Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 264

Chapter 264

In the office, Felix still remembered the events that happened not long ago –

He and Neville were standing in front of the clock tower, looking over the distant landscape. The overcast clouds spilled freezing rain and snowflakes lightly, which made that evening’s dusk especially gorgeous, and a haze cast over the sky made the sun’s orange glow appear vast and visible, making the clouds reflect the colourful haze.

“A spectacular sight, isn’t it?” Felix said softly.

Neville nodded, he opened his mouth to say something, but felt his lips seem to be glued together, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t open them.

“I think I owe you an apology, Neville,” Felix spoke first, and even though Neville’s eyes remained focused outside, he could feel the professor’s gaze fall on him.

“I, ahem! I mean, Professor Hap, I’m the one who should say thank you, you cured my mom and dad, and inspired my gift … me, I …” he said with a red face.

Felix changed the subject, “How are your parents doing?”

Neville seemed relieved, “Dad and Mom are fine, they spent Christmas at home, everyone was happy, Grandma got drunk, although she didn’t drink a few glasses … nearly all the wine was drunk by Uncle Algie.”josei

“After the holidays, Mom and Dad went back to St. Mungo’s for follow-up treatment; they had lost a lot of vitality over the years and had to recuperate for a while. But Aunt Miriam said that these are minor problems, before it was affected by memory damage, many treatments can not be used …”

Neville paused for a moment and said, “Before school starts, they asked me to express my gratitude to you.” He pulled out a letter from his pocket and handed it to Felix.

Felix took the letter that was sealed with a gold and red fire-painted seal with a three-dimensional L-shaped pattern, which looked very formal. His finger gently touched the seal, the letter popped open automatically, inside there is a sincere letter of thanks and a gold and red card made of woven metal wire.

The card is embroidered with a list of names –

Augusta Longbottom, Algie Longbottom, Enid Longbottom, Frank Longbottom, Alice Longbottom, Neville Longbottom …

Felix collected the card and thank you note seriously, “I will reply with a formal letter, and if necessary, I will visit your place.” Neville stared at him blankly, “Oh, uh … I’ll pass on the message to Grandma – and Mom & Dad.”

For the next few moments, they both watched in silence as the sunset, from the first haloing half the sky to falling a little downward, the sun’s shadow no longer visible, but its light still embedded like a gilded gold on the distant horizon.

Felix suddenly spoke up and said, “Neville, you taught me a lesson.”


“It is difficult for a man to understand beyond what he has experienced, and most of the decisions he makes are rooted in a reproduction of some past scene, which is like a prison of thought, unseen and untouchable. But when you want to make a decision, you are always influenced by it again.”

“The scary thing is that the person in the cage doesn’t know it himself, and if at that moment, someone can be around to wake him up, give some hints, let him see the broader world, his perception will take a big step forward.”

“Neville, you fulfilled this role.”

Neville’s breathed deeply, and he turned his head to look at Professor Hap.

Felix said, “You should have mixed senses about me, gratitude, resentment, respect, hatred … all mixed together, so you don’t know how to face me either, do you?”

Neville lowered his head and looked at his shoes, he suddenly had so many things to say, but he held it back with his dear life.

“I just said that one’s behaviour is affected by the past, and I am no exception, the more profound the past the more far-reaching it is. When I was preparing this plan, my mind subconsciously recalled my experiences as a student, and I tried to use myself as a template to try to replicate it on you.”

“Professor, is your accidental magic riot … scary? But didn’t you defeat the entire Slytherin house?” Neville said softly.

“Ah … even Dumbledore, was not born invincible, when he was eleven or twelve years old, he may not necessarily beat Harry, of course, we are only talking about battle power, not wisdom.”

Neville felt that this statement is a bit strange, Professor Hap is saying that Harry has no wisdom, or is just a brainless brute?

But thinking that the comparison is with Headmaster Dumbledore, the greatest wizard of today, he relented, it is rather an honour and a compliment.

“I’m actually quite lucky,” Felix smiled, “I could beat the ones in the same year as me, and the senior ones were limited by school rules and could do nothing but watch, after all, the punishment at the time is quite harsh … ”

“But if you take the initiative towards the seniors, it’s not within the scope of protection, people should always be allowed to defend themselves, right? So for a long time, they have been babbling in my ears, once or twice I will think they are childish, who are fooling around, like nagging flies buzzing around you, but over time, it is inevitable to accumulate some negative emotions.”

“As it happens, for some special reason, maybe it’s a gift … my magic is more active than normal, so I experienced a few accidental magic riots.”

“In fact, I don’t know much about it, but I naturally classify it as a product of negative emotions.”

It dawned on Neville that this is the case. He has been thinking hard these days, but still can’t figure out how Professor Hap, who is obviously so powerful, could be forced to have multiple accidental magic riots, and now he finally understands that it’s because of his talent.

He couldn’t help but be envious of Professor Hap, as he is the exact opposite of him – with his unreactive magic and poor natural gift …

However, everything is better now.

Felix carefully observed the expression on his face and smiled, “Well, I’ve already revealed quite a few of my secrets, can you keep them for me, now if I think about it, It’s become more comfortable, I think?”

Neville lowered his head in shame as he said, “Professor, I simply can’t wrap my head around this at the moment.”

Felix said gently, “I just hoped to get this off my chest, Before I indeed have not considered it properly, and I hope I can gain your understanding.”

“Professor, I was the one who took it too seriously.” Neville scratched his head and laughed nervously twice.

“Then, like a man, let’s shake hands?” Felix took the initiative to extend his hand.

Neville’s eyes blinked as he shook the professor’s hand.

“Neville, I’d like to invite you to join my Magic Runes Club, would you?”

” Can I, but – my grades are not outstanding.”

“Your diligence is evident to all, and, I think, I am qualified to select the members who I deem suitable.”

“Of course, I will!”

The earth finally swallowed the last light and night fell.

A slightly distressed voice came from the clock tower, “I’ve noticed a problem, we seem to have missed dinner – let’s go to the kitchen instead, I’ll introduce you to a very friendly house-elf named Cloudbur, I hope he’s seen the recipes I sent him… . There are a few dishes I’ve had my heart set on for a while.”

The flashback ended with Felix sitting on the couch and saying in a relaxed tone, ” Isn’t it feel nice this way.”


#Vincent Emil. Thanks for your support.

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