Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 223

Chapter 223


Harry sat back in his seat, the events that had just taken place made him think, is he not awake yet, or an early April Fool’s Day. But the twins and Wood had already gathered around him, as they too had seen Professor McGonagall’s serious face and heard some chatter between them.

Although they didn’t hear all of it, the words “Quidditch” and “training” that came from time to time were enough to give them a fright.

Harry explained the trouble he is in, and although the look on Wood’s face is not pleasant, but he still reassured him, “It’s okay, you can go back before dark, we will keep training, anyway, originally you are positioned as a free man, the impact is not big …”

He concluded it with a dark joke, “Black is certainly not going to recognize me as you after gaining bad vision after being locked up for more than ten years, right?”

The twins laughed heartlessly, trying to identify the lanky Wood as Harry is not such an easy feat.

But Harry is not in the mood to laugh, he really realized: Black, the fugitive who has been in prison for twelve years, should’ve been close to him once.

“Perhaps, I should spend more effort on the dueling system thesis.” Harry touched his bookbag, where the first part of a thesis is stashed.

Over the weekend, as Halloween approached, the festive atmosphere intensified.

Felix woke up early and reviewed the dissertation in hand.

‘… The above suggests that we may have found a new treatment for memory damage that will be more tailored than the old potions and magic spell treatments, the only problem we need to face is the need to find a way to connect the patient’s memory in a stable way, not using a quick and hostile way like Legilimency to access the memory of the patient. Instead, we need to find a way to exchange their memories in a comfortable and cooperative way.

At the same time, in cases of extreme memory damage ( large permanent damage, memory fragmentation), simple bonding cannot cope with the situation. We need to consider giving memories a stable structure …’

Felix nodded in satisfaction, “The whole dissertation is a theoretical derivation, but it also implicitly mentions the most crucial part – the thinking room magic and the structure of a solid memory.”

“Throw it out there first to see the reaction, well … I can post it in the Monthly Prophet Magazine, it has some impact, but it’s not a professional counterpart and has a longer gestation period.”

“I estimate that it will take until mid to late November before it spreads in the healer community, something as purely theoretical as this will certainly attract different opinions, at that time, the Longbottoms situation may not be concealed, but I can just use this as an excuse to avoid the intervention of the higher levels of St. Mungo’s, no one would be foolish enough to reject a potential Order of Merlin level achievement. ”

He put away the dissertation, it just required a few more tweaks to the wording and a new transcription before he could send it off.

Felix sat on the couch, pondering how to simplify the treatment plan, which was also the advice Dumbledore had given him, whether it is thinking room magic, or memory nodes inherited from Lady Ravenclaw, are extremely valuable knowledge, and he is not so big-hearted to just publish it out at will.

What’s more, not many people would be able to learn it.

“The simplification of Thinking Room magic is relatively easy, I know it’s like the back of my hand, as for the Memory Node …” Felix thought about it and decided to throw out the structure of stable memory that he understood from Lady Ravenclaw’s inheritance, a secondary one — which he applied on the golem, allowing them to have relatively stable personalities and habits, and even be able to do their own rehearsal drama.

Inside the glass container on the workbench, the Acromantula urged in a hoarse voice: “Hurry up, hurry up! I can’t wait.”

Felix looked over, “Are you sure you don’t want to think about it? I can give you a holiday, and plenty of food …”

“Stop it, stop it!” The Acromantula said grumpily, “Let me go back.”

“All right.” Felix reached out and grabbed, the glass container on the workbench flew into his hands, “click” it shattered, in a dense blue light, the Acromantula shrunk in size, soon became the thumb’s fingertip size.

Felix put it again in the small glass bottle, from the bottle a tiny voice heard, “Your magic has improved again, I do not feel any difference, maybe, I mean maybe … occasionally cooperate with your test.” Felix curled his lips and stuffed the bottle into his pocket.

He glanced at the clock and made his way to the castle entrance at the precise time. After two minutes, just when he thought he might not be able to wait any longer, Luna appeared with a bounce.

“Felix, I’ve prepared some peas with butter that Firenze probably will like.” She said, gesturing to the crookedly woven basket of flowers.

Felix didn’t know the taste of the centaur, but he didn’t like the smell very much, so he changed the subject and said, “Come on, let’s go meet your friend.”

They headed down the slope, by way of the greenhouse and the Whomping Willow, where Hagrid’s Hut came into sight far away, but instead of approaching it, they made a turn and plunged straight into the forbidding forest.

Passing through a network of trees, they soon came to a clearing. The clearing is covered with moss and various wildflowers, a few stones have been meticulously removed, and it is clear this is Luna’s secret base.

Luna took a whistle out of her pocket and blew it with her cheeks puffed out. The sound is not loud and blends perfectly into the surrounding “rustling” wind, which Felix judged to be a piece of enchanted item.

