Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 337

Chapter 337

Near the evening, Felix and Lupin emerged from the ‘Future World’ company headquarters – the vertical castle building was renamed as company headquarters due to the availability of branches that were used to sell specific products, so this building is dedicated exclusively for research work.

Felix intended to open the company’s sales outlets all over the world, just like the Gringotts. Many British wizards actually did not know that Gringotts had branches in different countries, and they thought there is only one such bank in the world.

The two looked at the store from a distance, the sky is almost completely dark, “Future World – Diagon Alley shop” sign hovered at the entrance with two dragon magic lamps at both sides, whenever a group passes nearby, they will spew out a large mouthful of white flame-like light, attracting gasps from the crowd.

“Fudge has sent over the tickets, you were not there, I received it for you.” Lupin said softly.


Felix returned to his residence in London, as he focused on visiting some friends. Afterward, one early morning, someone apparited in a misty forest, a field set aside by the British Ministry of Magic specifically for Apparition.

“Go in that direction, and remember to register at the gate.” A tired old wizard said breathlessly when another crackling sound came from not far away and a South American wizard who dressed like a peacock spun around and appeared, crashing headfirst into a nearby tree.

The old wizard from the Ministry of Magic muttered something that sounded like “silly bird” and Felix followed his direction out of the forest and saw through the haze as a gentle slope stretched upward, with oddly shaped squares stretching down the slope – tents set up by the wizards who had arrived early.

The Ministry of Magic had prepared a dozen drop-off points around the Quidditch World Cup field for wizards watching the game to come in groups, and naturally, the lower the ticket price, the earlier they must come.josei

Felix arrived in front of a stone house where a man stood in the doorway with a dazed, indifferent look on his face towards everything. Felix could see that he is an ordinary man, the only one muggle in this big place, and had just been put under an Obliviate.

“How do you do, sir?”

“Hello, I’m Roberts,” the man inside the house said calmly, “state your name and pay the money please.”

Felix passed between the tents, the camp entrance is not far away, with Ministry of Magic staffs patrolling the camp, as they are responsible for maintaining order throughout the camct as order keepers. “You!” One of the Ministry of Magic’s enforcers shouted, “What’s wrong with that chimney on the tent?” The reprimanded wizard retorted vigorously, “I didn’t violate the secrecy regulations, the muggles did the same thing!”

“Are you sure?” The Enforcer got a bit confused, “Your tent is different from everyone else’s …”

The colleague next to him whispered, “I’ve seen it too, you might be mistaken.”

So the two left, leaving the victorious wizard to continue fiddling with his tent. As Felix cautiously crossed the area, he noticed that the Ministry of Magic patrols only focused on the tents near the edge of the venue, and as he walked some distance away, various tents with “magical traces” began to compete.

A twisted tent that looked like it had been glued together by a child stood upright against the wind, and seven or eight feet away stood a normal-sized tent, but on its side there hung a moving poster of some star player around thirty years old with a grim-looking face.

” What’s with that extra stuff?” A familiar voice shouted.

Next, it was Hermione’s voice: “Oh my God, that’s a tent pole for the support!”

“Can we use it, will it suddenly collapse?” This is Sirius’s voice.

Felix looked at the sound, several children of the Weasley family gathered around, looking at the two adults in the center of the field – Mr. Weasley and Sirius lying on the ground, checking what went wrong.

“Hello guys, do you need any help?” Felix couldn’t help but ask.

Sirius looked up from the ground, in a terrible mood, and he immediately stood up, drew his wand, and pointed it at the loose tent, which immediately jumped up and put itself back together.

“Well, you’re right, although — anyway, we had a lot of fun.” Mr. Weasley also got up from the ground.

“Hello, Mr. Weasley.”

“Hello, Professor Hap,” Mr. Weasley replied, his expression stiffening a bit as he glanced at the children with concern, “Boys, you put your travelling clothes away and make your beds, we will probably have to stay for a few days.”

He pulled Felix to the side as Sirius looked left and right before following suit.

“Professor Hap, I heard Harry say that you taught him Apparition?” Mr. Weasley said nervously, “Not that I question your teaching, I just think – well, don’t you think it’s too early?”

“Too early? Mr. Weasley, I don’t quite understand.”

