, it still needs to be refined.”

Professor Sprout hurried back and carefully tended the two yew wand trees, but she had nothing nice to say to the originator until Felix gave her three big packets of magic plant seeds that he got from the black market.

“These seeds are very precious, where did you buy them?” Sprout looked at him in amazement.

Felix said vaguely, “I got them from a friend in France, it’s purely a lucky find, next time I won’t have such a good chance. …”

Sprout thought he had got it from the French Ministry of Magic by using his connections, so she did not pursue it further and instead discussed with him the usefulness of these seeds.

“This is the seed of the Snargaluff pods, which looks somewhat like a brown thorny vine in the pod. It can be used in sixth-year classes.” She described it.

“This is the seed of the Alihotsy.”

“And this, the seed of the Wiggentree, which emits an aura that repels low-level dark creatures, I’d love to plant it around Hogwarts …”

“Oh my god, there are even seeds of Gillyweed! Felix, did you see that? Gillyweed! It originates from the Mediterranean Sea and is a marvellous aquatic plant that can be consumed directly to breathe underwater, but that would be a pure waste, and its role in the field of potions is even more irreplaceable.”

Sprout rambled on, her chubby body constantly shuttling through the third greenhouse, finding bottles and jars from the corners and storing the seeds in separate containers.

She hummed cheerfully, cheerful as a bee – chubby, but very hard-working one.

Felix looked around the place, the smell of dirt and fertilizer mixed in the air, accompanied by a heavy scent of flora, leaving his nose in a state of conflict – wanting to breathe freely, but also somehow wanting to cover his nose.

The huge canopy of flowers hanging on the ceiling looked like a colourful umbrella, which laid out the space above the greenhouse in a staggered and highly layered manner.

Felix inquired, “Are these umbrella flowers?”

“Yes, they are highly fragrant flowers, but beware, do not become too enamoured.”

Felix agreed with a smile as he looked at the rows of umbrella flowers gently swaying their bodies above the ground, and next to them were some empty pots, a leaf half-hidden in the dirt.

“Is this the pot used for Mandrake?” Felix picked up the leaf and examined it carefully.

Professor Sprout looked up, “Oh, indeed. The adult Mandrake is way too dangerous, so I only have two plants in my collection, but the effect is really strong, the little wizard who got petrified recovered in less than a quarter of an hour.”

“I seem to remember his name is Colin Creevey, Severus mentioned him to me.” Felix tried to remember and ended up shaking his head after reminiscing.

“A freshman, not even three months after school, was petrified, laid in bed for most of the year, and the third day after he opened his eyes final exams came, er … kinda tragic.”

Felix returned to the office happily with a pocketful of complimentary gifts.

Later that night, he and Nicolas Flamel worked through some questions via photo. Frankly, Nicolas Flamel looked younger and healthier in the photo, and although he had a full head of white hair, the photo appeared more vibrant than in person, and he had a feeling that the Nicolas Flamel he had met at the Boathouse Hotel seemed somewhat dull and sullen.

It’s not exactly convenient to communicate through photo, but it’s not as troublesome as one might think. Because Felix is not a zero-basis student, but a deep-rooted rune master, they focus more on communication than teaching.

The interaction between the two is usually the same: Felix will ask a question, Nicolas Flamel thinks about it, and then provides him with a way forward.

Or Nicolas Flamel introduced him to some out-of-the-way, but very useful books. For example, “Acalisto’s Palace” – such unknown titles like this, Felix would not have paid attention to it before, unless he really idle one day, randomly looking for a book to read.josei

But even if he reads a book casually, he will pick an interesting name.

For example, the L.C.A. comic book publisher published “The Adventures of Martin Miggs, the Mad Muggle”, a record of a muggle from France, Martin Miggs, who entered the wizarding world by mistake and what he experienced.

After reading it, Felix’s impression is that a big reason why the wizards did not introduce film devices for their common people maybe that magic is just too convenient, and the little wizards watching comic books would feel like watching a split-screen film.

And it’s useless to introduce it; it’s hard for wizards to empathize with normal people’s lives, and they’ll be curious about why they don’t use magic.

Anyway, the pair would chat about muggle issues, including parts of his own book drafts.

Today Nicolas Flamel recommended three more cold books to him, Felix didn’t expect that he would be left with a list of books, and it is true that the world is unpredictable.

“That’s all for today, Felix, I’m a little tired.” Nicolas Flamel in the photo had drowsy eyes.

“Good night, Nicholas.”

After the exchange, Felix organized his workbench, he put away the postcards his assistant had sent from France in the drawer and took out a thick stack of book manuscripts.

He had completed his scheduled plan of preparing two books to confront both the potential soon-to-be wizards and the adult wizards –

In one book titled “The Strange Adventures of Young Wizard Mick”, he used the format of the wizarding world’s dynamic comic book to describe the story of a 10-year-old prep wizard who will be sent to study in a normal school for a year.

Mick originally intended to mingle and quietly wait for his acceptance letter to Hogwarts, but unexpectedly became fascinated by the life at school. From fresh and interesting lessons to diverse forms of games, as well as visits to museums, amusement parks, volunteer work, and other practical activities … introduces an otherwise foreign world from a child’s point of view.

The other book is a popular science book for adult wizards, with the eye-catching name “Muggle World ‘Magic'”, the idea is to explain the most superficial basic technology of the Muggle world with the most rigorous logic and words.

After checking the manuscript and not finding any omissions, Felix reconfirmed the appointment time on the calendar.

“Tomorrow at 9 a.m., 126a Diagon Alley, Little Red Books.”

“Tomorrow at 10 a.m., 15b South of Diagon Alley, L.C.A. Comic Book Publishers.”

The former is the book company he all along cooperated with, it had successfully published “History of Magic” and “Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles”, both of which are Hogwarts’ current textbooks.

Because there is a good experience in cooperation, so there is not much trouble.

The latter – L.C.A. Comic Book Publishers, specializing in the children’s market, he has never dealt with them, and can only see when the time comes, but it is good that he has made some preparations.


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