Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 282

Chapter 282

“Wonderful match!” The short Professor Flitwick said excitedly, “Malfoy flexibly borrowed the surroundings and constantly looked for opportunities to counterattack; Potter’s critical reaction was perfect, and his response was very clever …”

Draco, who had just been awakened by Madam Pomfrey, showed a smile on his originally gloomy face.

“… Both of you are excellent, this is exactly what I want to see, maybe in a few years or a decade, there will be a new dueling champion emerge from among you.” Flitwick choked out, and Felix patted him on the shoulder as he seated.

Applause erupted in all directions, Harry and the students clapped enthusiastically together, “Well said, I look forward to that day.”

Other professors also came forward to comment several words, Snape praised Malfoy for being nimble, and making good use of the terrain to create favourable conditions, without mentioning a word to Harry.

“I would not expect you to understand my following words – this knowledge will only be really needed after you graduate …”

Lupin stood neutral and praised both players, while Felix reminded the young wizard that when there is only a single pair of wizards competing on the field, they can ignore the limitations of the field and expand the battlefield into the seven terrains.

Harry froze for a moment, something he hadn’t thought of, thinking about his duel with Malfoy, he could actually ignore the big tree and go through the rocky beach, and of course, Malfoy could run up the hill and confront him from above, at which point the scene would become even more complicated.

Felix’s suggestion is applied in the fifth-year championship fight, Cedric Diggory and Slytherin’s Prefect Miles Bletchley offered an exciting battle of chase.

The two occupied a corner of the rocky beach and hillside terrain respectively to shoot magic spells in the early stages, and then Cedric used Transfiguration to turn a rock into his own form, and the real Cedric quietly moved to the ice terrain and appeared out of nowhere from behind the hillside, and the battle might have ended early if not for the shrieks of the audience alerting Bletchley.

Percy was forced to loudly demand silence from the students outside the field as the game went on.

“Too bad,” Neville said blankly.

“Yeah, it is.” Harry next to him replied, staring unblinkingly at the field, wondering how to break the game, and after wondering for a while, he found himself subconsciously substituting that Slytherin prefect, all he thought about the whole time is how to counter Cedric.

He looked around vaguely, no one noticed him. Cho Chang looked at the field with a worried face, her eyes glued over that handsome boy, Harry suddenly felt the game become tasteless.

The match lasted a full ten minutes, and when it ended, the young wizards broke out in applause.

Harry couldn’t help but think sourly: I can do it too, and maybe I can do it better.

In the stands, Felix said in a relaxed tone, “The first year winner is Slytherin, the second and third years are Gryffindor, the fourth year is Ravenclaw, and the fifth year is Hufflepuff, and so far their level is fairly even.”

“Bletchley is playing too conservatively, he wants to win so badly that he’s afraid of taking a little risk.” Flitwick objectively commented on the match that just ended.

“Actually, Davies’ real level is not that bad, but unfortunately, the mistakes he made are too low-grade in nature.”

Flitwick was talking about fifth-year Roger Davies, captain of the Ravenclaw House Quidditch team, tall, sturdy and handsome, but he was so concerned with his image that he took a moment to smooth his hair in a match against George Weasley and was swept away by a stunning spell.

And the victorious George then unexpectedly encountered Fred, the twins exchanged blows in the maze zone, only to have a Dungbomb suddenly burst out, and the match had to be interrupted for five minutes, as Percy pinched his nose and went up to use a dozen Scouring Charms.

When he came out of it, he looked particularly frustrated, and the job of maintaining order was handed over to Penelope.

The twins were both thrown out of the ring as they denied having thrown the Dungbomb at each other.

Felix stared at the twin, would they have a Marauder’s Map in their hands? Professor McGonagall did complain about the amount of time they spent on pranks, but did not mention the issue of night trips.

Have they never wandered at night, or have they not been found … It is a question worth pondering.

Felix said gently, “Professor Lupin, my knight seems to have run into your side, can you hand it to me?”

Lupin froze for a moment, he looked down at the palm-sized knight – it somehow ran over to his side, on his left-hand side, looking a little creepy with its pair of scarlet eyes.

“Sure.” Lupin grabbed the knight, who tapped him three times on the back of his hand with his longsword, and his outstretched hand stopped in midair, and his eyes widened.

“Professor Lupin?”

“… Oh, here you go.”

Lupin then went quiet, his eyes occasionally darting over the knight golem: it didn’t come over again, and when it tried to stab Snape’s fingertips with its knight sword, it got thrown over to the young Professor Hap’s side with a slap.

“Mind your own business, Felix.”

Lupin watched Felix’s expression carefully as the young professor smiled and said to Snape, “Severus, do you have the feeling that you are suddenly in a better mood?”

Snape looked at Felix suspiciously, but he couldn’t tell, this student’s mind is always impenetrable. So he said sarcastically: “You’d better think about how to face that woman, Umbridge.”

” Why her, the person Dumbledore allowed is Tonks, right?”

Snape curled his lips, with his eyes fixed on the field, he whispered: “Everyone saw you chasing after Black, and Potter himself admitted that he saw you grabbing Black from afar and using an Apparition – that woman was frantic. Did you catch him or not!”

Felix’s eyes blinked, there is still this?

” Black performed an Apparition …” Felix said something half-heartedly, Snape wondered and sneered, “It’s his style of doing things.”

Flitwick interjected: “So, the news brought by the Ministry of Magic is true, he obtained the wand in Knockturn Alley?”

“I think so, and not one wand, but two.”

Flitwick understood, and he said pointedly, “The Ministry of Magic won’t come after you for this, Felix, and look at the fact that they themselves haven’t even touched a strand of Black’s hair in the last six months.”

Professor McGonagall appeared in a hurry as the tournament progressed to the 7th year, and she looked a little exasperated.

“Oh, Felix, someone’s here to see you. The investigator from the Ministry of Magic is here, and she insists on seeing you. I can’t stop her, she’s carrying a warrant from the Minister of Magic-”

Felix stood up and laughed lightly, “Well, let’s go and meet her then, I happen to want to ask where Blake got the polyjuice potion and the second wand from.”

He grabbed the knight on the table and prepared to follow Professor McGonagall out.

“Wait, Professor Hap–” Lupin called him out, and when Felix looked back, he said gently, “I happen to know something about alchemy, may I see the golem in your hand a little further? ”

Felix stared at him and raised the knight in his hand, “Do you have any suggestions?”josei

Lupin said cautiously, “I need time to verify.”

Felix looked at the knight in his hand, and he is gesturing to Felix to agree, “Well, Professor Lupin, if you have a good idea, you are welcome to come to me, I think – I have time this afternoon and all day tomorrow.”

He tossed the knight, and Lupin hurriedly caught it in a panic.

The game continued, but Lupin’s mind is no longer on it, he no longer dared to look at the knight in his hand, the guy almost poked a hole through his hand, so he casually found an excuse to leave early.

Snape stared at Lupin’s distant back, with a thoughtful and intriguing expression.


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