“The Ministry of Magic states that Apparition should not be studied before the sixth year at least, and it has to go through a rigorous examination, and I have heard from my colleagues in the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad that there are all kinds of serious Splinching … Actually… actually, I would be okay with a year or two earlier, but Harry was only in his third year that time…”

“Harry had the potential.” Felix said.

“A lot of adult wizards aren’t good at this magic.” Mr. Weasley said anxiously, wiping his somewhat balding forehead with his handkerchief.

They didn’t notice that the cacophony of voices in the tent quieted down, and a gap in the tent showed a pair of bright eyes looking this way.

“Mr. Weasley, I’ve always felt that Apparition should be included as one of the mandatory criteria for student graduation,” Felix said with a smile, not caring much about his attitude, “I’ve already suggested this to Dumbledore, and it’s expected to be implemented from this year.”

“Graduation criteria?” Mr. Weasley asked because he was surprised, his attention got diverted. In fact, he was not dwelling on the Apparition issue but was worried about Felix being eager to make some achievements and that would harm Harry, so he politely reminded.

He did not yet know that Ron and Hermione also secretly studied it together with Harry. He just heard about this matter today from Sirius’ mouth when he was looking for the Portkey at Burrow, and he thought that Sirius had privately taught Harry, only to find out that it turned out to be Professor Hap at the school.

“That’s right, incorporating several categories of magic that must be mastered. If you do not pass, you have to return to retake the course without graduating.” Felix said in a relaxed tone.

Harry and Ron, who were eavesdropping on the side, exchanged a look with each other. Fred and George pressed up against them and stood higher, causing Ron to whine, “Don’t squeeze!” Hermione and Ginny crouched down, in the lowest position, and looked out through the two rivet holes.

At the other end, Sirius asked with great interest, “Can you tell us about all the magic that is mandatory?”

“It’s not set in stone yet,” Felix said, “but I think–” he wiggled his fingers and counted them one by one, “Apparition, Disillusionment Charm, Disarming Charm, Shield Charm, Intruder Charm, Muggle-Repelling Charm, Basic Healing spells, these should be the key magic spells. There may be more specific subdivisions related to career choices …”

Mr. Weasley’s attitude got much better, as he said thoughtfully, “Is it pre-induction focused training? Sounds good, a lot of new graduates have to learn quite a bit, even when I entered the Ministry of Magic back then …”

Sirius grinned, with what he knew about Felix, maybe Felix is preparing for a wizard war. He glanced at the tent and waved his hand covertly, his godson is too careless as he was showing half of his head out.

“So that’s why you taught Harry? Thinking that all wizards should master it?” Sirius asked in a small voice when he found an opportunity to do so after Mr. Weasley had left.

They were standing at the front of the tent, looking at the wizards coming and going, from all over the world, a red-faced male wizard in a Scottish dress holding a flamingo and a huge spatula in his hands.

“Actually, he asked for it himself.” Felix said without moving.

“You could have refused,” Sirius reminded him, “As Arthur said, he wasn’t old enough to even get a certificate.”

Felix’s eyes twinkled as he looked at him playfully, “I am only responsible for teaching, I can’t control what happens to them outside of school, perhaps … we should expect the young wizard’s guardian to set an example and give proper guidance?”

Sirius grimaced, his first thought after learning about Harry’s mastery of the Apparition was to take him on a tour around, and he did so!

He refrained from continuing the conversation and looked back carefully at the tent as Mr. Weasley pulled the kettle and two stew pots out of the backpack he had brought, the children busied themselves with making their beds, and Sirius said cautiously, “Do you know if there are any after-effects if you got scarred by a Curse?”

“Why do you ask that …,” Felix looked at Sirius and then followed his line of sight to Harry, “Is it Harry?”

“That’s right,” Sirius said briefly, as he glanced at the wizard who wearing a Scottish dress again, as two Enforcers from Ministry of Magic eyeing the bird that wizard had brought with him, “a sudden pain in the scar on his forehead and a nightmare where he said he dreamed of Voldemort… … I don’t know much about that.”

Sirius briefly said what he knew, Felix frowned, “What kind of Voldemort did he dream about?”

“Didn’t get a good look.”

“In addition to Voldemort?”

