Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Dueling Club!

The word had spread throughout Hogwarts in just a few hours, and learning to protect oneself at this particular time is simply a sore point for all young wizards.

Except for the first-year students who are still naive and ignorant, any other young wizard of any grade can bow on this topic with a handful of bitter tears.

Hogwarts is unreliable!

The original course that teaches young wizards to defend themselves against danger, the Defense Against the Dark Arts course, has been very watered down over the years, but there is still something to learn. This year, it has been recognized as a drama class.

As a result, the young wizards have an avid interest in dueling clubs that will improve their strength.

Seamus Finnegan looked excited, “They finally thought of starting a dueling club! It’s about time they finally do that.”

“Which professor is taking this course?” Ron squeezed through the crowd, his eyes constantly searching the parchment as if trying to circle the name of a professor or two.

A Ravenclaw girl next to him said, “It isn’t written above, but I hope it’s Professor Flitwick, he was a dueling champion when he was younger.”

“Professor Hap is better.” Ron quickly retorted, since the night after the trip to the Forbidden Forest, he was obsessed with Professor Hap’s prowess and thought he could hang Snape, and about Headmaster Dumbledore he could not tell, but it’s at least 50-50 chance.

Harry subconsciously also wanted to nod, but when he glanced at the girl who spoke, he could not help but stop and stare.

Noticing Harry’s gaze, Cho Chang smiled at him in a friendly way, and Harry felt his breath stop.

“What do you suggest, Harry?” Ron asked.


Harry took an elbow from Ron in the ribs, but it didn’t hurt at all, and he said vaguely, “Oh, yeah, you’re right about everything …”

The young wizards murmured, asking each other what they thought.

“First gathering tonight. Man, are you going to be there?”

“I’m not against taking some lessons in dueling, it might come in handy someday.”

“I think we could use it right now.”

“Do they think they’re going to duel with that Slytherin monsters?” Ron muttered, but he also read the notice with interest, “Harry, what do you think?”

“That girl does look very … what did you say?” Harry suddenly snapped awake.

Ron looked at him with a suspicious expression.

“A duel, yes, of course, I’m going.” Harry concentrated this time on reading the words on the parchment.

By the time dinner is served, most of the table was filled with news about the dueling club, and someone swore that at least three professors would be in charge of the entire club and that they would show a high-profile showdown with no restrictions.

It was said to be very wild.

The name Felix Hap, once again, appeared in the mouths of many girls, and the rumours of his open challenge to a pureblood family in his fifth year became more and more outrageous.

From the original version of “calm and unassuming”, to the later “sad and helpless, fighting to the death”, Professor Hap’s personal image, from a cold and powerful genius wizard, quickly turned into a tragic figure waving a wand and rushing to the spinning windmill.

Many of the younger witches who hadn’t faced Felix were holding doll-like wooden figurines in their arms, and their eyes were filled with tears of sympathy.

“They are talking too much,” Ron said discontentedly as he kept stabbing a piece of potato with his fork. It simply destroyed the powerful image of Professor Hap in his mind.

He turned his head, trying to seek approval, only to see Hermione’s eyes also clouded with a layer of water.

“He really suffered too much in those days …,” the little witch stated very emotionally.

“Who? Professor Hap?” Ron’s head hit with a question mark. Are we talking about the same person?

Harry ate his dinner sullenly, not saying a word the entire time except for the occasional glance up.

“Harry, you’re not right,” Ron said.

“I’m fine.”

“Not right since you got back,” Ron asked in a whisper as he moved over, “Did you hear that voice again?”

“No, I’m done eating, see you in the common room.” Harry left quickly.

Halfway there, Harry lightly hammered his head, what was wrong with him?

But he had heard her friend call her name, Cho Chang, how lovely …

After a while, Ron came back by himself.

“Where’s Hermione?”

“I don’t know, she said she had to leave first and told us to wait for her in the great hall.” Ron shrugged, “By the way, what do you think would Professor Hap teach us if he were to come along?”

This topic caught Harry’s attention, and he quickly went through the scenes when Professor Hap cast spells, and the most impressive one was indeed the forbidden forest one.

He expressed his opinion to Ron.

“Harry, that magic is too high level,” Ron looked around and said to him slightly mysteriously, “I inquired from Fred – no, I did not say out it was Professor Hap. “Seeing that Harry wanted to open his mouth to say something, he hastily added.

They were both asked by Professor Hap to keep it a secret and not to tell what happened that night.

“Apparition is quite a dangerous magic, and we can’t learn it until we are at least full-grown.”

Appari- what?”

“Apparition, allows you to disappear from one place and appear in another place in the meantime.”

Harry quickly remembered the name of the spell, Professor Hap’s performance in the Forbidden Forest that night had given him a great shock, but he had thought at the time that it was the professor’s exclusive magic.

“And, as I learned by the sidelines, this magic is used for travelling in a hurry, and it is rarely used repeatedly in a short span of time, and the slightest slip can result in a Splinch.”


“For example, your head flies away, the body remains in place.” Ron explained with a slight exaggeration, “Not to mention, having to cast a spell while moving, and frankly when I told Fred about it, he thought I was telling a joke.”

Harry ignored the danger in Ron’s mouth with a look of fascination.josei

Ancient Runes office.

“You mean the Dueling Club?” Felix asked with interest.

“Yes, it’s posted on the bulletin board, it’s in the great hall tonight at eight o’clock, aren’t you aware of it, Professor?”

Felix shook his head.

Hermione’s face looked rather disappointed.

Then she offered her farewell, not a few steps outside, she suddenly turned around, clenched her fist, her face red with encouragement, and said, “Professor, we all think you are a very good wizard, I read a saying from a book: the hardship of youth is nothing, it will only become your motivation to move forward. You have a long life ahead of you, go for it!”

Watching her stomp away, Felix had a question mark on his face.

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