Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 540

Chapter 540: Broken Philosopher’s Stone

Chapter 540: Broken Philosopher’s Stone

What exactly happened?!

Evan looked carefully at the pages in front of him, and apart from the words “Silence” at the top, the following pages were full of ancient magic texts and intricate magic symbols that he did not know, flashing a light blue light, but occupying only a third of the pages.

Obviously, The Book of Abraham did not record the magic completely.

Evan was confused about the situation at hand, and his mind was full of doubts. His research on this book was only superficial.

The only certainty was that The Book of Abraham must be related to evil spirits and ancient warlocks.

On the front page of the third part, besides for the empty God portrait that has already appeared, the other places were still covered by thick black ink.

The latter part only recorded one-third of the “Silence” magic, and the rest were all blank.

Evan looked it over again and still had no clue.

He sighed and put the book down, and then he felt that the ruins were different from what he had just seen.

The powerful magic that pervaded the air had completely disappeared, and this place had become an empty ancient architectural site.

After being recorded in The Book of Abraham, the powerful magic left by ancient magicians finally lost its effect.

The marble surfaces baptized by the ruthless years were full of cracks. Without the protection of magic, they had become the most common stones. They had been weathered for a long time, and seemed to be about to collapse at any moment.

A lot of gravel and dust kept falling, and Evan could even hear the sound of rumbling from areas he didn’t know.

It was no longer safe here. He had to leave quickly; otherwise, he was in danger of being buried alive.

However, Evan was not willing to leave. His purpose of this trip had not yet been reached, but it had only added more questions.

Losing the protection of magic power, this relic was about to become ruins.

When that happens, all the secrets here and the magic on the walls would be completely annihilated.

“Damn!” Evan forced himself to calm down.

He still remembered that at the last moment, he heard a slight click sound from the stone platform.

Would it be related to the sudden failure of half of the powerful magic operation that had lasted for thousands of years?

His eyes shifted to the stone platform, and he moved away the remaining plants as fast as he could.

After a few tens of seconds, after all the cleaning up, Evan saw the stone platform as it really was.

The center of the stone platform was slightly sunken, showing an irregular circular groove, which was used to place the statue of the evil god.

With this as the center, the dark golden magic lines interweaved with each other and formed two ancient magic inscriptions of silence under the stone platform.

Above, there was a smaller irregular groove with a black stone stuck in it. It seemed to be a magic stone!!!

Evan blinked and looked at the stone incredulously.

Yeah absolutely, that was definitely a Philosopher’s Stone, a Philosopher’s Stone that had lost its power.

Now, the Stone was covered with cracks, and there was no magic in it. It was no different from ordinary stones.

Here was the core of the entire relic, and this Philosopher’s Stone was the source of the powerful magic holding the Evil God in.

Evan remembered Nicolas Flamel telling him that the Philosopher’s Stones were powerful magic stones made by ancient warlocks with alchemy. They were created to supply enough magic to those who were powerful.josei

He knew that the magic used to summon evil gods would use the Philosopher’s Stone.

He didn’t expect that the magic in this ruined relic would be of that level.

So it seemed that the crackling must have been caused by the breaking of the Philosopher’s Stone, which had exhausted all its magic.

When Evan’s hand just touched its surface, the broken Philosopher’s Stone turned into countless powder crystals and disappeared.

Looking at the empty groove, he suddenly thought that he could put his own Philosopher’s Stone into it.

Obviously, due to lack of power, The Book of Abraham had not finished recording this ancient magic.

He had just to replace it with a new Philosopher’s Stone and give it some strength.

But Evan was hesitant. He didn’t know what would happen if he put the Philosopher’s Stone into it.

Whether it is “The Book of Abraham” or the magic in the ruins, it was all beyond his understanding. He did not even know what that magic called “silence” was. Less than a tenth of the remaining magic power is enough to suppress all his magic. If restored to full…

No one can guarantee how powerful the magic left by the ancient magicians was in its complete state. The warning of Caresius was still ringing in his ears.

“Don’t tamper with forces that you don’t know at all, or you’ll get into trouble beyond what you can imagine!

However, looking at the magic inscriptions on the third of the page, Evan hesitated again.

Intuition told him that he could not just walk away; otherwise he would miss this magic and the chance to learn the secret of the evil gods forever.

With under a minute passing, the falling gravel was getting bigger and bigger, and the horrible cracking sound in his ear was getting louder and louder.

Evan shook his fist hard. He knew that he had no choice but to take his chances.

He made up his mind to quickly take out the Philosopher’s from the Locket and place it in the groove above the stone platform.

Although the shape of the Philosopher’s Stone was very different, it exactly matched the groove on the stone platform.

Evan held his breath, gazed nervously at the Philosopher’s Stone in his hand, and gently put it into the groove.

Click, the Philosopher’s Stone and the groove collided together.

Evan looked at the stone expectantly, but nothing happened. Was it a failure?!

The next second, before he did anything, the ancient ruins hall was obviously shaken.

In the shaking, a huge pillar collapsed and deep fissures began to appear on the ground.

Evan gasped, his heart thumping to his throat.

He couldn’t wait any longer, he had to go quickly, but he hadn’t yet taken the Philosopher’s Stone out of the groove.

Suddenly he felt a powerful magic bursting out in front of him, and the magic poured out madly from the Philosopher’s Stone in the groove.

It moved along the complex magic runes around it to both sides of the corridor walls, spreading rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, all the marble floors in the hall became bright, and the magic engraved on the walls was again misting.

These blue hazes were much brighter than before. With the support of powerful magic, magic symbols and ancient magic texts broke away from the walls and flew into mid-air, spinning slowly around Evan’s location.

The ancient magic of a thousand years ago was re-activated, and the most powerful magic filled the whole space.

Evan felt the power that existed from ancient times was comparable to that of the evil gods when they came.

The collapse of the entire hall suddenly stopped, everything became quiet, and Evan found himself floating upwards.

Gravity seemed to lose its effect and his body was floating up rapidly.

In front of him The Book of Abraham also floated up with him. The blue magic whirlpool rolled and gathered in it, and the complex ancient texts on it were quickly recorded. In a few seconds, it was half full, and this still continued.

Not far away was the stone platform, on which the Philosopher’s Stone was shining red.

In addition, the lush vegetation in the garden was all floating, even the dust and dirt particles on the ground.

The entire relic hall seemed to have changed into a scene, not the one Evan had seen before, but it had become more profound and mysterious.

All the surrounding walls disappeared, and the darkness stretched out into the infinite.

Then, Evan realized that he was not floating…


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