Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 192

Chapter 192

The next two days were calm and quiet, and on Thursday morning during the fourth year’s Ancient Rune class, Felix revealed the news of the Magic Rune Club to the students in the same way.

Once the class is over, he is surrounded by many students.

“Professor, when will the Magic Rune Club have its activities?” A witch with golden-red curly hair asked, holding her friend with a cheeky smile.

Felix said mildly, “Miss Edgecombe, the news will be announced next Monday, including the recruitment process.”

“Can you reveal it in advance, just a little?” Marietta Edgecombe asked pleadingly, and the surrounding students couldn’t help but give her an approving look.

“One of the recruiting methods is through an open examination, that’s all I can say,” Felix said.

“You still need a test? Oops, but all the other clubs do it by invitation!” Marietta chirped.

Eddie Carmichael countered her by saying, “I’d say it’s good, after all, it’s the first time we’re recruited.” He thought he is the top student, and even if there is a test, he can still stand out.josei

Eddie had been detained by Professor McGonagall last school year for peddling cheap low quality potions, at the time it happened that Felix wanted to get Ron out of the hands of Lockhart, so he asked Professor McGonagall for the young wizards who had recently been detained.

He is one of the nine.

Together with Hermione, who joined midway, a total of ten people completed the initial work of testing the ‘answer space’.

Felix explained: “There are a few people who will get a direct invitation from me, and I have been observing them all year, and I think they are the right people. But time is limited, after all, and I cannot get to know all of you …”

The small group of witches who gathered around dispersed one by one, and Marietta took her friend’s hand and inquired, ” Cho, what do you think the test will be?”

Cho Chang joked, “It doesn’t need to be a test, maybe you’ll get an invitation.”

“I know myself well~ My grades in this class are only average, that Carmichael has more hope.” Marietta said somewhat pessimistically, but she quickly looked at her seriously, “Maybe you can get an invitation.”

Cho Chang stroked her hair, “We can’t put our hopes on that, we should do some preparation in advance.” She blinked at her friend, “The professor has revealed quite a bit of information.”

“Has he?” Marietta looked at her with a confused expression.

“The professor said there would be an open examination, and in combination with what he said afterward, it took a year of observation to find a few suitable candidates … what did you come up with?”

“I thought of … uh, there are two ways of recruiting?”

Cho Chang stared blankly, Marietta smiled wryly and said, “You also know that my brain is not as smart as yours, confused throughout the day.”

“You are too lazy to use your brain!” Cho Chang said in a humorous manner, she then explained, “The assessment criteria are definitely not the test results of the ancient rune class, otherwise there is absolutely no need to waste time. Plus the various things this professor has done over the past year or so, the golem, the answer space, and this year’s Sneakoscope … all point to one thing.”


“He values practical ancient rune more than the rest!”

Marietta finally came back to her senses, “Makes sense, hey, but we didn’t learn much about practical runes…”

“So, I guess, there are two possibilities!” Cho Chang raised her finger, “The first is to let us make an alchemical item to examine our hands-on ability;”

“The second is to examine our understanding of practical ancient runes.”

“But I have little understanding, we only learned 7, no, 9 practical runes last year,” Marietta said with a bitter face.

“Stupid, the professor wrote a total of three books, and one of them is about ancient runes.”

“Then what are we waiting for!” She excitedly took Cho Chang’s hand and is about to go to the library.

“Wait, wait, we still have class!” Cho Chang pulled her unreliable friend back.

“Oops, I forgot about that. By the way, did that handsome guy from Hufflepuff ask you out?”

“Ahem! He invited me to Hogsmeade for the Weekend….”


On the other hand, Felix had finished his morning classes, and he headed straight to the library, where he ran into the new professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts class coming out of it at the entrance.

He nodded towards this professor and brushed past him.

“Professor Hap, please wait!”

Felix stopped in his tracks, “What can I do for you, Professor Lupin?”

Lupin looked at him mildly, ” Well, I learned from some students that there has been interaction between the dueling class and the defense against dark arts class before, and I would like to ask about your plans for this academic year …”

Felix had a little scalp numbness, feeling that Snape is staring at himself from some corner.

Of course, this is just an illusion.

He thought about it and said, “I’ll communicate with Severus to determine what we’re going to teach this school year.”

Lupin obviously understood his hint, he did not make any other requests and softly thanked him.

Felix looked at his back, “A nice guy, it’s a pity he can only stay for one year.” Otherwise, he would have made an effort to try to untie the knot between the two.

But this kind of thing is actually laborious and unpleasant, but it’s also easy to get carried away in their conflict, Then when Snape will quit from dueling club in a fit of anger, he will have to scratch his head.

Felix walked into the library and greeted the librarian, Mrs Pince, along the way to the forbidden books section.

After a while, he found the book he wanted – ‘The Wizard’s Bloodline’.

‘ The origin of wizards is differently claimed, with two theories being the most widespread. The Divine Destiny theorists believe that wizards are people who have naturally awakened their magical powers and that they were born with an extraordinary destiny and were different from the rest at birth. These people are considered to be the original purebloods or the first generation of wizard genesis.’

”Wizards who hold the bloodline transplantation argument, on the other hand, believe that wizards were first just ordinary people. In very early times, ordinary people (muggles) faced the threat of magical creatures and struggled to survive. Some wise men experimented with transplanting part of the magical lineage into themselves, thus possessing magical powers.’

‘But the second argument is obviously untenable, it is a blasphemy against the wizard’s status and full of incredible delusions. Whenever someone discusses this topic with me, I always counter him with a question: Where did those original magical creatures’ magic come from?’

”This question is not easy to answer, because there are two voices here as well: one is the innate theory, which believes that those magical creatures have always existed, and the other voice believes that magical creatures are the result of wizard’s experiments.”

”According to the first argument, if magical creatures have always existed, why can’t wizards always exist? And the second argument is even more proof of the greatness of wizards …’

Felix quickly flipped through this section as this laced with strong personal opinions, and after ten minutes, he stopped at a paragraph.

”A wizard’s blood is magical, magic in it is ampler than other parts of the body, and in some harsh magical contracts, blood is one of the necessary conditions. This gave rise to the infamous bloodline testing magic, where some pureblood families would only accept the pure bloodline of newly born descendants and abandon those with low concentration blood. But this practice was spurned, and to this day, some stubborn families are not willing to give up this method …’

Felix looked up from the book and pondered what he had seen.

He had wanted to make sure that he could replace the blood with Sirius Black’s hair and thus pry open the defense system of Black’s old mansion.

But the question is how much hair does he need? Dumbledore gave him not much, even the production of three Sneakoscope is barely possible. So Felix came to the library to check the relevant information.

From the results, his idea is unlikely to succeed.

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