Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

On the other hand, Ron woke up under the effect of the potion.

“Well … where am I? Harry! Hermione?” Ron sat up in some confusion, then he saw Harry and Hermione, who were circling the basilisk.

He quickly recalled what happened.

He caught up with Harry with the golem, the two found the basilisk, Harry tried to say something in a parseltongue, but the basilisk directly attacked.

They could only run as hard as they could, not even daring to look back.

At that moment, a big silver bird appeared, it pecked the basilisk’s eyes, and then, he got swept away by the frenzied basilisk’s tail, and his body hurts so much that he thought he nearly killed in the process.

Ron’s last memory is the image of Harry holding him, the big silver bird turned into an invisible dot, and then landing on his shoulder.

It shed tears, is it sad for me?

Ron stood up and moved his arms and legs, which were actually intact?

He took out Lockhart’s wand and prepared to move forward, but the scene of him being swept by the basilisk appeared before his eyes, and great fear gripped his heart.

I’ll die!

He stared at the field, Harry holding an unfamiliar silver sword, brought by Hermione? But where are the Professors, where is Dumbledore? He looked around, no sign of the professors.

Also, what were those things that looked like devil’s snare branches? Ron felt that he woke up, and the situation has been completely unreadable.

At the moment, the basilisk has already broken free of the third devil’s snare control, it becomes angrier and angrier, hissing, and showing the long poisonous teeth that looked like a row of sharp daggers.

It coiled its body in a circle, the tail “crack” slapped the stone pillar, rolling up a piece of debris.

Harry scrambled up the toe of the Slytherin statue, the basilisk lunged forward, the huge head of the snake smashed out a half-meter deep crater.

Hermione’s beaded pouch has lost its effect, she rushed out to send out a few red magic spells, but the basilisk’s scales easily bounced it off.

What should I do?

Ron is trembling, and his heart is at war with the world.

Snape’s mouth hooked a silent mocking smile, he raised his hand and raised his wand.

However, the next moment –

Ron Weasley rushed out, he picked up a stone and smashed it on the head of the basilisk.

“Hey! I’m here!” He waved his arms exaggeratedly to attract the basilisk’s attention.

The basilisk’s black eye sockets turned toward Ron, causing him to gag.

Under the disillusionment charm, a few professors had different thoughts.

“Stupid lion.” This is Snape’s opinion.

“Brave Gryffindor …” Dumbledore’s eyes moistened.

“Commendable courage,” Felix said, but that would never be his choice.

Ron paid the price for his recklessness, rolling and crawling to avoid the sweeping snake’s tail, painfully hurt by the stones on the ground, and he broke a gash in his finger.

The basilisk opened its mouth wide, its ghastly white fangs reflecting the green light hanging down from the ceiling, looking very scary.

In a panic, Ron threw the wand in his hand, which belonged to Lockhart’s in the air across an arc, coincidentally fell into the mouth of the basilisk – but did not do anything.

And with this effort, Harry has climbed up the huge statue, his feet is under the giant head of Slytherin.

Harry stood high above the basilisk, looking down at the frantic attack, clutching the gleaming Gryffindor sword in his hand.

The basilisk in the center, Harry, Ron, and Hermione exactly in three different locations.

As if a telepath, their eyes crossed the basilisk, as they saw each other.

Ron suddenly ran in Harry’s direction, his mouth hissing, the only parseltongue he had ever learned from Harry – the one he intended to use to scold Malfoy.


This word instantly attracted the basilisk’s full attention, plus Ron stumbled all the way down and made a sound that allowed it to quickly lock onto its target.

The basilisk twisted its snake body, scraping its scales against the ground, and swam quickly towards Ron.

Hermione followed, but she got a bit far away and could only see the basilisk’s back.

Ron ran under the Slytherin statue, he shouted: “Harry!” At this moment, time seemed to freeze–

The basilisk raised its head high, ready to attack, Hermione’s mouth opened wide, eyes full of surprise. And Harry, he raised the Gryffindor sword, leaping from the Slytherin statue.

