Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 464

Chapter 464

Meanwhile, in the Gryffindor common room. While the other students are busy catching up on their holiday assignments, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are having a lively discussion, trying to figure out the spells that they might use in the third task.

“We won’t know exactly what the third task will be until almost a month from now, but we can’t just wait until then to get started.” Hermione said to them and Harry noticed that she pulled out her little book again, he remembered it was filled with inspiration and information that Hermione had prepared for the second task.

Hermione noticed Harry’s gaze, and she explained, “Some of the spells are useful, we just didn’t have time to learn them at that time, and now it’s just what we need.”

“What are they?” Ron asked with interest, “I think what I have mastered so far is enough already.”

“No, it’s not enough,” Hermione said seriously, “For example, at the thirty-second Tournament, the champions were asked to find an invisible beast based on a rudimentary map.”

“That doesn’t sound dangerous,” Ron said, “the invisible beasts are not very aggressive.”

“Oh, the danger didn’t come from the invisible beast, but from the other creatures in the mountain, and what’s more, in the end, the champions had explored the mountain for six weeks and found nothing, and the judges had to declare all of them all as losers.” Hermione said.

“Six weeks? In the wild?” Ron shrank back.

“You can imagine the state of the champions after being in the wild.” Hermione said briefly, “It took longer than average for them to recuperate …”

Ron’s body visibly shook.

“We really ought to be prepared,” Ron said with a serious look on his face, “any good advice on how to avoid getting yourself lost?”

“Wilderness survival skills, Professor Belby has taught that knowledge; How to deal with common dangerous creatures in the wilderness, Professor Lupin has taught this part … and Amplifying Charm, Caterwauling Charm, Four-Point Spell … I think the Sharp Edge Spell is not bad either, we can use it for clearing bushes and constructing a shelter… And by the way Ron, how is your Apparition practice going?”

“What?” Ron was taken aback and swallowed nervously.

“Don’t look at me like that, you didn’t practice since the end of last school year, did you?” Hermione asked, staring at his face.

“Oh, uh,” Ron stammered, “I’ve managed to do it twice, remember?”

“That was last year, if you haven’t practiced since then …” Hermione looked at him sternly.

“What about you?” Ron couldn’t help but ask rhetorically.

“I have long been able to,” Hermione said, “but of course, not as well as Harry could use it …”

Ron looked at her with a downcast look, “So, I have one more task than you guys? Harry, I need your help, Harry?!”

Harry looked up from the book ‘Famous Wizards and Their Patronus’ with a groggy expression.

“What’s wrong with you?” Ron asked curiously.

“The professor told me to find time to practice my Patronus Charm more often.” Harry said with a yawn.

“Patronus Charm? Why?”

Harry shrugged, “The professor said that this charm has a lot of potentials to be tapped.”

After almost a week, the Ministry of Magic has gradually become more and more crowded, and the employees are returning to work regularly.

Felix’s special training is also on track, the most progressive Aurors and Hit Wizards have begun to try to fuse the flame rune and the fire-making spell; the challenge at this point has turned out to be the control of the magic and the timing of the fusion of the two, which is not a difficult task for the elite members of the Ministry of Magic.

Kingsley and Derris were the first to succeed. To them, the power of a single spell might not mean much, but they are dealing with a whole magic system.

Everyone took this rare opportunity seriously, and Felix quietly spread his influence over one of the most important forces in the Ministry of Magic.

He recalled his experience in the past few days, and there was no conflict with Scrimgeour during lunch. Scrimgeour didn’t even mention the matter of Yaxley, he just brought out a letter of appointment as an advisor of the Ministry of Magic.

“Honorary advisor? What’s the use?” Felix asked, flipping through the contents of it; he didn’t find a magic contract or anything like that.

“An extra income, and the right to advise and supervise on certain matters.” Scrimgeour said in an alluring tone, “It’ll be an important resource if you ever plan to go into politics.”

Felix shrugged and accepted it.

One afternoon, after Felix had once again elaborated on the meaning of the ‘flow’ rune to the crowd, Professor Marchbanks approached him for a meeting.

When Felix walked into the conference room on the second level of the Ministry of Magic, it was already filled with people. These people dressed in violet robes with an elaborate silver “W” embroidered on the left chest; They all looked at him with narrowed eyes, some with stern expressions, others with undisguised curiosity.

