Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 288

Chapter 288

In the evening, Felix walked down the corridor in the underground of the castle, carrying his candy box.

“Professor Hap–”

Felix looked at Draco Malfoy, and the two large boys behind him, as he nodded towards them.

“Professor, I’ve mastered a new rune,” Draco said excitedly as he extended his right hand and the Ring of the Ouroboros Snake on his index finger began to swim, spitting a light blue rune symbol out of the snake’s mouth.

He held the rune symbol, with his face slightly turned red, and after seven or eight seconds, the light blue rune turned into gushing water.

“You are progressing quickly, I remember this is the sixth rune you have mastered?”

“Yes, Professor.”

“Well, Good.” Felix reminded thoughtfully, “put more thought into the runes taught in the previous assemblies, they will be very useful.”

Draco stunned for a moment, “I see, Professor.”

Felix carried the candy box and continued on his way when Malfoy called out behind him, “Professor Hap, are you planning to go to the head’s office? I just checked earlier, and the door is locked.”

“Perhaps Severus is brewing a potion? In any case, I’d better go check it out.” He said vaguely.

Draco looked at Professor Hap’s distant back and muttered to himself, “I always get the feeling that the professor is a bit odd today?”

Crabbe and Goyle smiled curtly with a silly grin, Draco had got used to the scene, he shrugged and led the way in the direction of the common room, “You guys, what’s up with Daphne’s sister, the one named Astoria …”josei

In the potions class professor’s office, Felix tried a few unlocking spells and got the door open.

He walked in as if no one is around, the place is not small, in addition to the office room, there is Snape’s private storage room as well as the bedroom at the far end.

He walked through the dimly lit wall with glass specimens and pushed open the bedroom door, which flourished with flowers and herbs.

“Severus, I’m looking after your face in front of your students, if they watch you being brought back by a Levitation Spell … sheesh!”

He opened the candy box – the same one Sirius had used – and inside slept an unconscious, palm-sized person – Severus Snape.

“Mrs. Rosmerta was wondering how you, a large living person, suddenly disappeared, but fortunately I managed to evade it.”

With a flick of his wand, he restored Snape to his original form and then used a Levitation Spell to put him on the bed, with Snape’s wand placed on the edge of his pillow.

The next day.

Felix kept the Weasley twins behind after the fifth year’s ancient runes class.

“Marauder’s Map?” The twins looked at each other and communicated with various small gestures.

Felix could see they know something about this!

Fred said hesitantly, “Professor, this is what we–”

“-from Mr. Filch.” Felix nodded.

“Uh …” Fred’s expression looked a bit embarrassed, “You know all about it?”

“Know some of it, and my main concern is, is it still in your possession?”

“We gave it to–” George said, but Fred hurriedly covered his mouth, making a wink desperately, and then said smartly to Felix, “We gave it to a friend. If you need it, we’ll get it back for you, and don’t worry, there will be absolutely no delay.”

George blinked and understood that they had given the Marauder’s Map to Harry, and Harry had been to Hogsmeade Village with the Marauder’s Map, and this could not be elaborated.

Although they often violated the school rules, but self-explosion is something that should be avoided as much as possible.

“You should know the Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, right?” Felix asked.

The twins’ eyes widened and Fred asked in surprise, “You know this too? Professor, you can’t be one of the four, right?”

“Or the last map user?” George guessed.

Felix smiled, “I didn’t have that chance when I was in school, but I know two of them, and I’m looking for you today because I was entrusted by one of them to temporarily borrow the Marauder’s Map for a while. Don’t worry, it will be returned to you …”

Fred’s eyes shone brightly, and he kept rubbing his hands together, “Oh~ Professor, can you introduce him to us?”

“Yeah, who are they? We owe them a lot of favours!” George asked eagerly.

“All I can tell you is that the man’s code name is Padfoot, and as for whether he’s willing to meet you,” Felix looked at their eager faces, “definitely not now, he can’t afford to show his face.”

He watched the twins with great interest, their expressions resembled that of devotees on pilgrimage, and it is clear that although they have never met them, the two already regard the map-maker as a predecessor and role model for mischief.

They ran away in a huff, “Professor, we’ll go first, to find the map!”

By noon that day, Felix got the Marauder’s Map, his first chance to get a good look at the map properly, having only heard of it before.

It is rather an old piece of parchment that doesn’t look that great, in fact, it is folded up in layers, and when unfolded it resembles a tablecloth.

“This is the secret of our success.” Fred patted it with great affection and sighed with an expression of reminiscing about his youthful years.

Felix smiled, not saying anything. His wand clicked on the map, and he murmured in his mind: I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

This is the password he obtained from Sirius, Sirius now can only stay in Grimmauld Place, but Felix would secretly connect the fireplace in his office to Black’s old mansion in order to conveniently go over to read in his free time, which is switched on whenever he uses it and closed up when he doesn’t, to avoid being noticed by the Ministry of Magic.

Lupin also promised Sirius that he would visit him during the weekend, and when they left, Sirius and the old house-elf Kreacher were cleaning the house fervently.

In Sirius’s words, “At least have to clean the living room out and prepare two more bedrooms for guests.”

In the blank parchment after using a password with his wand pressed on it, dark ink lines like spider webs emerged, they intersected, stretched around, and outlined the buildings in Hogwarts Castle with a few simple strokes, as well as some surrounding area, including the greenhouse outside the castle, Hagrid’s hut, the edge of the forbidden forest, with all kinds of special points.

The most striking thing about the map is the sheer number and chaotic movement of ink dots, each labelled with a name in very small letters next to the dot.

Felix found his name at first glance, and next to it were two other dots that read Fred Weasley and George Weasley.

He looked all around, Dumbledore is in the study, Snape is in the Potions classroom, Professor Sprout is in the greenhouse, he also wanted to see the location of the Room of Requirement, but he couldn’t find it, it may be masked, he expected this and wasn’t surprised, but in passing, he saw Trelawney wandering around her little attic alone, and from the trajectory of the ink dots, he guessed that the Divination class professor seemed to be doing some kind of dance.

Above the middle of the parchment, a curved line of fancy lettering began to emerge: ‘Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs are proud to present the marauders’ map’.

Felix fondled the map, and after a while, he snapped back to his senses.

“Very clever structure, I need to look more thoroughly …”


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