Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

On the first class of the new semester, Felix sensed the restlessness within the young wizards, who were waiting for class to end to see the Basilisk in the yard.

He cleared his throat, and after attracting the attention of the young wizards, he gently waved his wand, “Serpensortia.” With a cloud of black air, a small snake surrounded by dark marks landed on the desk.

It made a “hissing” sound, and its slender body kept wriggling.

The young wizards raised their heads and stretched their necks to get a better look.

Felix’s wand ran along with its scales, and the black-spotted snake’s appearance immediately underwent a radical change – its smooth scales became thick and solid, giving it a metallic feel; its colour also became green and glowing, with the characteristic brightness of a poisonous snake.

Even its body swelled up quite a bit, and it raised its smooth snake head, with a pair of yellow eyes that looked icy and hideous.

“Professor, is this the … Basilisk?” A student asked.

“That’s right.”

“So, it was this little guy that Potter and the rest defeated?”

The young wizard on the stage said with some disappointment this is too small, almost just three or four feet.

Especially when the little basilisk shrunk on the podium, it looked even more inconspicuous.

Many of the young wizards suddenly had the illusion in their hearts: I can do this too.

But the Basilisk’s appearance is very scary, especially the pair of yellow eyes, looking really penetrating.

Felix did not deny their stance and continued to explain: “The biggest threat of the Basilisk is its eyes, they are extremely lethal. In other words, by the time you see it, you may have lost the power to fight back forever.”

The murmur from the stage lessened.


He waved his wand and the small Basilisk that had been cowering on the podium sprang up from the table, startling the small wizards in the front row, whose bodies leaned back in unison.

And when it crossed an arc in mid-air and landed right in the middle of the classroom, the little snake’s body suddenly expanded rapidly.

It enlarged more than a dozen times in an instant and filled up half of the classroom without waiting for them to react.

“Ahhhhh!” Many little wizards let out screams and scrambled to avoid the huge Basilisk pressing them down, but soon they realized that the body of the Basilisk had turned from solid to black mist-like.

A small wizard sitting on the ground gathered the courage to reach out and touch it, and his hand went straight through the black fog. He looked up and saw a number of people with half their bodies peeking into the black mist, and at the moment they were moving out of the room in fear.

Felix said, full of mischief: “Well, this is the original size of the Basilisk.”

After a while, the young wizards calmed down after realizing that the thing didn’t hurt them in any way.

A few of them got up from the ground in embarrassment, and one of them, a young witch named Campbell Jean King, stirred her wand around the black mist-like snake, reshaping the scales near her into a black mist.

Many of the young witches curiously imitated the process, and in the process, the black mist-like snake kept swimming and twisting its body in the tiny classroom, its huge snake body passing through desks, chairs, books, boys, and girls.

But most of the young wizards weren’t afraid at this point, and they were excited enough to poke it with their wands, with sparks of various colours flashing from time to time in the murky black mist.

After a few minutes, the Basilisk shrunk back to three to four feet, and its body changed from a black mist to a greenish solid.

“Professor, this is the real appearance of the Basilisk in the chamber?” A young wizard asked in a tone of awe.

“You can interpret it that way.” Felix conjured up a chair and sat on it, “Since you are curious about the Basilisk, let it give you a lecture today.”

The young wizards looked unsurely and looked at each other, however, just then, from the Basilisk’s mouth came a voice very similar to Professor Hap’s.

“Now open the book at page 79, and we will study a selection of manuscripts translated from 1842 by Carlisle Matthew, an expert in ancient runes, a manuscript from approximately seven hundred years ago.”

Many of the young wizards were startled, but with their previous experience, they were not so embarrassed that they fell out of their seats again, but stared with wide eyes, staring dead at the small Basilisk in front of the podium, with its upper body held high.

They blinked in confusion and looked toward Professor Hap, who is sitting peacefully in the corner of the podium, with countless complicated thoughts rushing through their minds.

And the small Basilisk opened its maw, revealing thin, dagger-like teeth, “Yes, it’s me, your ancient runes Professor. So, what are you waiting for?” The Basilisk suddenly approached the young witch in the front row, scaring her so much that she dropped her quill.

“Campbell, tell me, what did I just say?”

“Teach…, professor, you just talked about the rune EOH, for yew tree, symbolizing death and regeneration, which can also mean continuity and sustainment.” The young witch named Campbell Jean King stood up and stammered.

“Good point, Ravenclaw plus ten points.” The Basilisk spat.

Campbell sat down with a long sigh of relief and patted herself on the chest.

“So, why don’t you guys write it down?”

The rest of the young wizards began to scribble away.

For the rest of the lesson, the young wizards gradually accepted this somewhat bizarre “snake professor,” who wandered up and down the aisles on both sides, occasionally coming up to the inattentive young wizards and saying loudly with a pair of yellow eyes, “Don’t look at me, read the book! ”josei

And Professor Hap, sitting in the corner, had a smiling expression on his face from the beginning to the end, and he appeared to be in a very happy mood.

Near the end of the class, Felix stood up, waved his wand, and turned their snake professor back into a black mist amidst the relucent expressions of the young wizards.

“Today’s assignment, which is to review the contents of this particular manuscript, consists of a single parchment and must use knowledge learned in the third or fourth year.”

As soon as the bell rang, the hallway resounded with the sound of footsteps and noise – the young wizards were already eager to rush out and head straight for the yard. In the fifth-year Ancient Runes classroom, the young wizards gathered their things in a trance and walked slowly out of the classroom.

“Hey! Campbell, come on, let’s go together and see the Basilisk!” Her friend called her, saying gleefully, “I’ve been looking forward to this during my last Transfiguration class.”

Campbell said with a blank face, “You go ahead.”

“What about you?”

“I’ve suddenly lost interest in Basilisk,” Campbell said.

The young wizards who walked out of the Ancient Runes classroom with her nodded in agreement; not only had they spent a period with Basilisk, but they had also been lectured about Ancient Runes by it.

In the yard, there were already many little wizards gathered around, and they were huddled together under shadows.

In the middle of the little wizards, is a full forty feet long huge Basilisk, its body is as thick as the trunk of an oak tree, a scale as big as a palm, looks very rough, glowing in cold green colour.


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