His eyes darted over the wizards, lingering briefly on Dumbledore’s half-moon-shaped glasses and the dull yellow-green bowler hat on Fudge’s desk.

Wizengamot … Felix vaguely speculated, and he walked calmly to the empty seat next to Professor Marchbanks, and lowered his head to whisper, “What do I need to do?”

“Nothing!” Professor Marchbanks said in a loud voice as she looked across the table, “Dumbledore, may we begin?”

“Of course,” Dumbledore said cheerfully, Fudge’s expression looked very uneasy as he picked up a striped handkerchief and wiped the fine sweat from his forehead.

Dumbledore flipped open a document on his desk and cleared his throat as he said aloud, “As Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, I, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, have gathered all the Wizengamot members for a discussion as well as a resolution on Griselda Marchbanks’ proposal to decide whether to agree to incorporate Felix Hap as one of our members. ”

A lot of murmurs are heard among the wizards present.

Felix smiled slightly, leaned his body against the back of his chair, and waited quietly. After a few minutes, the murmurs subsided and Dumbledore spoke again, “Will the originator of the proposal please state the grounds.”

The short Professor Marchbanks stood up, straightened her somewhat hunched body, and said loudly, “Everyone of you already has a copy of this document in front of you, so I’ll just highlight the main points, Felix Hap has made outstanding contributions in many fields, and he deserves to be one of us!”

“After Felix Hap became Professor of Ancient Rune at Hogwarts, he demonstrated a high level of teaching and academic excellence for two consecutive years, and you can see the transcripts of this on pages 15 and 16–”

A rustling sound rang out in the conference room, followed by several suppressed gasps from the crowd.

“This can’t be possible!”

“Nothing is impossible!” Professor Marchbanks said, “Just sometime prior, Hedstrom Vera, the vice president of the Ancient Rune Society, and I went to the school specifically to investigate; and I can assure you that not a word of the information mentioned in it is false!”

“We trust that you will not exaggerate on such a matter, Professor Marchbanks.” Amelia Bones, who is seated next to Fudge said, her voice loud and deep thanks to the monocle she wore. She reassured Professor Marchbanks, before looking at Felix with a probing gaze.

“Then I will continue – Felix Hap proved highly accomplished in the field of memory healing, and the treatment he has developed is proven to be the most effective treatment for memory damage at St. Mungo’s, as many patients judged by healers to be incurable are restored to sound health. Ms. Dorothea Bonham can testify-”

“Ahem!” A voice sounded from the corner, and Dorothea Bonham, the former head of St. Mungo’s, said solemnly, “I can testify that, in fact, the data in the document about the patient was personally provided by me.”

There was another sound of flipping papers, this time no one objected, Felix had received the Order of Merlin for this one contribution, and everyone knew about it, but they just wanted to see more details.

The meeting continued –

“Felix Hap has saved the reputation of the Ministry of Magic by quelling the riot at the Quidditch World Cup.” Professor Marchbanks said loudly, and the chorus of agreement resounded considerably all around, while Fudge grimaced and mumbled.

Professor Marchbanks exclaimed, “I didn’t see any act of recognition afterward, and this incident fully deserves an Order of Merlin.”

Fudge wiped his sweat as he was compelled to speak up and explain, “Uh, I believe … we were busy investigating and collecting evidence at the time, and the ministry had imprisoned hundreds of rowdy wizards, the vast majority of whom were from abroad, so they had to be handled carefully … or it could easily become an international dispute …”

Professor Marchbanks grunted loudly.

“Also – the center of public view most recently, I’m sure you’re no stranger to it; Felix Hap has demonstrated the new value of ancient runes, and we have reason to believe that this contribution is worthy of starting a whole new system of magic!”

“Griselda … this matter still needs to be deliberated,” Fudge said, uneasily fiddling with the papers in his hand, “of course, I do not disagree … just too early, need to be observed a few more years …”

Marchbanks ignored him, she closed the file in her hand and looked around intently, “I think that’s sufficient. Now I have only one question, what reason do we have to reject such a person from joining Wizengamot?”

The conference room became quieter as they looked around the room, seemingly waiting for someone to comment.

At that moment, Amelia Bones looked up from the file, “I have a few questions for Mr. Felix Hap, merely for curiosity … has little to do with the subject of this meeting and does not affect my approval of his entry into Wizengamot.”