“There should be others, but Harry forgot about them. As you know, the more you recall the details of such things as dreams, the more you can’t remember. Maybe Voldemort is plotting something in the dark again, and he has a helper! That’s why I’m asking you. I wish it was just an accident, a dream. Aren’t you a Healer?”

“I’m not.” Felix sighed, “If he’s having memory problems – well, you know what I mean, you should look for St. Mungo’s Spell Damage Division.”

Sirius spoke with concern, “I’m worried about getting into unnecessary trouble, maybe the effects of the spell are still lingering, the Killing Curse … has never had such a precedent, and Harry didn’t survive it with his own power, rather he relied on Lily’s magic.”

He briefly revealed some information, mainly the ancient magic that Lily cast, including its role and cost. Felix had actually heard a similar account, except that Sirius told it in more detail.

“So that’s it. I suggest you talk to Dumbledore, he has a lot of hidden channels to scout for information, and he may be able to find out Voldemort’s movements.”

Neither of them spoke, the wizard with the flamingo in his hand was stopped, the Ministry of Magic enforcers suspected him of smuggling precious magical creatures, and although the two enforcers did not recognize the large bird with bright rose-coloured feathers, they politely asked the wizard to come along.

“This is a Flamingo! Flam-ing-goo! Don’t you know? It is not a magical creature … Not related to the Phoenix!” The wizard yelled angrily, but he still got taken away.

Sirius suddenly asked, “That’s really not a magical creature?”

“Yes.” Felix said with certainty.

“You’re not going to explain?”

” They’ll figure it out somehow, perhaps they’ll become friends.”

In the tent, the kids started to talk about their experiences, and the Weasley twins mentioned the Future World company where they had spent half the summer, “It was cool!”

Fred said with a sigh, “We made a lot of friends, and to think, there are dozens of like-minded people-”

“Compared to them, we’re still small-timers.” George said.

“Don’t talk like that, we at least managed to market the Couple’s Mirror, Professor Lupin said it would revolutionize the magic world.”

“You sold it?” Harry asked in surprise.

“No, we signed a two-year partnership agreement until we graduate.” Fred said with a grin, “Borrowing the Future World Company’s shopfront to sell it without us having to worry about it, with a monthly dividend-”

“There’s plenty of money for other research!”

George also said happily, “By the time we graduate, we can save up a large sum of money, and then we can just buy the next store in Diagon Alley.”

“It’s even got a name -”

“Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes!” The two raised their arms in cheer at the same time.

Mr. Weasley on the side sighed, Professor Lupin visited the Burrow and insisted on signing an agreement in his and Molly’s presence, offering extremely favourable terms, and they really couldn’t think of a reason to refuse.

“I’ll see you later.”

Felix said goodbye to them and went to a large tent at the camp, where Lupin stood in front of the entrance, hanging a sign on it as he took two steps back to carefully examine it.

“It’s a little crooked.” Felix suddenly said beside him, Lupin jumped, the wand hidden in the sleeve spurted a cluster of red sparks, he looked around, when no one was looking, his right hand quickly swiped, the sign immediately stuck squarely on the tent.

The two looked at the sign that read “Future World” together, and Lupin whispered: “The Ministry of Magic advised us to use magic sparingly, this is Muggle territory after all, and there is a small village less than ten kilometers away.”

At that moment, the two young people came out of the tent, and Clammy wiped the beads of sweat from her forehead, “Re-arranged the boxes, and boy, it’s like a big warehouse in there. Oh, Professor Hap, you’re here too-”

“Mr. Happ… hello.” Said the young blonde next to her, a clerk at Future World’s sales outlet in Diagon Alley named Eric McKee.

“Hello, guys.” Felix nodded at them as he called Clammy to one side, “How have you been these past few days?”

“Not too bad,” as Clammy said energetically, ” Especially that memory stone basin, I took the time to refresh some of the parts that I didn’t understand before, but there are no more lessons …”

She was talking about the teaching aids that Felix used when he taught ancient magic in the Magic Rune Club during the previous school year, which he had made by imitating the Pensieve, but during the holidays, it was moved to the company by Felix, and he modified it to train the employees.

Felix said, “It is for employees who are interested in supplementary lessons, the content is not too deep.”


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