Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 551

Chapter 551: A Secluded Grove

Chapter 551: A Secluded Grove

As the next day was Saturday, most students would normally get up very late. 

But Evan got up early. Last night, he had promised Gabrielle to show her around Hogwarts campus. 

Hogwarts was exceptionally quiet in the early morning, and Evan followed the empty corridor to the castle gate. 

The sky was a little dim, the sun had not come out yet, and there was no wind outside. 

From a distance, Durmstrang’s ship was floating slightly in the lake, shrouded by a layer of mist. 

Last night, because of the dark, it could not be seen clearly; now it looked even more monstrous! 

It was like ghost ships were usually depicted in stories, with unpleasant black and dark green decorations on it. It reflected blackley in the water, like a skeleton. 

Although it appeared horrible, Evan would like to visit it if he could. 

The ship was covered with a lot of magic, including black magic. Many of the designs and magic reactions were unfamiliar to Evan. He wanted to study and research, but Durmstrang would definitely not invite him over. 

Evan took his eyes back and walked across the lawn by the lake to Hagrid’s Hut. 

The gigantic powder-blue carriage Beauxbatons had been parked two hundred yards from Hagrid’s front door. The elephantine flying horses that had pulled the carriage were now grazing in a makeshift paddock alongside it. 

Not far away, near the pumpkin patch behind Hagrid’s Hut, there were terrible explosions and crashing sounds from time to time. 

It was the restless Blast-Ended skrewts that were now rampaging and trying to escape from Hagrid. 

Now, each skrewt was nearly three feet long and they even started killing each other. 

Hagrid had to place them into sturdier wooden boxes, but this had a very little effect. 

Evan circumvented Hagrid’s Hut at a distance. As soon as he got to the carriage, he saw Gabrielle.

She was crouching in the hallway like a kitten, looking like she had been waiting for Evan for a long time. She was wearing dark blue wizard’s robes, and her waist-long, solid hair seemed to shine in the morning sun. 

With a charming smile on her face, her eyelashes twitched and she looked at Evan fervently. This made her look very cute, giving Evan a warm fuzzy feeling.

“Keep your voice down, my sister is still sleeping inside!” Gabrielle said softly, gently pressing her finger on her lips. 

Behind her, Evan could see that the interior of the carriage was very luxurious, well in the style of Beauxbatons. 

Gold and red are the main tones. After passing the hall, it was a large living room. 

On the inside, there were small rooms, where the boys lived, and the girls all lived upstairs. 

Gabrielle stood up carefully, perhaps because she had been squatting for too long, shaking as she climbed out of the carriage. 

She was afraid to touch the glass door of the carriage, so that the wind chimes would make a sound and disturb the people inside, and she was about to fall… 

Evan hurried forward to hold her, and then they fell back heavily together. 

The soil on the ground was very soft, and it didn’t hurt to fall down, but Evan felt the girl’s tiny body softer. 

Now, Gabrielle was lying on him completely. Where on earth was this going?! 

They looked at each other and could feel each other’s breaths, and the girl’s face turned obviously rosy. 

She climbed up quickly from Evan and apologized to him repeatedly. She was extremely shy.

Evan didn’t know what to say to Gabriel either. It seemed that he was deliberately trying to take advantage of her fall. 

In this way, they both set off for the castle in a slightly nervous and strange atmosphere. 

Evan and Gabrielle visited Hogwarts Castle along the other side of the lake and the atmosphere soon returned to normal. 

Evan introduced the surrounding landscape to Gabrielle. They chatted very happily, and Gabrielle was full of interest in everything. She and Evan also agreed to go to Hogsmeade, a rare pure wizard village.

Then, the topic naturally shifted to the Triwizard Tournament and the champions. josei

Madame Maxime asked the students from Beauxbatons to go to the castle after breakfast and put their names into the Goblet of Fire. 

They were rigorously selected back at school, and even Nicolas participated in the evaluation, and finally a dozen of the best young wizards and witches were chosed. 

Of course, Fleur was the strongest of them, and no accident, she would definitely become the champion of Beauxbatons. Otherwise, Gabrielle would have not followed her to Hogwarts. 

She was not old enough. It was Fleur who had asked Madame Maxime to let her come with the delegation. 

Gabrielle, who had no burden at all, simply took this trip to Hogwarts as a tour. She could see Evan and see a lot of new things.

When he knew that Evan was not going to be a champion, Gabrielle had a slight disappointment on her face, but then she quickly comforted Evan. 

“My sister said that you are extremely strong, and your power has gone far beyond the level of young wizards. You don’t need to take part in the tournament to prove anything!” 

Evan was not allowed to participate in the tournament. Besides his age that did not meet the requirements, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang also named him out of the tournament. Fleur must have known this before she said so. 

“By the way, your sister seems not very satisfied with me. She didn’t talk to me much last night,” said Evan, remembering Fleur’s behavior last night.

“That was deliberately put out for everyone to see. You know, after last term’s events, the school students didn’t like you that much. Many people wanted to fight with you or something!” Gabrielle said hastily, “But girls actually think highly of you. They were still talking about you last night …”

Her voice was getting smaller and smaller, and her face was a little reddish. 

Obviously, she was embarrassed to tell Evan that he was the subject of the girls’ private conversation.

Seeing Gabrielle’s cute look, Evan suddenly wanted to tease her. 

“You’re in contact with me now, are you not afraid of what other people in the school would say?” 

“I’m not afraid. I don’t care about what they would say!” said Gabrielle, raising her head to look at Evan. The girl’s serious, bright blue eyes were enough to shake one’s heart. 

Evan held his breath and looked at Gabrielle, and there was a blank inside his head. 

They looked so closely at each other for a moment before they recovered. 

Gabriel quickly lowered her head, her face blushed to the root of her neck, as red as a ripe apple. 

Looking at her, Evan didn’t know what to say, and the tense atmosphere was eerie.

In order to ease the embarrassment, he hurriedly raised his head and looked around. 

It turned out that they had unconsciously walked around the castle for a long time. Now they were in the secluded grove on the side of the castle. And there were only them…


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