The three professors outside the field with their wand held high at the same time, clenching it in their hands, Snape took a deep breath of cold air.

Time seems to have slowed down, Harry felt the whistling wind from his ears, the basilisk in his eyes is slow as a snail, he even in midair especially have the strength to adjust his falling posture.

It’s like playing a different kind of Quidditch game …

” Snip!”

The surface of the silver Gryffindor sword blossomed like a watery glow, piercing through the head of the snake monster like a thunderbolt, and Harry, with the speed of his descent and his own weight, slammed the sword completely into it, leaving only a hilt.

The basilisk felt the threat of death and pain, it completely frenzied, desperately flinging head, tail like a long whip sweeping the ground debris. Harry’s death grip on the hilt of the sword, his leg got nicked, but he was completely unaware of it.

Instead, he is desperately turning the hilt, so that the Gryffindor sword in the head of the basilisk would open a bloody hole.

And the basilisk’s body became rigid all of a sudden, and Felix stared at the scene with dead eyes, not letting go of any detail.

In his field of vision, the basilisk is imprisoned by the huge magic power below it.

It is Dumbledore!

Everything flashed like lightning, five or six seconds later, Harry is flung out of the way, “Wingardium Leviosa!” Hermione arrived, she waved her wand and used a standard floating spell to catch Harry.

The basilisk is extremely resilient and wriggled for almost a minute after its head was pierced before collapsing with a crash.josei

Ron limped over to the two, he is bruised and battered, but he smiled brightly, “We won, it’s incredible, isn’t it?”

Harry also laughed out, he suffered badly, multiple cuts on his arm, a long gash on his thigh, that is the basilisk’s dying counterattack.

He is about to say something, but his vision blurred in front of him for a moment.



Ron’s voice and Hermione’s voice as if a layer between, Harry heard with some difficulty, he faintly heard Hermione saying ” a basilisk venom, basilisk’s venom is highly toxic “.

Am I going to die?

Harry asked himself. His lips opened and closed, but he is not sure if he has spoken.

“Harry!” Ron shouted.

Hermione shouted towards where Felix and the others were, “Professor, Headmaster …” The disillusionment charm lifted and Dumbledore came striding out.

“Headmaster, Harry is going to die,” Ron said sadly, too late to think about why Dumbledore had arrived so coincidentally.

“He’s not going to die!” Dumbledore’s firm tone brought great comfort to Ron and Hermione.

Dumbledore waved his hand and Phoenix Fawkes let out a chirp and flew down, it landed next to Harry and big drops of tears fell on his wounds.

The wound quickly stopped bleeding, shrunk, and healed completely.

“Headmaster? Professor?” Harry opened his eyes, he looked at the phoenix in front of him and then at his own wound, “What’s going on, I’m not …”

“Harry, the tears of the phoenix can detoxify poisons and heal wounds.”

Harry looked curiously at the Fawkes in front of him, this is Phoenix? But it’s too fugly, right, and too small, only palm-sized.

“What is its name?”

” Fawkes.”

Harry looked at the phoenix and said gratefully, “Thank you, Fawkes, it’s nice to meet you, I’m Harry, Harry Potter.”

The Phoenix’s tiny head jumped onto his shoulder and nuzzled Harry’s face affectionately.

Dumbledore introduced, “The Phoenix is a quite fascinating creature, unfortunately, Fawkes has just undergone a nirvana, in a little while it will be covered in marvellous red and golden feathers.”

“They can carry heavy things, their tears can cure poison, and they are an exceptionally loyal companion.”

They then returned to the castle, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione were sent to the school clinic.

Among them, Ron and Hermione were both bruised, Ron somewhat more badly, while Harry had just been healed by the tears of the phoenix and apart from the dirty spots, there is nothing wrong with his body at all.


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