Soon, Felix heard the sound of horse hooves trotting, and a young centaur appeared, with white hair and the long silver mane in his body.

Felix judged him “young” from his human face, and the centaur cautiously looked at him through the branches of the trees, half of his body hidden behind a tree trunk.

“Little Luna, is he your professor?” The centaur inquired, Felix dressed in elaborate and refined clothes, so he did not suspect Felix’s status as a professor.

“Yes, come on, I’ve prepared a new food for you, let’s try it together!” Luna said happily.

Firenze came out from behind the tree trunk and stopped two meters away from Felix, he had a stiff face, “Hello, I’m Firenze.”

“Oh, hi, I’m Felix Hap,” Felix said politely.

“Listen, wizard. We don’t usually deal with people, especially adult wizards, if little Luna hadn’t asked me to meet you …”

Felix smiled and said, “I know the centaur are xenophobic, but I thought you would be an exception. And I came over here because of some more serious issues to discuss with you.”

Firenze stared and said, “What kind of issue is it?”

“Do you know Sirius Black?”

“Heard of the name, An dangerous man,” Firenze said casually.

“That’s right, he escaped from Azkaban, the Ministry of Magic and the Dementors both went mad, by the way, have you ever met a Dementor?”

Firenze said stiffly, “I haven’t, but some clan members said they’ve seen their shadows.”

“That’s it,” Felix said, “The Forbidden Forest isn’t exactly safe, and with all due respect, if the dementors do get out of hand, I don’t think you’ll be able to do much to fight them.”

The centaur dug his hooves into the dirt, with an angry look on his face, but he knew the words were true.

Felix continued, “It’s too dangerous to let a student near the Forbidden Forest, and it is already against school rules, so my opinion is to proceed with some caution until the dementors are withdrawn.”

“You’re going to stop us from meeting?”

“I have no intention of ruining a friendship, and this might be a wonderful memory when Luna grows up. Firenze, you and Hagrid should have a good relationship, right?”

“Know each other.” The centaur said.

Felix smiled, “Wouldn’t that be nice, I don’t think Hagrid would mind hosting you, perhaps it would be nice to meet in the pumpkin patch behind Hagrid’s hut.”

Firenze said, “Hagrid may be stronger than the centaur, but I don’t think he can handle the dementors.”

Felix shook his head, “Firenze, you still don’t understand. Hagrid is a wizard. Regardless of how he usually acts, there is no doubt that he is a wizard, and he has more tricks up his sleeve than you, and your pack combined.”

“Maybe he won’t be able to fight the dementors, but holding out for a short time until he gets support is no problem. What’s more, we’re supposed to be talking about the most extreme situations, and instances of dementors getting out of control are relatively rare.”

He reluctantly agreed, Firenze stepped forward and bent down to shake Felix’s hand.

“I can see that you have no prejudice against centaur, Mr. Hap.” He said.

“Oh, of course not, Firenze, do you know the location of the Acromantula’s lair?” Felix asked.

“Yes,” Firenze pointed somewhat hesitantly in one direction, “their nest is west of our tribe, we fought many years ago, and their hunting range does not cross the boundary we have drawn.”

Felix roughly speculated about the location of the three, the centaur settlement, the Acromantula’s swarm, and Hogwarts, and he suddenly realized that the centaur had separated the Acromantula’s swarm, so it would be difficult for the young wizard to meet them, even if they are stupid, reckless and rash, to walk up the rugged road for hours, and there’s a good chance that they would be discovered by the centaur and expelled back.

The rest of the day, except Luna who is in a good mood, Felix and Firenze did not talk much, Firenze and Luna shared “morning tea”, that is, a plate of butter peas with tea, Luna also wanted Felix to try it, but he refused it.

Before leaving, Firenze said hesitantly, “Maybe you’re right.”

“What?” Felix asked.

“Danger is approaching …,” the centaur flicked his silver tail a little uneasily, “clan has observed it, the undercurrents are surging and darkness is looming.”

Felix smiled, “Perhaps this heralds the reappearance of a certain dark lord who has fallen and hiding?”

Firenze stared at him in surprise and said slowly, “I didn’t predict that accurately, we centaurs observe the stars and found some important revelations from them, but it only in general terms.”

Felix said easily, “I can’t prophesy, but I know more than the average person, and when you have enough information, you can naturally see further, which is the principle of arithmetic divination.”

Coming out of the forbidden forest, Luna said thoughtfully, “Are you discussing about you-know-who? Is he’s coming back?”

“It’s a possibility.” Felix did not explain in detail, she is only a second year.

After sending Luna away, Felix turned around and went back to the forbidden forest, following the direction pointed out by the centaur for ten minutes, and then he simply used his flying broom to skim quickly from low altitude.

His target is clear: the nest of the Acromantula.


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