“Ms. Bones, I am just simply sitting here without anything to do, so feel free to ask your queries.” Felix said.

“I’ve heard that – the Patronus Charm is one of your best spells? That you once used it to take down hundreds of dementors?”

The surrounding wizards began to exchange glances, with many showing expressions of admiration.

“That’s true.”

“You also possess some kind of magic that destroyed dementors? Is it ancient magic?”

“Well, one could assume so.” Felix nodded slightly, at least the zooming spell is ancient magic.

“Then did you know that they are considered as employees of the Ministry of Magic?” Amelia Bones looked at him with a stern expression.

“Yes, and I also know that they have lost control more than once,” Felix said calmly, “Not counting the two times at Hogwarts, even in Azkaban there was a similarly disastrous occurrence happened.” His words drew a murmur of discussion.

“Is it true?” Someone asked in a low voice.

“It does have happened,” Ms. Bones said in agreement, “I always opposed the idea of using Dementors to guard wizard prisons, the practice is akin to-”

“Cough, cough, cough!” Fudge coughed violently, ” Ladies and gentlemen, we are getting off-topic, the policy of using Dementors as wizard prison guards had have been carried out for centuries, and they have done their job Outstandingly in most cases, with some occasional mishaps that can be tolerated.”

“Outstanding? Outstanding!?”

Professor Marchbanks glared at Fudge as if she is eager to quarrel with him.

Dumbledore timely spoke usked, “Does anyone else have any questions before the formal vote?”

“I have a question.” A male wizard raised his hand, he smiled and asked: “I want to ask on behalf of my granddaughter, when will the Emerald Crown of ‘Future World’ company be on sale?”

Many people laughed quietly.

At that moment, Fudge indicated a witch with his eyes, and Dolores Umbridge inwardly grimaced as she hesitated for a few seconds, but she still couldn’t give up the temptation of returning to the center of power.josei

“Here’s the thing,” she spoke in a whispery voice, and several people around her immediately frowned, “I’m full of appreciation for Mr. Hap’s creation of the ‘Future World’ company, which, as we all know, has become the biggest company in the entire British as well as becoming one of the greatest company in the wizarding community as a whole – currently there are about -” she quickly scanned the parchment on the table, “one hundred and forty-seven people?”

“You do know better than me, the owner of the company, it’s really quite hard on you.” Felix said calmly, scaring Umbridge to shiver.

Her face heaped with a sweet smile. “I’m curious what … are you trying to do with all those people you’ve recruited. As far as I know, this company is still recruiting, and at this rate, probably in another two or three years, the ‘Future World’ company will outnumber the Ministry of Magic in terms of headcount …”

“Well,” Felix said with a calm expression, “because it didn’t meet my expectations yet.”

“Expectations? With all due respect, is your expectation all about exceeding the Ministry of Magic’s staff No.?”

“I don’t really care about that,” Felix said, “in case you forgot, Umbridge, ‘Future World’ still isn’t considered the biggest company in the wizarding world.”

“Pardon me? I can’t think of any other-”

“Gringotts.” Felix spat out a name, and Umbridge’s face looked as if she had been forced to swallow a fly.

The expression of the wizard in the conference room eased.

“My vision for the ‘Future World’ company would be a multinational company, and the company’s blueprint has never been limited to just one or two countries; the company has started to spread across every wizard gathering place in the world.” Felix said, ” Where you can’t see, all employees of the company are working towards a common goal.”

“And this common goal is …?” Umbridge held her breath.

“It’s printed on the ‘Future World’ company flyer,” Felix said slowly, “It seems you didn’t do your homework carefully enough.”

Umbridge stopped talking.

“Then, let’s vote by raising our hands.” Dumbledore looked around and said. After saying that, he raised his hand first.

A few minutes later, the proposal about Felix entering the Wizengamot passed unanimously.

“Very well,” Dumbledore said cheerfully, “then, I request the new member of the Wizengamot to take his seat, so we can move on to the second topic, proposed by myself–”

Fudge’s face suddenly trembled, not out of fear, but anger, he stared at Dumbledore with a death stare, his fat, thick fingers wriggled.

Dumbledore acted as if he did not notice it, he calmly stated his topic: “About the return of Voldemort, and the imminent second wizarding war.”


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